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  1. So Titania is second best currently, splendid. Thank you very much.
  2. As the title states, I would appreciate someone pairing up Titania's flat rewards buff against other girls such as Megumi or Sabrina or some of the other Gacha girls. I would do it myself but I lack about half of the required girls.
  3. ~7 rolls total (I think, I might have forgotten one or two uneventful ones). Svetlana on my first roll. Louise on my 6th roll. And now Notka on my 7th roll.
  4. You have taken too many blows to the head.
  5. Would you mind giving some stats for comparison? Say to Megumi and such.
  6. I am sorry, but that is just outright stupid. Why would you leave it for the end? Usually the corner pieces are hard to figure out, if you know where a piece belongs you should just as well immediately insert it to limit your possible solutions. Leaving pieces that you know where they go for later is the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot as you fool yourself out of the process of deduction. Mind you - I do not care which one you put in first before you call me out as "the big bad centerpiece-first gangster", as long as you know where it goes deal with it first so you have less headaches later.
  7. So, how is this event going to be? Another one that is impossible to solve without kobans?
  8. Why do you have to complete stage 15000 instead of 14000?
  9. I got to 2500 quickly but my speed tanked after 2700. I should be done tomorrow.
  10. Yeah, she seems a carbon copy of Hari but a click version instead.
  11. Not really. But if I comprehend your intent correctly, always prioritise pure click/idle multiplier perks then ymen multiplier perks. After those are the x per y click and so, followed by HC/KH/CH click/idle multipliers. Then everything else (-price, +mojo on reset etc.). HOWEVER, getting perks such as Angela's 3rd perk (+10% affecion per click) take precedence over all as they allow you to max girls faster.
  12. No, it does not go to normal. The time passes then it goes back to counting down from an hour without giving me any affection. And no, nothing else is higher.
  13. 25 parts, so 25 moves. We do not know for repeat events, thus far we have seen none return.
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