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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2021 in all areas

  1. elle, c'est dommage qu'elle soit pas rousse j'en ai pas beaucoup trouvé, je sais pas comment tu les as trouvé mais elles sont vraiment très jolies.
    3 points
  2. I'd say you exactly want to discourage 1 member to put in that much. So I'd say you should be able to increase the minimum amount of the shard range, which should increase when more members have participated, and should decrease when one member is an anti-social twat. Of course it can't be more than the max amount, so you have to take that into account as well. So, I'll define 4 numbers. a = your max amount of shards - 2 (currently 3 is the lowest maximum amount of shards, in which case a = 1). So this number increases the more damage you've done. b = the amount of club members who participated. c = floor(100% / the percentage of the member who did the most damage). d = floor(average of b and c). So d increases if more members participate in the fight, but decreases if one member does too much damage. Now what I'd like to see is the minimum amount of shards you can get to be: minimum(a, d). This means that if you do not participate a whole lot, you minimum is determined by a, and it will be your max range - 2. This means that it's immediately rewarding to do a bit more damage, because you can get your minimum to 2, or maybe even 3. This also means that for the heavy hitters, the lower bound is determined by d, which decreases the more damage you do as heavy hitter, but increases again if you give others the chance to also get a hit in. Now for example, if 1 member does 100% of the damage, b and c are both 1, so d is 1, and therefore the minimum of the range is 1 --> antisocial twat is punished for being antisocial. Now if we have 40 members participating and they all have between 1% and 10% damage done, then c = 10, b = 40, which means the average is 25. For the people at the top end, this means they get a minimum of 25 shards, and at some point the max amount is below 27, and then the minimum range slowly decreases. Now with respect to the rewards for those who already have the girl: This definitely has to change. No idea how you can do this in a fair way though. It shouldn't be farmable, but it shouldn't be as bad as it is now.
    3 points
  3. I was going to say the same. The girls in the story are usually limited to the event girls, so having Windia in multiple story parts and not an event girl is bizarre. She seemed to be important.
    3 points
  4. There´s obviously a variety of reason to why that´s the case but probably the biggest is that it´s just not worth it for people to go for them every time if there´re no EpP orbs in return.. over 20 000 kobans to guarentee 1 girls is just not worth it .. and those EaSy To ObTaIn 1 star girls don´t change anything about it Giving the players EpP orbs back, at least for MD, would make things a lot better imo
    3 points
  5. I believe that everything would be resolved if the boss loses a certain amount of impression instead a full reset. I mean why i feel bad if i have a range of 1-60 and i drop only 1 shard ? Probably because i had to use 500 kobans to do a big amount of impression to end it (and help my "weak" club members to get something) before the total reset. Also why feels bad to win only 1 affection item ? Simply because a flower is not worth the 500 kobans usage before it resets. The total reset part is wrong and unnecessary imo, simply because who can afford it can beat the boss 100 times in a month with kobans. Who can't, could fight a boss for a month and beat him 2 times with a "soft reset" of his impression. If i have to fight him for let's say a week before he dies and i get 2 shard, well yes is not good but what have i lost ? Some ticket that can be found and my kobans are not "wasted", honestly i would be happy for that. (and i said that because guess what i'm the usual lucky boy: 640 kobans - 150, maybe more, tickets - range of 1/60 - 2 shards at the end of the boss XD)
    2 points
  6. En fait c'est très facile a régler 1 - Il faut que la fille soit disponible jusqu’à ce que tout le monde l'ai eu, tu peux pas passer a la suivante avant... 2 - Une fois que tu as eu la fille le nombre de dégâts/ticket que tu mets n'influe plus sur les fragments reçus ça veut dire que les autres gagnent plus de fragments si tu tapes et que tu l'as déjà (en gros tu ne fais plus partie du total). Problème réglé, ça devient vraiment collaboratif.
    2 points
  7. Alors quand on parle de tenue, ma préférée est celle du chaperon rouge, et de loin ! Mais ce n'est pas le cas de tous ! Ça serai impossible alors on change de tenue ! Mmm ! J'ai envie d'un Carrot-Cake Maintenant ! 🍰😋
    2 points
  8. after only 12 orbs: currently a pachinko contest on nutaku, so I rolled on day1 and wouldnt have been too sad about more orb usage, but no complaining.
    2 points
  9. Finally ended to upgrade the affection of all the girls I obtained from my last round in Pachinko and during in the last February events (nearly 40 girls, including also Sandra and Valicta... pant, pant...). Although in time this has lost importance, the last upgrades brought me to another small milestone:
    2 points
  10. And i would like a version of the girls with their "dress" in the last world too, but i have faith and i'll wait . Also I LOVE THE STORY!!! If the writer/s and the artist/s will ever read my comment: Good job and really really thank you to make us happy with love and humor (specially these days were most of hentais that are coming out are not very happy, lots of ntr and sad stories kill my passion)
    2 points
  11. On l'a pas vraiment fait mais on en a mise un peu de partout donc je l'ai pas proposé, le thème des guerrières sans hésiter
    1 point
  12. J'ai essayé de trouver les plus réaliste ou trompe l'oeil mais j'en aussi trouver d'autres sympa en chemin :
    1 point
  13. nue sous le tablier non sérieusement les chaperon rouge
    1 point
  14. Oui c'est vraiment dommage, elle est mignonne <3 (j'en ai vu plein qui était mignonne mais pas rousse aussi) Merci !^^ mais les tiennes sont vraiment pas mal non plus (et la steampunk est une bonne surprise). C'est pas si simple d'en trouver à lunette car les Brunes à lunette sont le plus souvent désigné comme super mignonne, et ne l'ont pas volé 🥰 ! Dans mes recherches j'utilise toujours les termes en anglais : "Redhead" "Anime", pour les lunettes tu ajoutes juste "Glasses", pour avoir du explicite tu ajoutes "Sexy" "cute" ou "Naked" mais j'utilise pas souvent dans la dernière. Sinon niveau sites j'utilise beaucoup Pinterest en général et plus rarement Luscious.net pour le explicite.... Sinon c'est juste de la recherche et de la patience, quand j'ai du temps libre je vais vous chercher les plus belles filles rousses du Web 🦊
    1 point
  15. free spin + 70 MPx1 orbs and the only available girl dropped.
    1 point
  16. @Shorty-er, my definition on club strength was to show that just being in a club doesn't mean the club is ready to take on the visiting champion. My club, and yours from the sound of it, is ready (at least up to a two position match challenge). The trouble you describe is more complicated but can be fixed with (a) active club membership participation in a club activity (b) A floating floor on the shard range (c) a pachinko style award payout based on individual effort vs membership participation. Unfortunately, the only one of these we can control is the first of the three. It is up to KK to fix or add the other two or some variation of them to complete the feature.
    1 point
  17. So what you say is that your club leader doesn't enforce a rule of helping the others out, even if the reward is lackluster? Got it. I would kick players not helping the rest that aren't good enough to do it themselves. This is a club effort thing, so there is no place for antisocial behaviour like " screw the rest, I'll try to get her as fast as possible and then do nothing."
    1 point
  18. On est en train de voir ça ensemble
    1 point
  19. Since now we can get 50 refresh for battling, it's best we allow players to get that size of a bar instead of 20. I should not be getting a "refill meter" warning for wanting to spend kobans for more battles that can't meet the expectations of the bar.
    1 point
  20. it is a down turn in participation. You might find last time leftovers by scrolling through the threads: HC girl: https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/16280-07-dec-20-mythic-days-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=212627 or https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/16280-07-dec-20-mythic-days-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=212686 CH girl: https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/16567-04-jan-21-mythic-days-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=215260 KH girl: https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/16992-04-feb-21-mythic-days-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=219119
    1 point
  21. What the devs need to do to encourage more participation from heavy hitters is better rewards. As someone who gets the girl early on, the prospect of wasting tickets to get one purple level affection item is a waste of tickets and kobans.
    1 point
  22. non, ici ce n'est as un cassage du 4eme mur; elle parle de ceux qu'elles ont recrutés par le passé (notre personnage étant celui du présent)
    1 point
  23. But you´re a "high" lv player obviously those don´t mather for your kind but for the people that are below let´s say lv 430 or so they certaintly mather a lot (myself included).. idk what amount of orbs you have but probably quite some I´d guess
    1 point
  24. oh non moi aussi je l'aime trop, elle est assez simple et pourtant elle est super🤩
    1 point
  25. After you rewrite the game, post a link and we'll come join it. I suspect your problem is you are playing poorly. I don't spend any cash on the game and it is working fine for me. If your Club does not work as a TEAM to help all club members get shards, it is disfunctional. Find a new club instead of complaining about the game being "poorly written." The adventures are set up so you almost always get the first tier girls by the time you finish all the adventure tasks, assuming you spend your combativity there. Yes, the farther along in the adventure you go, the slower the shard drops, but the experience also drops so you spend more time in the city. If you don't waste your kobans on things like skipping opponents in Seasons or doing 10X fighting villians instead of clicking 10 times on single battles, Higher tier girls maybe you need to wait until you are fighting for event girls to pick them up at the same time. If you're not rich, don't even bother with the Mythic Girls. Put your kobans to better use on your "other" problems which you believe need to be rewritten.
    1 point
  26. Ha ben heu oui, vu que (je crois) j'en ai pas posté de la semaine
    1 point
  27. Fappable. Great-looking. Wonderfully drawn. But from the personal view I don't see her as "must have". And she isn't know-how. And I don't have enough kobans. Time to relax without regrets.
    1 point
  28. Non mais arrête tu me fais encore plus peur là parce que ça c'est dans des années
    1 point
  29. 😱oh non je me sens encore plus nul
    1 point
  30. C'est vrai je la préfère aussi
    1 point
  31. (elle j'ai du mal à voir si elle est rousse ou chatain)
    1 point
  32. Heu... derien @Catshot42mais pour quoi ?
    1 point
  33. @Aygün : la fonction "Rechercher" ça existe : Je me suis fait c***r à détailler la procédure en espérant que ça ne soit pas pour rien...
    1 point
  34. Alors je me lance sur le thème de l'école (je tiens à préciser que ça veut PAS dire que je l’apprécie)
    1 point
  35. Elles "t'intriguent", c'est à dire ?
    1 point
  36. (elle j'hésite sur la couleur de ses cheveux parce que sa queue est marron, mais je l'ai mise au cas ou)
    1 point
  37. Je suis preneur de celui avec Fanny et Fione, elles me rappellent de bons souvenirs les deux jumelles ^^
    1 point
  38. Sinon, on poste des photos mais on même pas dis lesquelles on préférer donc Quelle fille de toutes celles qu'on a posté est votre préférée ?
    1 point
  39. wow on a ici de super filles🤩 je vais en trouvé d'autres
    1 point
  40. thebesthentai is another third-party site worth checking out (and a nice koban code too). Edit: Appreciate the support, guys, but please don't post to say thanks, it bumps the thread unnecessarily. Leaving a positive smiley on the post(s) you're thankful for is enough. 👍 Edit for dummies: The code is the first word in my post. The one in bold. If someone posts to ask "what code? I don't see it" again (as two people did) please do not answer them this time.
    1 point
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