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  1. I had first decided to go (very) casual, but I'm no good at doing things half-assed. And the latest changes made it easier to walk away. Not even so much the changes themselves, although they are bad enough, but the fact that we really have nothing good left to expect from KK but more of this shit. Thanks to you (all of you) too. Panta Rhei, one door closes, another door opens, etc. It's the way things go. o/ Wait what?? Oh shoot.
  2. I already quit playing, but logged in just to burn the 14 orbs I had gathered again... still no girl . Repeating a girl after only 3 days, especially with others so much more rare seems... excessive? Insulting?
  3. Here's another positive: with many players quitting the game, it'll be easier for the remaining players to do well in league!
  4. Good update /s I just lost 1st place in league to a player who suddenly gained a bunch of levels above 500 mid-season. I don't blame them, I do blame KK. Literally EVERYTHING you do confirms my decision to never pay you any $ anymore. I was planning to at least play until my card runs out, and then go casual, but I can't be bothered with this shit anymore. And like @garadronpointed out just above, you've not just turned it into shit, you made it endless shit.
  5. It's a bit like watching a train or car wreck, isn't it? It's horrible, and yet you can't look away.
  6. So you're saying it'll stay like this for at least 2 years or more?
  7. It's only for people who are both very rich and very impatient.
  8. You don't really believe that anymore, do you? Ofc KK is going to raise girl's level cap. And to "awaken" them we'll not only need gems but koban too.
  9. I did! I used them all! Then I got a couple more from PoP, and use those too! All the while cursing KK and praying to RNGesus. Then I checked out the new hero rewards, desperate for something, anything, for mythic pachinko! In the end it was all to no avail. I got nothing. Well, books and gems and shit. But no girl. But as you said YOLO! It was very exciting!
  10. KK's release policy is insanity, someone should explain a test server is not a "this is the BS we'll drop on you tomorrow" server, and the half-baked features pushed to the live server are an insult to my professional ethics as a software developer, but I have to admit they keep things interesting. I will promote to DII tomorrow, as I was wondering in what bracket I could sustain my lvl 394 self. *That* will likely change drastically. 14 days left on my silver card. Just enough time to have some fun.
  11. What will happen with contests? Right now the last bracket is 400+, incl all players at 500. That is bad enough, but if there are no new brackets no one over 400 is going to ever win a contest again. Apart from the very top, ofc.
  12. And all of those, and other important things like adding mythical girls, leveling and giving affection to said girls, get boosters (so you can keep 4 up) and more, can be improved by throwing money at it. HH used to be "Pay to get to finish faster, play for free to get there slowly". After these changes it'll be plain old pay to win, with no finish in sight (apart from maybe the truly large wales?).
  13. Darnit! I have both Keiko and Hornita open. And only ten 3xgame orbs, and no 6xgame. Do I start with my only 129 1xgames and hope to get at least one? Do I wait and hope for a 'naked' L5 to come? Argh! I want to rejoice too!! Seriously: how long does this extra fast rotation last?
  14. speaking as one of the (vocal) small tits lovers: I think most/all criticism has been about the lack of smaller shaped girls (and other variation), and only secondary about the abundance of oversized assets recently. I don't think anyone has ever suggested there should be no oversized or large assets, at all. Personally I'm happy for all you motorboaters. But, as kk tends to ignore feedback (even when they ask for it) it has gotten a bit rowdy in the peanut gallery (pun intended). Doesn't mean it's not all still with loads of TiC.
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