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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2018 in all areas

  1. To be honest, I am surprised they didn't offer a third option: - keep the length of this league as it is - go a couple of days without league, and start the next one on the thursday after this one ends. This gives them some time to see if the changes work as intended on the test server as well.
    8 points
  2. congratulations! you have single-handed won the battle of Mordor!
    5 points
  3. De toutes façons, il a parlé de ses kobans mais ça m'a tout l'air d'être un tout avec les bugs, les promesses en l'air et la communication trop floue. Ca m'a tout l'air d'être la goutte d'eau qui a fait déborder le vase donc même si ça ne semble rien pour certains, bah tout accumulé ça pousse vers la sortie. Perso, je ne participe quasi plus aux events à cause de HH_1error que l'équipe ne semble toujours pas avoir corrigé. A mon sens, il y a une période avant où HH était un jeu sympa et sans prise de tête que j'avais réellement envie de soutenir financièrement (ce que je n'ai heureusement pas fait vu la direction que ça a pris) juste parce que j'aimais l'histoire et les dessins. Puis il y a une période après où HH est devenu est un jeu buggé avec des règles qui changent constamment, des events à ne plus savoir qu'en faire et où on est bien content de pouvoir souffler quand ils sont finis, des options qui poussent littéralement à utiliser la carte bleue non pas parce que c'est pratique mais parce qu'au moins on est sûr de profiter de ce qui est normalement gratuit sans se prendre des bugs et enfin une histoire qui n'avance pas vu qu'ils sont trop occupés à coder des ligues PvP (dont on ne pourra pas pleinement profiter vu que le jeu est toujours buggé) et des events qui sont déjà super nombreux.
    5 points
  4. Facile comme remarque : "il se plaint pour que d'alle". Je pense plutôt qu'il y a un ras-le-bol chez les joueurs parmi les plus anciens. Perso plus une fille de lootée sur les évents de moins de 14 jours depuis 4 mois. Et là où avant février dernier il me fallait 2 à 3 jours maxi pour looter les 2 filles d'évents, il me faut aujourd'hui quasi 10-12 jours. De plus je joue sur nutaku depuis 18 mois et il y a eu un time out de 4 à 5 secondes pendant environ une semaine, soldé juste avant cet évent de m..... ajoutes-y des quêtes qui s'enchaînent à un rythme incroyablement long ... Ça fait beaucoup trop. Et je suis sur la même voie que notre ami, à me demander si ça vaut la peine de jouer à une jeu frustrant, sans en retirer le moindre plaisir. Ce n'est absolument pas ce que je cherche dans un jeu en ligne. Je veux bien qu'il y ait un facteur chance, mais avoir un écart du genre, certains ont les filles en 3 clics dès le début de l'évent et d'autre en y dépensant une fortune n'ont gagné qu'un découvert à la banque, c'est clairement du foutage de gueulle !!
    3 points
  5. I would also love to see the +5 Xp/Affinity to each girl per win added to this PvP system. +5 is not a lot compared to the several thousand needed to rank up a girl, and adding it to these fights will mean that people will use a variety of girls, and not just the strongest three from each catagory.
    3 points
  6. Oh i never noticed this meter in the market lol, well based on this revelation my 100th girl was Vissihar one of those random permanent pachinko girls, i guess i got her back in May or June i think.
    2 points
  7. I knew it! A unicorn told me and I didn't believe him... 😐
    2 points
  8. 2 accounts, zero girls. Worst event ever for me.
    2 points
  9. I am surprised that they did not end the current league round on the test server to test it out when they posted the survey but people did ask for more than 5 challenge points when it was tested and people also asked for a longer refill time so that people did not need to log on every 5 hours. They could still test it out on Monday on the test server but that is totally up to them but if they do test it out I want them to actually listen to the feedback this time instead just doing what they were going to do in the first place because no point in having the test server if they do not want to listen to player feedback on it.
    2 points
  10. D'autres diront 100% faux cul quand 1% de ce qui est remonté (et je suis sympa) a une incidence sur les majs pendant que les joueurs (qui sont déjà ailleurs depuis) pondaient un pavé constructif avant de partir (pour aboutir sur quoi finalement ?). Et ça remonte à un an pour certains départs et ça va continuer (peu importe que ce soit en parlant ou sans un mot). Après on peut aussi faire un forum pour faire joli et parler que du positif sur le jeu,il y a aussi des trucs à dire et j'ai rien contre l'idée mais faut pas vendre ça comme un jeu communautaire,les critiques n'engagent que ceux qui les portent (c'est pas parole d'évangile). Le mal français c'est aussi de s'auto-flageller et tout prendre au pied de la lettre à la moindre remarque,on a tous eu ça dans nos démarches,on est parfois face à un mur (et plus on se dépatouille pour rester correct et s'expliquer,plus on s'enlise).Le pire,c'est que ce sont souvent ceux qui critiquent le plus qui le font parce qu'ils souhaitent des progrès même s'ils se doutent bien que presque tout ce qu'ils proposeront va passer à la trappe (et qu'ils passent pour des aigris,ça c'est cadeau). Pour ce qui est du jeu en version anglaise et son forum,j'ai vu qu'ils reprochaient aux développeurs français d'accorder trop d'importance à la communauté française,comme quoi rien n'est jamais à sens unique (j'ai pas souvenir d'une communauté française qui boude parce qu'un jeu anglais chouchoute un peu plus les anglais,moi je comprends ça en tout cas).Quand on voit les retours qu'on a ici et même l'écoute,je ne suis même pas certain qu'ils chouchoutaient beaucoup plus les Français,non ? L'anglais ne critique pas autant,il préfère lire son tabloïd qui critiquera tout à sa place,consommer puis jeter aussi vite ce qu'il a aimé,chacun ses travers,c'est pas beaucoup plus constructif. Et que dire de l'Italien,lui il débite beaucoup de mots (plus que moi) sans qu'on voit le début d'une action (^^).On peut trouver des clichés comme ça partout,ça ne veut pas dire que c'est tout le temps vrai,encore moins quand on se réfugie derrière tout ça pour cacher nos propres défauts (car j'oubliais,le mal français c'est aussi de critiquer dans le dos pour se protéger,le tout avec une baguette sous le bras,son béret sur la tête tout en écoutant du Yvette Horner).
    2 points
  11. Trust me, they'd be a lot creeper with faces because I can't draw them well at all. But, yeah, this art style is definitely not for everyone, but I make them for myself so I don't really care.
    2 points
  12. Greetings, everyone! As you’ve read the news ingame we are making some improvements to the Leagues. We would like to hear from you if you have any ideas, feedback and advice and regarding the upcoming balance changes. A quick reminder of the improvements we are doing so far. The number of players in Brackets. 1. The minimum number of players is changed from 100 to 120 Challenges and Recharges: 2. The recharge time is changed from 60 minutes to 30 minutes per 1 challenge (Dev. commentary: This will save time and will make the game better) 3. Amount of charges is up from 5 to 10 4. The price per minute for the recharge changes from 0.36 to 0.48 (0.06 to 0.08 in Nutaku Kobans) Change in Rewards: 5. Experience gained per battle is lowered by 50% (Dev. commentary: This is a reflection from point 2 of the changes, lowering the minutes by half) Kobans and Money rewards stay the same. Seasons: 6. League Season changes from 2 weeks to 1 week, for rewards to occur more frequently. 7. League season start day will be changed from Monday to Thursday; Season Changes Option 1: If we shorten Season 1 it will end on Wednesday 27 September and Season 2 will start on Thursday 28 Sept and will last for 7 days as any other season. - Challenge and Recharge rules better go into effect earlier (Wednesday) Season Change Option 2: The other option is not to shorten Season 1. This way we may implement the following scheme - Season 1 ends on Sunday (29 Sept.) Season 2 Starts on Monday 30 Sept, and ends on Wednesday 10 Oct. (which makes it 10 days) Season 3 starts on Thursday (11 October) and is set for 7 days - In this case, all changes are applied simultaneously with the start of the Second Season. Please feel free to share your opinion!
    1 point
  13. I got two girls at this milestone: Fanny and Fione
    1 point
  14. Or count back you lazy pig. 😜 But seriously. Because 100th is a milestone. Your last girl always changes. That's why. My 100th girl dropped only yesterday. Her name is Shao. I'm married to an Asian woman. I guess this makes sense. 😅
    1 point
  15. Well, yes. Saving. But why? I just spend it as it comes. Why wait? 😋 And I guess you're right. Maybe its personal. He's from Indonesia. Maybe he just wanta to beat the Dutch guy. I don't know.
    1 point
  16. Worst event for me so far. I wasn't able to get a single girl, and the fact that one of them was in Finalmencia really sucks, especially when you have been fighting her for over a month and hasn't dropped any girl. Sometimes I forget this is a game, because sometimes stops being fun and become really annoying.
    1 point
  17. I hate these events. Never able to get one girl. It sucks
    1 point
  18. just go to the book/giftshop and look at the number displayed below the girl.
    1 point
  19. 100th ?? why not your last girl ?? I don't really remember my 100th because i passed that milestone ages ago but my two last girls were Katharina and Octavia four days ago.
    1 point
  20. Tiebreakers are in the patchnotes. First place will go to the one reaching the score first. If both players reach it at exactly the same time (pretty impossible), then the lowest level will win.
    1 point
  21. Bonne idée d’évent, mais très court, trop court: 6 filles manquantes>quatre jours à taper sur Finalmecia > toujours 6 filles manquantes... Je me demande si ce n'est pas Finalmecia qui coince, elle ne m'a jamais rien donné cette s...
    1 point
  22. Let me give you some food for thought as my last contribution to this thread. Some calculations and specualtions based on my experience with the even 5000kobans are roughly equal to 23 refills. Which makes a total of 460 fights(Yep those are only the paid ones!) Let's add 192 more fights(those are the ones you get for free during the 4 days period if you are super efficient and time your sleeping according to the event timer). That makes a total of 652 fights on a single girl! Let's change that into percentages 1 out of 100 fights is roughly a 1% drop rate. Of course this won't be true in a single roll! So then let's do all those rolls 6 times- which should make the girl drop at least 3 times(its 6 statistically , but the sample is so small, so let's half the result to account for the randomness). So 100X6=600 fights in total should drop the girl 3 times(with the halved success rate). Now let's compare those results with the 600 fights i did: 652:100=6,52 6/2 =3 times in which the girl should have dropped if she had 1%drop rate. Well yeah, but this is if the girl had dropped, so if the girl doesn't drops in all those fights, the drop rate is 3 times lower than the sample 1% drop rate, which FUCK ME makes it a 0,33% OR LOWER drop chance! If that's true then 3 out of 100 players had a girl drop, well looking at the results in the discussion above there are a lot more people with a success than far surpassed my calculations, which is good for them, but what about the people who have spended a lot more kobans than me? 0,33%x100battles=3 average drops out of them. 3%x33=99,9 average drops from a 3300 battles So to get a guaranteed drop you should make a total of more than 3300 battles with a 0,33% drop rate. Let's turn this into kobans, 3300:20=165 full refills; 165x215(the price for a full combativity refill) =35475kobans in total to get the girl for sure! And since i am going in this direction might turn them into real money: 15600kobans=100euro; 15600x2=31200kobans for 200euro; 4275kobans short, 4275-2760kobans for 20more euro=1515 kobans short-1320 kobans for 10 euro,=195kobans short, you can get 360more for 3euro, which brings the total summ of a girl to: 100+100+20+10+3= 223euro! But for justice's sake let's say you've got 1 month worth of kobans saved by missions 150per day for 30days =4500kobans, This brings the sum to a total of only 200 euro! And you can save up even more if you buy the monthly card, Which makes the price even more reasonable... So in short people like us complaining for 5 or 12k kobans lost are unreasonable!To the people who got 1 girl, Great job you got your money's worth! To the people who got more than 2 girls, You guys are awesome you are with at least 200 euro richer! And to the people like me, YOU SUCK- you should have spend more to reach the 200 euro quota! So in short if you want to get a girl, pay up and don't complain or save up a whole year to be sure you get her, without paying! Don't be fooled to think that buying amonthly card or 600, or 1320kobans more will increase your chance to get a girl! If you are lucky, you will get her without it, if you are not those meager attempts won't be quite enough! It's not worth to buy kobans(in any way,be it a monthly card or a by cash) to spend on events as you need to throw 200euro per girl.Save up and spin the Pachinko! I think my money and nerves are worth more than a few pixels! I hope i made you think about the game system as a whole even if it's a little!
    1 point
  23. I'll let you know in... 18 more girls.
    1 point
  24. @natstar That does sound nice, but who knows if you will make it to this rank, let alone for the next seasons for it to matter. The whole thing looks to be a mess and on top of it, they want to already change things before the first one is done. I think it will be best for all of us if they were to take some time and figure things out before releasing more things to piss people off.
    1 point
  25. I have to say that I'm confused too about what you wrote: at the beginning you say that option two should not exist, but then you seem to advocate in favour of it.
    1 point
  26. man if i were to describe this september epic days and event before it would be the same "all kobans spent 0 girls joined harem" RNGesus sure hates my gut, don't know if it's because my harem has over 100 (110) girls or that i hit lvl 280 but recently fun factor of doing dailys doing events getting new girls to level up and advancing story is missing the "getting new girls" part .
    1 point
  27. Tanned Marina is my 100th girl
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Four days of free tries and eight thousand, four hundred Kobans on refills, all focused on Katharina. Damn event finishes wand I get nothing for my efforts. Now come and tell me that there is no hidden market strategy designed to push people into spending real money
    1 point
  30. Damn, like a magic I manage to get Sailor with my last stamina. 1 stamina left, 0 koban with 10 minutes left & she just decided to give me a happy ending. I thought about giving up, but this have been a pretty good lesson to tell me to never give up. To be honest, if I ever thought about going back to sleep instead of waiting for 22 more minutes for the last stamina to be available, I would never get her at first place. The 22 minutes of wait was totally worth it.
    1 point
  31. A trois quarts d'heure de la fin de l'event, Katharina vient de tomber
    1 point
  32. I'm proud of myself, I've started a topic that has over 100 posts to it.
    1 point
  33. Faut savoir se fixer des limites aussi. Quand tu atteins l'équivalent d'un PE x10, faut arrêter les frais. Il a eu les 3 légendaires pour pas cher et ça râle pour une épique ... Le retour de bâton comme on dit.
    1 point
  34. Je confirme aussi. Mais moi, je ne l'ai pas lu sur le forum. Je l'ai vécu sur le serveur test. Il y a du Dicktateur. (réussi a atteindre le Sexpert II, du coup le Dicktateur apparaissait sur la dernière poule à droite sur la fenêtre des ligues)
    1 point
  35. Je confirme Fly Si je le retrouve je le poste Question 10
    1 point
  36. The developers should consider the possibility that by changing the rules in mid stream they will annoy players who might show their displeasure by not playing anymore
    1 point
  37. I'm guessing the faster promotion/demotion schedule is what would help the lower level players. After the current league most of the level 200+ players will be off to Wanker 2. The league after, probably the level 250+ players move onto Wanker 3, with the level 150+ players entering Wanker 2. This will be about 3 weeks from now rather than 5 weeks. People will transition more quickly into the league appropriate for their level. That said, they really should have taken steps to reduce the massive imbalance in levels in the first league before it was introduced, i.e. the 50,000 highest level people go right into Wanker 2.
    1 point
  38. … and he did this the very first day ...
    1 point
  39. 21,6Kb en une heure et 14,4 Kb en une demi-heure : les Kb à la minute sont juste en français Les Xp divisés par deux et le nombre de combats multipliés par deux : pas de changement C'est pas utile de râler avant de réfléchir un peu, non?
    1 point
  40. I was thinking the 2 weeks was too long from the start. With being able to play throughout the day, I would have been able to have roughly 240 bouts during the 2 week period. Given the number of people with much higher Egos, this would have left me taking bouts where I would have been the loser (giving me 1 point instead of 3) making the league more about how long you have been playing the game and less about how often you play the game. My expectation is that playing the game often is what the developers are after so the reduction to a week for time and increase in opponents to 120 are both very good moves. There is definitely no need to keep the first league at the 2 weeks, option 1 is definitely the best option.
    1 point
  41. Bunny and my OC Pigeon This is actually the very first piece of fanart I started working on because I just really wanted to draw Pigeon with one of the were-rabbits--ended up opting for Bunny simply because they both have pink hair--but I stopped working on it because I was doing it in a different style and I just didn't like it. And then I switched to the vectors and ended up coming back to this later, changed what I had started working on, and then finally finished it. And this might be the one and only time I draw more than one person at a time. XD
    1 point
  42. Tower of Fame The first leagues will begin on monday the 17th of September The leagues will now be available from the Tower of Fame The leagues will be available for players from level 20 and beyond Whenever a player is getting his level 20, he will be placed automatically in the Wanker I, the lowest league Each players of a league will be divided between brackets from 100 to 199 players in which they will compete for a full season A season will last for 14 days, during that time, you will be able to fight only the adversary inside your bracket, with a maximum of 3 challenges per opponent. At the end of each season, you will receive a reward depending on your ranking in the league To determine your position within the season you will gather points by challenging other player Every combat will award experience, the amount depending on the level of the opponent. A victory will award 3 league points while a lose will award 1 point. In case of ties in the number of points, the player that was the first one to arrive at that total of points will be on top and if a tie persists, the highest level will the winner of the tie To challenge a player, you will need to go in the league tab in the tower of fame and use challenge points that are purely used for the leagues The recharge rate of challenge point is 1 per 60 minutes and you can stock up to 5 challenge points You can recharge your challenge points using kobans with the current of 0.36 kobans per minutes ratio. For a maximum price of 108 kobans At the end of a season, players will be rewarded for their position in the league as the following : Wanker 1 : For the 1st of the league : 120 kobans, between 520.000 to 700.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic book From the 2nd to the 4th : 48 kobans, up to 280.000 ymen (based on your level) and epic or rare book (randomly chosen) From the 5th to the 15th : 24 kobans, up to 140.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or rare book (randomly chosen) From the 16th to the 75th : 6 kobans, up to 49.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic, rare or common book (randomly chosen) From the 76th and beyond : up to 7.000 ymen (based on your level) and a rare book (randomly chosen) Wanker 2 : For the 1st of the league : 240 kobans, up to 1.400.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic booster From the 2nd to the 4th : 96 kobans, up to 560.000 ymen (based on your level) and epic or rare booster (randomly chosen) From the 5th to the 15th : 48 kobans, up to 280.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or rare booster (randomly chosen) From the 16th to the 75th : 12 kobans, up to 98.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic, rare or common booster (randomly chosen) From the 76th and beyond : up to 14.000 ymen (based on your level) and a rare or common booster (randomly chosen) Wanker 3 : For the 1st of the league : 480 kobans, up to 2.800.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or legendary equipment (randomly chosen) From the 2nd to the 4th : 192 kobans, up to 1.120.000 ymen (based on your level) and epic or rare equipment (randomly chosen) From the 5th to the 15th : 96 kobans, up to 560.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or rare equipment (randomly chosen) From the 16th to the 75th : 24 kobans, up to 196.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic, rare or common equipment (randomly chosen) From the 76th and beyond : 28.000 ymen (based on your level) and a rare or common equipment (randomly chosen) Sexpert 1 : For the 1st of the league : 960 kobans, up to 5.600.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or legendary gift (randomly chosen) From the 2nd to the 4th : 384 kobans, up to 2.240.000 ymen (based on your level) and epic or rare gift (randomly chosen) From the 5th to the 15th : 192 kobans, up to 1.120.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic or rare gift (randomly chosen) From the 16th to the 75th : 48 kobans, up to 392.000 ymen (based on your level) and an epic, rare or common gift (randomly chosen) From the 76th and beyond : up to 56.000 ymen (based on your level) and a rare or common gift (randomly chosen) Sexpert 2 : For the 1st of the league : 1920 kobans, up to 11.200.000 ymen (based on your level) and 20 Combativity From the 2nd to the 4th : 768 kobans, up to 4.480.000 ymen (based on your level) and 8 Combativity From the 5th to the 15th : 384 kobans, up to 2.240.000 ymen (based on your level) and 4 Combativity From the 16th to the 75th : 96 kobans, up to 784.000 ymen (based on your level) and 2 Combativity From the 76th and beyond : up to 112.000 ymen (based on your level) and 1 Combativity At the end of the season, the top 15 players of each cluster are promoted to a superior league, if there is enough players to create at least one cluster in the league At the end of the season, the bottom 15 players of each cluster are demoted to an inferior league, with the exception of the people inside wanker 1 Players with 0 points are automatically demoted, regardless of their position Activities To balance the gain of experience provided by the leagues, you will now be rewarded half the quantity of experience for each daily mission Harem Optimisation of the harem behavior for smartphones that should avoid freezes while loading the harem
    1 point
  43. Hello, everyone! I'd like to present to you our September calendar, it includes all the events that we're going to do. Work Fantasies event From the 3rd up to the 17th of September (5AM GMT+2 to 5AM GMT+2) Classic event, five girls are present in the game: 3 girls in Pachinko, 2 girls captured by the villains and 1 girl will be in daily missions. Epic Days From the 19th up to the 23rd of September (5AM GMT+2 to 5AM GMT+2) A new event begins in the Haremverse! With 2 new girls - Octavia et Katharina - captured by the villains. Back to School Revival From the 24th September up to the 1st of October (5AM GMT+2 to 5AM GMT+2) Revival event, five girls are present in the game: 3 in Pachinko, 2 captured by the villains, 1 set of items will be available in daily missions. Enjoy! DragonFire
    1 point
  44. Shehera (My tablet decided to screw up on me in the middle of this one, so it's a little...rough looking.)
    1 point
  45. Kimie (I kind of hate this one. The pose made things difficult for me, so I got real lazy. Her hair and the arm/sleeve in the front are about the only things that turned out decent. )
    1 point
  46. 1 point
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