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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 101 forum communication, excerpt: Don't use caps, don't change font size and color; Don't use too many question and exc!!!!amation marks; Don't be overly assertive (-;
    5 points
  2. Hey all, I want to suggest that people read a thread, or at least the posts in the thread made by Kinkoid employees. K, thanks.
    5 points
  3. @Fly Que dirais tu d'ajouter les banderoles suivantes ? _ Vous êtes restés trop longtemps connecté , il est l'heure d'aller faire pipi / caca . _Madame en a assez de vous regarder vous exciter comme un con devant des haremettes imaginaires , elle au moins elle est réelle et a des besoins réels. on pourrait en trouver d'autres encore 😁
    4 points
  4. C'est tout simple, ce qu'il devrait faire c'est que si un "chef" est abonné absent depuis 30 jours automatiquement le lead switch sur le joueur qui a le plus investit dans le club. (Si lui aussi absent au second, ...) Après 60 jours d'inactivité donner la possibilité au leader temporaire et/ou un autre membre de racheter la création du club cad 600 kokos. De là il y a un nouveau chef légitime. (Si on est chef il y a des devoirs et des comptes à rendre, en peut pas être chef à vie et au-delà)
    4 points
  5. J'espère que le pop up va rester et qu'il y en aura d'autres. Exemple : Quand je clique sur arène, un pop up apparaît pour dire que je suis rentré dans l'arène ! (Même chose pour l'harem, missions, marché, ...) Autre ex : Quand on clique sur une mission, un pop up apparaît pour dire qu'on a pas fini toutes les missions. Autre ex : Quand on dépense des Ymens un pop up pour dire qu'on a utilisé des... YMENS.
    4 points
  6. Some luck plus 4 orbs equals one girl. 😜
    3 points
  7. I'm not going to go into full detail here but there are instances where I do switch out Any for Val, but I never use any other Alpha. Any have less excitement than the other 5-star KH girls, meaning that it's easier to fill her excitement bar and trigger an orgasm. When using 6 multi-stat pieces of equipment, I use 2 different booster setups: With the boosters 2 cordy and 2 ginseng (legendary) I can trigger my orgasm on my 3rd and 6th hit with Any, while it is my 4th and 7th hit with Val. With the boosters 4 ginseng, I trigger my orgasm on my 4th and 7th hit with Any, while it is my 4th and 8th with Val. The extra damage from the orgasm can settle fights 1 hit earlier, which is in absolute most cases worth it. Also important to note is that the beta and omega girls only affect your stats with their stat that is of your class (KH in this case), so there is no point what so ever in not having Any as your Beta girl if you do happen to not want her as your Alpha (cuz she has the highest KH stat out of all girls).
    3 points
  8. C'est si beau ce que tu écris, chef. 😀 Par contre, tu as oublié d'écrire que le nouveau chef désigné devrait être averti par une banderole, ainsi que tous les membres du club. Vu que c'est le délire du moment des développeurs. 😂 Après, blague à part, tu veux leur rajouter du travail. Donc, ce n'est pas trop envisageable, même si ça reste une bonne idée. 😉
    3 points
  9. on pourrait. Mais là, on dévie du sujet... (de toute façon, tout à été dit, cette notification est une horreur d'implémentation, aucun joueur ne s'en est félicité. L'idéal serait donc de la retirer, et de nous faire oublier qu'elle a jamais existé...)
    3 points
  10. During the PoA 2 Boobies Wars event I could finish another Tier 2 girl Gruntt, Ornella, 452 battles, 42 drops, 102 shards. @Antimon About your question about permanent girls in the different tiers, For Tier 1, the first trolls have an estimated 10%, and the last ones a 5-6%, for Tier 2 and 3 I was expecting a 10%, so about 400 and 500 battles respectively, but until now my numbers (and it seems yours too) in Tier 2 and 3 are higher than that, although still compatible with RNG variations on shard range and drop rate. I have a small suspicion that in the last villains the drop rate could be smaller but I need more data to verify that.
    3 points
  11. True I only said what works for me. I end the majority many of my fights in 6 hits with 6 multistat items and 2 cordy+2 ginseng legendary boosters thanks to the 2nd orgasm (with Any as my alpha). If I were to use Valentina in those cases I would end it with my 7th hit, and I'm sure that several of them would leave me with 1 point less than it would with Any unless I'm "lucky" and get an extra harmony proc/crit. I can tell you however from my experience that going for the luck "setup" is generally not worth it (in my case that is). Edit: It's actually more the opponents over level ~390 where the majority needs 6 hits from that setup to be defeated by me (excluding the ones without club bonuses, nonlegendary alpha girl, and so on and so on). The ones at lower levels I definitely experiment more with when fighting them.
    2 points
  12. I'm pretty sure jelom is in the position of being able to win all available league battles even if he doesn't crit at all. In that scenario it really does come down to a simple "how many times do I hit Reassurance across the whole week" accounting. I suppose that depends on one's own strength position. My orgasm turns are the same with those booster/girl setups, but for me it's most definitely not worth it to hit the orgasm early in the majority of cases, because the additional turn by the opponent (turn 6 or 7, usually not an orgasm hit for them) often doesn't cost me any relevant ego, while making the battle last an extra turn on my side means one more opportunity to crit. I suspect I have a lot more opponents that take me all the way to the second orgasm in general, though, since you're stronger and your battles will typically end faster than mine.
    2 points
  13. This week: 7 Mythic 1x orbs: Girl - 0/7 (0%) Books - 2/7 (~28,6%) Boosters - 1/7 (~14,3%) Avatars - 4/7 (~57,1%) Overall: Girl - 1/108 (~0,9%) Books - 22/108 (~20,4%) Boosters - 25/108 (~23,2%) Avatars - 60/108 (~55,5%)
    2 points
  14. @fred35 Nous allons mettre nos idées de banderoles ensemble et leur envoyer un ticket. (Avec de la chance la vitesse du jeux sera divisée par 4)
    2 points
  15. Non ils sont flous, mais je peux te dire qu'il y a une dif de près de 2000 points
    2 points
  16. Hello tous, Je vous propose de lister ici les joueurs buggés que vous rencontrez ces temps-ci, avec un screen de leur profil perso et celui sous lequel ils apparaissent buggés en PVP. (ce, d'autant plus que les joueurs buggés n'ont aucun moyen de savoir qu'ils le sont par eux-mêmes) Je compilerai ces comptes et les fournirai à Kinkoid qui aura peut-être moyen de trouver un point commun à tous ces gens, puisque pour le moment, le problème est assez sournois pour résister à une recherche simple dans la base de données. Qu'en pensez-vous ?
    2 points
  17. Perhaps in a single battle you cannot see a difference of having better harmony, but in a whole league, it can add some valuable points. Example: in a league you have 300 battles, each lasting about 6-7 rounds. so you have 1800-2100 opportunities to trigger a crit. Every additional 1% in harmony can give you ~20 more points. 5% more harmony is 100 points worth (not counting that you also decrease your opponents chance to crit). About you not using Any as your alpha girl, it is an error, the alpha girl should be always the one with the best stats in your class, just check your stats with and without her as alpha.
    2 points
  18. Oof, apparently Ninja Spy is playing the "overly attached girlfriend" role against me, this time: in 140 fights I got 5 drops for Hedonia and 1 for Gina&Lulu. I know that I still have plenty of time and 140 fights are a way too small sample to be significative, but well, it still hurts 😂
    2 points
  19. D2 with 103 players. Highest level is 418. And lowest level is 260. P.S. Sorry I was busy last week and totally forgot to send details of my league >_<
    2 points
  20. They still exist! This, plus 48 bouquets in the test account. Using a free orb for EP, I added Hedonia to this account. This is proof that it doesn't pay to use the four free EvP orbs won in the PoA event until they are most useful.
    2 points
  21. Like a lot here I think quite a few girls have been butchered, to say the least--quite sad that this is actually my expectation for each event now, which makes me try and only obtain one girl, usually. But I'm also surprised to see that we not only seem to be getting girls that look nothing like their original versions, but within an event with new girls we can already find differences between them -- the last pose of Hedonia and Shade, respectively, makes that clear. Wouldn't it make sense for these to be handled by the same artist? Edit: preferably Shade's artist, but that's just my preference
    2 points
  22. Devil wearing Prada is the hottest 😍😈 You should give some credit to maximizing your chances to win instead of the opposite 🙄
    1 point
  23. Salut Baspu, bienvenue dans le club ^^ Dick The Magnificent : We are a club with a majority of French people, we can speak in English but most of the time we speak in French, if you wish to join us anyway you can make the request.
    1 point
  24. C'est une hypothèse intéressante Roccos, mais elle ne concerne pas tous les joueurs qui étaient équipés de l'un ou l'autre booster au moment de la mise en place du correctif, sinon on aurait des centaines de joueurs buggés... Alors, une idée de pourquoi certains, et pas tous ? PS : oui, Zak, t'as raison. Disons que je pense qu'on peut trouver plus de comptes buggés que les quelques-uns qui sont (re)sortis sur ce fil de discussion... En faisant bien attention, il y a apparemment nettement plus de comptes concernés que ce qu'il semblerait a première vue (et évidemment, ça se voit beaucoup plus chez les très hauts niveaux)
    1 point
  25. Ça devait être ça 😅 c'est de la folie quand même , c'est redevenu normal 😏
    1 point
  26. Posting just to say I don't like the notifications like a bunch of people here. Figured more posts from different people would make them get rid of the notifications sooner than later.
    1 point
  27. J'aimerai bien avoir Estelle et Mégane aussi, à récupérer avec Pandora.
    1 point
  28. Vu que personne ne t'a donné l'info officielle et que tu ne lis apparemment pas les mises à jour, tout est ici :
    1 point
  29. Je rejoints l'avis général, je vois pas le problème, a la rigueur on peut augmenter de 20 points gagner par palier, histoire de dire que le boss est plus "fort" que le palier précédent,
    1 point
  30. An issue here is that the "real" shift of the harmony effects from the domination scheme is not as large as displayed by the percentages, since the opponent can only crit once.
    1 point
  31. This event started bad with the first girl needing almost 300 battles, but then Shade decided not to wait more and joined my harem early with a lucky x100 My eighth girl dropped with x100: Evelin, Sara Jay, Ombresse, Ria, Arianne, Dickachoo, Athena and now Shade After this time and 33000 battles we can estimate the x100 drop has a inferred probability between 0,01% and 0,05% Now the only thing left is adding the old girl shadow drop animation.
    1 point
  32. remove that notification asap PLEASE!
    1 point
  33. Stop these notifications, they permanently freeze the window when hitting enter to collect reward from fight.
    1 point
  34. Je n'ai pas compris le délire des devs avec les avatars. Ils croient que c'est une chose dont on raffole ? "Oh merde ! J'ai choppé une fille au Pachinko Mythique… je voulais un avatar *sniff*."
    1 point
  35. Personnellement j'aime beaucoup lire les mission d’événement J'ai souvent fermer les yeux sur les texte couper même si je trouve ça agaçant Mai faire une vignette qui ne correspond pas au texte 🤦‍♀️ c'est impardonnable Sur Gay Harem il ne font aucune de ces faute : le texte est modifier de façon à tenir en entier tout en gardent sont sens les vignette sous souvent mieux travailler et corresponde toujours aux texte Chez HH on nous montre clairement un manque de professionnalisme En fessant des erreurs aussi grosse c'est comme si ils nous balancer à voie haute " On s'en bat les couilles "
    1 point
  36. En tout cas je préfère me réfère au wiki 😁 en plus en cas de besoin Kozuku est tellement plus réactif 😅
    1 point
  37. This is a really bad idea. It delays game play and is truly a distraction. It would be great if it was removed. Thank you!
    1 point
  38. @Lola Kinkoid, Do you really want to us leave a comment? I said this because no many times the devs hear us. Well, in a polite way, the best I can say about the new banner is that is useless, I don't need to know how much I just added to the contest, I need to know my place in the contest, worst if that pop-up delays the game reaction. Besides, why the dev team always decide changes without even ask to the players?, I mean, both of us are a community, and counting the latest changes, the devs aren't playing the game, is mistake after mistake, changes that affect many players around the world, don't you think it will be better asking us first before changing something than later have to fix your "novelties"? The change of hour in the daily reset, the more agressive Path of Attraction and now this useless pop-up that nobody ask for it, why the players can't vote about that changes, please, democracy to improve the game.
    1 point
  39. i think its not bad, i think you have to change 2 thing! as first, give us the option to disable this feature (so as you can do it with the spend koban information) The 2nd thing you need to do is a bug fix. Cus if i do a fight in the tower of fame does i get instantly the information now how much points i get from the exp. So does i know if i win or loose the fight bevor the fight animation ends!!! I like the fight animation but its boring to watch the fight animation if i know instantly if i win or not...
    1 point
  40. I didn't enjoy that event. The amount of tickets and other stuff was ridiculous. And selling items seems counterproductive when you can use items instead of selling. And maybe I missed with the topic, while posting about it. So, I will just repeat it here for visibility and I hope it will be ok with you. I disliked this event. This game has a normal, relaxed pace, but during this 7-day event I wasn't able to relax at all. I had to constantly keep up with timers to do the tasks on time. And I had to constantly waste resources to finish the tasks. That's a very taxing pace for a 7-days event. And I'm not happy that I had to stock up tickets and items in my inventory without using them for the specific purpose of just finishing these tasks. 120 tickets wasted on spamming battles non-stop against every champion instead of fighting only the one I want. Because I had to stock up those tickets for nearly two weeks I also lost around 42 tickets from 3 free tickets per day, which equals to 5k kobans. I had to waste quite a lot of ymens on something that I don't need. I had to sit and farm wins in arena to get the wins in PvP. And I did it for much longer than simple 16 wins. And guess what did I get for those wins? Yes, nothing - no experience, no items, no ymens, because all of those extra rewards were removed from arena before this "Path of Attraction" events started. Isn't that great?! The only good thing about this event was girls. I don't know why you continue to name different girls with the same name Lola, but hey, all other 3 girls were drawn extremely well and that was good. But that rouses the question: Why don't you use that good quality art for all of your new girls? And overall I think the whole format of this event is wrong for this game. This task driven format is present in a lot of other different games and it makes sense there, but I don't think it fits in this game. At least not the way you did it. So, I have a suggestion for the format of this event. You have 5 bars of tasks and each of them crossed with a 2-4 big Tier rewards. 5 tasks are 1)Sell items; 2)Defeat players in PvP; 3) Defeat Villains; 4) Spend Money; 5) Do Champion performances(no matter win/lose). Each of those tasks are bars, that track your progress and all of them has marks with a certain number to achieve in order to get Tier reward. The moment all 5 tasks reach the mark of a Tier - the Tier reward is unlocked. In this way you can still continue your progress on the other tasks, while waiting on the one you got stuck. And Tier rewards should contain the rewards for all tasks. And if you want to keep part of the rewards locked behind the koban wall - you can do one of these:1) make last tiers be unlocked only through kobans; 2) make part of the reward from each tier be unlockable through kobans; 3) with each Tier one reward becomes locked with Girls locked on Tiers 2 and 4 for example. Well, let's put a picture for a general idea. This is a general idea and for paywall variant number 1. But my personal favourite is variant number 3, which would look like this: I really hope that the amount of effort I put into this shows how much I disliked this event and why.
    1 point
  41. Well, first I like the theme Personally, Leedit is quite wicked 😈😍 Then there's Hedonia and (Justine's) Shade The three last are/seem... well, "off" (as well as Kelina). I guess the theme is meant for them not to be themselves but, wow.... Nuladva should be killing it on this one, not be killed 😅 I'm not sure what to make of Nika 🤨
    1 point
  42. When I read the title at first I thought they were corrupted by Shokushu and will need "healing" 😁
    1 point
  43. Usually I don't like complaining about girls design. But it's on another level when they triggered my trypophobia with this Nika. Good job dear artist.
    1 point
  44. Maybe is too early to judge but i think this event is not for me, becouse hypnotized/mind breaked girls are not in my dreams and also on a first sight i only like 3 girls (the junko parody shade among all, hedonia and dark Leeditt) out of 8. i think this might be the first theme from... let's see... ever that doesn't fit my tastes (and yes i've been in the game for a long time).
    1 point
  45. Well. Some of the girls have definitely been corrupted. Some others look really nice though.
    1 point
  46. Corrupted Girls Dark Lord (Corrupted Kelina): Day 1: 139 hits Shards: 62 (3x2, 2x2, 1x3, 1x4, 3x5, 1x6, 3x8) Other: 2x Orb (1x Endurance gear, 1x Super Sexy gear) Day 2: 47 hits, 186 total Shards: 33 (1x3, 2x4, 1x6, 2x8), 95 total Other: 1x Orb (1x Bracelet) Day 3: 3 hits, 189 total Shards: 6 (1x6), 101 total Ninja Spy (Hedonia): Day 3 (cont): 39 hits Shards: 40 (1x4, 2x6, 3x8) Other: 1x Orb (1x Bracelet) Day 4: 51 hits, 90 total Shards: 55 (2x3, 2x5, 4x6, 1x7, 1x8), 95 total Day 5: 23 hits, 113 total Shards: 9 (1x3, 1x6), 104 total Gruntt (Shade): Day 5 (cont): 28 hits Shards: 7 (1x7) Other: 1x Orb (1x Super Sexy gear) Day 6: 54 hits, 82 total Shards: 33 (2x3, 1x5, 1x6, 2x8), 40 total Other: 1x Orb (1x Bracelet) Also: Pretty sure i didn't do any of the missions beyond the Event related one, and i just collected kobans for 'completing all daily missions'? Umm... Thanks for the kobans, i guess? Day 7: 40 hits, 122 total Shards: 26 (1x2, 1x5, 2x6, 1x7), 66 total Other: 1x Orb (1x Lingerie) Day 8: 50 hits, 172 total Shards: 33 (1x4, 1x5, 3x8), 99 total Other: 1x Orb (1x Super Sexy gear) Also: Got the 'All missions completed' bonus kobans again. It seems to be related to logging on an hour before the reset happens, maybe DST didn't get coded in correctly? Day 9: 4 hits, 176 total Shards: 3 (1x3), 102 total Mythic: 2x Encyclopedia, 2x Chlorella, 1x Ginseng Event Pachinko (2 spins from previous event): 1x Flowers, 1x Bracelet, 3x Chocolate, 3x Super Sexy gear Outside of Event: 2x Orb (1x Super Sexy gear, 1x Chocolate) Best 20: 6 drops / 34 shards (3x4, 1x6, 2x8) and 5 drops / 28 shards (1x3, 1x5, 2x6, 1x8)
    1 point
  47. Salutations, Nous vous présentons le calendrier du mois de juin, incluant les événements de ce mois-ci : Évènement Filles corrompues Du 1er au 13 juin (de 13h00 GMT+2 à 13h00 GMT+2) Évènement classique avec 8 nouvelles filles présentes en jeu. Retrouvez 7 filles au sein du Pachinko Épique, 3 d'entre elles seront à récupérer auprès des Trolls et 1 sera gagnable en remplissant les Missions Journalières. Journées d'Orgies Du 1er au 13 juin (de 13h00 GMT+2 à 13h00 GMT+2) Évènement avec 20 filles présentes en jeu. Retrouvez 19 filles au sein du Pachinko, 7 d'entre elles seront à récupérer auprès des Trolls et 1 sera gagnable en remplissant les Missions Journalières. Journées Épiques Du 20 au 24 juin (de 13h00 GMT+2 à 13h00 GMT+2) Évènement avec 6 filles présentes en jeu, dont 2 nouvelles. Toutes ces filles seront à récupérer auprès des Trolls. Compét' Légendaires Du 25 au 29 juin (de 13h00 GMT+2 à 13h00 GMT+2) Venez découvrir le tout nouveau type d'événement : les Compét' Légendaires ! La récompense ? Une sublime Fille Légendaire à ne surtout pas rater !
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Ça peut être pas mal quand tu es dans un club qui est pourri où le chef est au abonné absent où con ( heureusement que l'on à pas se problème 😁) Je crois que si vous envoyer un ticket au support il peuvent faire quelque chose. Courage et patience les gars
    1 point
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