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  1. I see you are working very hard to find the cause of "phantom girl" bug. I also wanted to help but for the last several days I wasn't able to trigger it. This is the squad I have right now on test server: Ankyo, Bianca and Bunny are the only girls with GS5. Even though Bunny is in top 14, phantom girl didn't appear. I removed Mika's GGs and give them Bunny to shuffle girls order but still nothing - opponent got 2nd girl with skill but that's only because Bianca became top 7. From the very beginning Bunny was in my combat team so it also isn't it - at least not exactly. Inspired by @EpicBacon mentioning having in combat team girl that is probably mirrored by phantom girl, I put Ankyo in my team and voila - 2nd and 3rd girl in opponent team swapped their positions. I thought that it's worth comparing the stats of the girls in opponent team. I treated Ankyo as 2nd girl in my top 7 and Hari as 3rd. I noticed that 2nd girl has much higher attack than she should. I came to conclusion that game gives bonus from her dominator role and does this 2 times. The final formula to get opponent's girl's attack is: opponent attack = ceil(ceil(ceil(player attack * 1.05) * 1.03) * 1.05) Ankyo was the only girl affected by this bug, other dominator girls like Murane had correct stats. After this battle I switched Ankyo with Murane in my combat team. Opponent's girls order was once again correct but the first one (the one that mirrors Murane's stats) had bigger attack than should. To sum up, imo phantom girl bug isn't caused by girl rarity or having skilled girl in top 14 but by using girl with dominator role in your combat team. EDIT: One more thing I just noticed - Murane's counterpart didn't have hers attack raised by 5% twice when Murane was in my team. So there is a chance opponent's Ankyo had double bonus because she also is dominator.
    2 points
  2. Rotation #1451 (11/09/2024 13:00 CEST) Super Naisha 🟢 (April) Glasses-chan 🟡 (May) Rika ⚪ (April)
    1 point
  3. Very interesting, It didn't occur to me to check the girls stats, but yeah, since the phantom girl is based on the girl, then obviously she would mirror her stats too. Your math looks solid, it appears to be working as you say. So the opponent girl is getting her 5% damage boost from the dominator role, this is correct, she just happens to be based on another girl who also gives a damage boost. Probably not intended, but technically not a bug I suppose. The introduction of the girl skill however are a problem, and if it is indeed based on Dominator alone, then it should be really easy to test it, just throw a couple of bulbs into some dominator girl skills, preferable of varying GS5 levels to easily be able to detect what girl phantoms whom, and if several "phantom girls" are able to be present at one time Thinking back on it, this should have been step #1 for me to test, but I was so sure that it somehow had to do with top14 girls, it didn't even occur to me that it could be based only on dominator and combat team. Obviously we need to do some more testing with this, but this seems like a huge step forward if this turns out to be true.
    1 point
  4. I'va had Submissive Murane in both position 3 and 6, opponent girl always took the 1 spot, this is consistent with my previous tests, where the phantom girl took the first available spot, in case where the 1st spot was occupied, it simply inserted itself in the first free spot.
    1 point
  5. Then tomorrow I have two girls that I'm going to get into the top 14 individually and have in the active team to see if it works for me. First Lovebot Norou, since she is already GS5-2 and Dominator. To see if really mystical girls are excluded from this. And secondly Hokage Tornada, so I should get the bug like EpicBacon with his Submissive Murane. I will try to keep my squad similar to EpicBacon. But there will be changes to the squad. Hopefully they won't affect the bug. [edit] Here is my line-up for the next run: @EpicBacon If you moving Submissive Murane to a different position has the position of "phantom" girl changed?
    1 point
  6. Hmm, yes you are right, So I just tried with Kyoko, she was at 12th, I bulbed her up, giving her 1 bulb in the active skill. This put her to 10th, she does not affect the enemy team at all. She does not have any roles tho. Therefore I also tried with Druada Titania, the only other girl close to the top positions with a role, Titania being Pleasurelock. I took her from 19th to 12th position with bulbs, again no effect on the enemy team. Weird, Its either tied directly to the girl in question, or it has something to do with roles. I don't have any other Dominator girls close to the same power as Submissive Murane, so I cannot confirm if Dominator is the culprit here. Edit: Since the "phantom" girl is based on a girl in the players combat team, it will be easy to figure out who its based on, If there are more then one candidate, one can simply removing one girl at a time, until the enemy team looses its "phantom" skill
    1 point
  7. I did too, I had too, for more than one floor. Take a look at my team in the last pictures. I didn't highlight them, but I had that girl in my team. I tried to get the bug by approximating your squad and active team.
    1 point
  8. I was just updating my post when you responded, I was able to replicate the bug, the girl that is being "phantomed" has to be in your combat team for it to happen. See my update on previous post for more information.
    1 point
  9. I tried to recreate your squad and I did quite well in the first ~30 girls (and it cost a lot of money). But first of all, I didn't manage to get the “phantom” girl to show up. Now here is my test: I started with my squad that looked like this. And after rebuilding I then had this squad. I will now explain the colors: Blue is active team. Orange: I swapped the girl in my active team for the one in the place 11. Yellow: I have given a mystical girl GS5 - 5. Red: I gave a mystic girl GS5 - 2 (I couldn't give her more). My recording then looked like this. owever, it is noticeable that after collecting coins or healing, this "phantom" girl does After I had about 30 girls at the beginning of my squad similar to EpicBacon I stopped. Because the change would have cost me more money than I have. I got to the end of the labyrinth with the last change. But as I mentioned, I didn't see any “phantom” girls. I agree with @EpicBacon statements, which are as follows: The bug needs a girl with GS5 to work, it does not "spawn" one from nothingness. The bug seems to only work with Common and Legend girls, no rare, epic or mythic "phantoms" have been seen. It probably have to do something with top14, where the increase in power from bulbs brings her from outside top14 into it. With the statement with the "dominator", maybe the bug does have something to do with it That's the only difference I can see to your Squad. So we should definitely keep an eye on it. Thanks again to EpicBacon or showing the first border here. I was not able to recreate this. If anyone has any ideas what else I should test in my next run before I start rebuilding it. Because I still have one day before my and EpicBacon Squad differ, after the first ~30 girls. Unfortunately I don't have a “dominator” near my Top14. Here are some more pictures, so that my statements are more comprehensible:
    1 point
  10. yup, I started working on Harriet when her World released, same with Gross.
    1 point
  11. Activities PoV only gives points for contests that ended AFTER the PoV started, so it is no use saving contests in the previous days.
    1 point
  12. I didnt do much testing last time, mainly just checking if the bug was present. I did reset all my legendary girls with GS5 skill before reset today, I also made a note of ALL my 280 girls. After testing several fights, no "phantom" girl was present. This is all my 280 girls as shown in the laby selection, 11 girls on each row. Numbers represent their level of GS5 skill, while - means girls that are unable to get GS5. There are numbers in red and green here, I'll get back to those in just a bit. With no bug present, I started to add bulbs a girl I was planning to use in the laby, one at a time. First up was Heavenly Lenaelle, Fluffer/Eccentric. she is marked in red. She went from 61st to 49th place. After two test figths, no "phantom" girls detected. Next up; Submissive Murane, Dominator/Healer. She is one of my frontline girls, she is marked in green. After bulbing up she went from 16th to 11th place. The next fight coming up; "phantom" girl appeared in the first opponent slot. Went back and resetted her skills, finished the fight to update girl roster and... "Phantom" girl nowhere to be seen. I'll also try to move Submissive Murane down in the laby power table, to see if/when she is not used to the enemy girl team. I'll double check with other legend girls when I do the rest of the labyrinth tomorrow. It'll help me figure out if its just Submissive Murane that causes the bug, or other girls. But for now we know that: The bug needs a girl with GS5 to work, it does not "spawn" one from nothingness. The bug seems to only work with Common and Legend girls, no rare, epic or mythic "phantoms" have been seen. It probably have to do something with top14, where the increase in power from bulbs brings her from outside top14 into it. I don't think it has to do with roles; Both Ankyo and Submissive Murane are "dominator" girls, but Previously Mythic Mala does not have one, and Mala was the one who was in my top14 last week. Edit 9th november: I decided to try to get my other frontline girl bulbed up, Violetta, Pleasurelock, eccentric. I took her from 53rd to 43rd, no change. I then brought her to 21st, 15th, and 10th with girl equipment, no change in enemy team. Only when I got her to 2nd did the enemy team acknowledge her, when I removed equipment and she fell out of top7, so did the corresponding enemy girl. I went back to Submissive Murane, bulbed her up to 1 bulb, put her in my team, and watched as in the next battle, opponent got 1 bulb. To make sure It was indeed Murane, I added a second bulb, and the enemy team recieved a 2nd bulb. I did the same thing with the 3rd bulb, shown in this pic. As you can see, the enemy girl has 3 bulbs, just as Murane has. I also switched her position from 3rd to 6th, enemy girl is still in 1st position. I also played around with girl equipment, managed to get her to 21st place, and she still gave the opponent GS5 skill. I then removed Submissive Murane from my combat team and the next battle, the opponent did not have any GS5 skill at all. This basically means that in order for the bug to be present, the girl that is "phantomed" has to be in your combat team, if she is not in the team, no bug. Moving her down the power ranking with girl equip did nothing, so It would seem it is based on her position when the girl is added at the start of labyrinth. I don't know what the threshold here is, Submissive Murane was 16th without bulbs, and 11th with bulbs. This would explain why Violetta was unable to give the enemy skills, as she was 53rd without bulbs and 43rd with bulbs.
    1 point
  13. Rotation #1450 (11/08/2024 13:00 CEST) Anniversary Lyka 🟠 (August) Maniac Justine ⚫ (June) Vivia 🔴 (EpP)
    1 point
  14. Ankyo resetted, and I still have the bug Enemy always gets a "phantom" girl with legend gs5. I use the normalized option, as predicted nothing changed. When looking at my girls, I found two legend girls with gs5 skill that I no longer use, resetted those. I actually only have 3 legend girls with gs5 now, the legend girls I use in my league team does not have the 5th skill trained. I'll reset my final 3 girls before I head to bed today, so when I start the next laby, I'll have no legend girls with gs5 at all. I doubt that will do anything, but does not hurt to try. Hmm, it seems it might be top14 then, as I have a legend girl in #11th. With the girl reset, I will be left with two mythic girls in the top14. I've never had a "phantom" girl with mythic GS5 so far.
    1 point
  15. This week I don't have this problem. No GS5 girls in top 15 (Louise at 16), skilled common girls are at 22 and 24. So nothing to post, sorry.
    1 point
  16. Done and chest claimed. Got Swordia from Villains and Pikeida from Champions. All other girls from Pachinko with Sentinele on a random play 1 Epic pachinko daily objective while I was at ~50 shards.
    0 points
  17. This is probably because you didn’t waste time on nonsense in your time trying to max out the level of trolls to the maximum . Plus, I haven't been constantly wasting combativity points on fights with them in the last few months. And so all that remains is to improve the level of Karole and Jackson's Crew a little.
    0 points
  18. Event done 1 girl from champions, 2 from villains, 2 from pachinko and 1 from missions I also got the mysterious Odette, spent around 50-60 EPx1 orbs to get all 3 girls
    0 points
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