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  1. ik its been really long since this change happened but when i first saw the new bunny was i the only one who thought he looked like william seed? also i just miss the old bunny it looked much better in a way rather than the new art style theyve been going with since the sacred lands story. This is gonna turn into a rant if i start talking about the side quest art style cuz there is no life in any of the guys in the earlier side quests the new ones are better tho ngl
  2. With the addition of mythic guys and now golden anniversary I cant help but think that this game is more pay to win rather than a place where free to players can actually enjoy the game without having a chance of getting a mythic guy
  3. Sometimes the art for the guys is good but I feel like for the devs Gay Harem is like the last thing on their mind and they just do the bare minimum because if you look at the art style in HH it looks so good whereas in GH when they changed the art style they only changed bunny and from plains of rituals while the previous chapters still had the same art style only with a different bunny. I mean look at this
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