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  1. Now that there are so many more Ymens and Girls being pumped into the game than before, would be great to increase the market size to 12 slots
  2. I'm just glad that all the talk of ppl cancelling their silver card in the french forum bought the flying money back. I missed those little flying moneys. Why wasn't it in the patch notes though?
  3. New features that give out freebies are always welcome but imo the koban value of mythic/gp orbs and champion tickets is approximately 0, so I find the idea of levelling it up rather pointless at this time. Hopefully at a later date the feature offers something more interesting.
  4. Some awesome luck for me today! Both from 1x orbs
  5. Event looks nice other than that one girl who looks like some sort of weird frog hybrid
  6. I noticed today that if you click the "free game" the button doesn't immediately reset and still says 1 free game afterwards. If you click it again, it plays mythic pachinko again. And then takes 150 kobans without any warning (yes I have warnings enabled). I did it once by accident on one of my accounts (thought I had an orb and a free game) and wasn't 100% sure so I tested it again on my main account and reproduced it there too. Edited to add some further info. Now I went back to Mythic Pachinko screen and I do have 1 orb on both those accounts which wasn't visible previously. It remains unused, despite paying kobans for a game. So its possible this bug only appears if you have an orb and a free game, needs further testing.
  7. I think a good QOL improvement would be to show your shard progress on a couple of extra screens when you hover the mouse over them. To stop having to go back and forth to the harem or event page and check. The two places where it would be most useful: Boss fight intro page. Mouseover the girl spinner on the rewards section already shows a popup of the girls on offer. Ideal place to also show your progress towards these girls. Mythic Pachinko page. Mouseover the bunny icon and the girls currently on offer appear. Seeing your shard progress here makes it easy to quickly see the value of playing 3 or 6 games. The circular images of the girls faces are already quite small so for the sake of simplicity the display could just be your total shards (rather than /100) inside the bottom of the circle. And if you have 0, it could just be hidden as no need to show it.
  8. Daily gift didn't show up for me ☹️ hopefully its just late
  9. There is a 4th way thats faster than both the first two. Use the full link for the boss fight eg www.hentaiheroes.com/battle.html?id_troll=1 and ctrl+r immediately after clicking perform, reloads the screen straight away. Rinse and repeat. As far as your data goes, surely its just RNG. Taking the time to code different probabilities depending on the sequence of buttons pressed just doesn't seem very likely.
  10. I think that the servers just aren't equipped for an event that encourages so much activity in such a short window of time. They already struggle with normal reset times. Staggering end times with the other contest helped a bit I'm sure but the lag near the end was still terrible.
  11. Ok my bad. I thought it was sufficiently cropped to not reveal any story details.
  12. Yep. The announcement definitely said the event ended on the hour, not 30 minutes early. Poor communication as usual.
  13. I guess I should really pay attention to the early end time. Figured it was same as normal. I was at work yesterday and then missed it today by 5 minutes 🙄
  14. Yep you can pay straight away and avoid it assuming you have the available ymens. I just did it to test the bug. And it only drops once, afterwards the rewards go back to normal. So just a waste of 1 combativity.
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