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Everything posted by 45026831

  1. Do make sure you're on the latest version of the booster detector (v0.2.3) as well
  2. Do you really need it? It's far enough away from the normal claim buttons that you won't misclick it, and it likely will actually be useful on the final day of PoV/PoG Will sort out why it's not working on CxH (and check the other games while I'm at it) Edit: fixed in v1.32.1
  3. Nope, that's from the game itself. The "Claim All" label is missing the the game's own translations on prod, where it's present on the Test Server.
  4. Auto-select code is scoped such that it cannot be edited, and hiding things from the page does not cleanly hide things from auto-select.
  5. Sound like you lost harem data. Visit harem again to get it back
  6. The logic hasn't changed in over a year. If there's a timer, the timer is what is shown. The game already shows a chest icon on the Activities button on the home screen if there's something to collect. Ideally, you should be starting all your PoPs at the same time to run for 7 hours.
  7. Ran the sim against myself. E[X]: 15.81 P[W]: 65%
  8. Was something I planned to add, yes. Along with resonance markers on the equips themselves so you don't need to hover over them.
  9. When you say it gets the data in the background, are you doing the girl dictionary updates yourself? Or are you loading harem.html in a hidden iframe to have it run as normal?
  10. Note: only works on HH.com, where the chat and game are on the same domain.
  11. As a workaround, try resizing the browser window and see if that helps.
  12. Okay I'll correct myself: no clean* way. Removing it from the DOM only works because it checks the element for a 'not-selected' class. If that were to change to check the inverse, removing from the DOM would no longer work. Regardless, I think it looks nicer seeing your favourites marked on the screen and just not being able to use them.
  13. Turns out, I was wrong. For the first time ever, Kinkoid have correctly scoped inventory_items so it's not a global, meaning there's no way of preventing auto-select from selecting favourites as it's all managed internally. What I'll do instead is just annotate favourites and then observe the level-up button, keeping it disabled if a favourite is selected. Edit: done in v1.28.7
  14. Oh, I see what you mean now. Yep, I can do that. Don't even need to hide them from the list, just remove them from the inventory_items global and the auto-select code won't grab them.
  15. Auto-select is meant to not select mythic equips anyway, if you're finding it does, that's a bug to report.
  16. Everyone's preferences are going to be different, so finding an order that works for everyone is tricky. I will say though that I'm surprised you want more green/purple gems, they're some of the biggest stocks I have, personally.
  17. They don't read the additional feedback anyway, just use the numbers to work out the general feeling.
  18. Player class, team theme
  19. Sounds like it'd be a GH code rather than HH
  20. Problem is that doesn't have the replies shown, so the answers don't line up with the questions
  21. Oh god no. To do that, I'd need to have the energy requirement of every single page of every single scroll in the script data, for each game. None of that is provided by the game itself.
  22. There is no limit. However, the UI may occasionally glitch and stop loading more items. Refresh the market and try again when this happens.
  23. Make sure third party cookies are enabled. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid I can't help.
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