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  1. Hey, So, I've seen several players suggesting different drop rates for Shards on Champions, during Classic Event and during Orgy Days. In the recent patch notes, the number of shards went up (From 20 to 35), but as far as I know, we don't have actual proper data on the drop rates. Since most of the discussion is currently happening in the Patch Notes thread, and that's not the best place to collect data, I thought I'd open this thread to start getting proper feedback from players, about their drop rates. It would be nice if you could provide data: - Stage #: Drop (Note: please include the Stage Number. We know that Stage 1-4 may drop shards, whereas Stage 5 will never drop anything. I just want to make sure players don't report invalid data from Stage 5, which would artificially reduce the average number of shards). So far, for me, during the current Classic Event: - Stage 1: No shards - Stage 2: 35 shards - Stage 3: 35 shards - Stage 4: No shards - Stage 5: (No shards - obviously) - Stage 1: No shards 😭 On test server: - (Stage 5: No shards - obviously) - Stage 1: No shards - Stage 2: No shards - Stage 3: No shards - Stage 4: 35 shards These values should help determine if it's worth it to play the Champions during these events. For reference, here are some stats about global chances, assuming a pessimistic drop rate of 1/7 (14.3%), and an optimistic drop rate of 1/2 (50%), for players who'd defeat the first 4 stages of a Champion (Stage 1 to 4): With 1/7 Drop rate: - 105 Shards: 1% - 70 Shards: 9% - 35 Shards: 36% - 0 Shard: 54% With 1/2 Drop rate: - 105 Shards: 31.25% - 70 Shards: 37.50% - 35 Shards: 25.00% - 0 Shard: 6.25%
  2. Dear Challengers of the Unknown, The community needs you once again! The goal of this thread is to share our data on the new Dating Token items introduced with today's patch, and eventually compile it and reach a solid estimate for each parameter of note. I hope we'll get enough data in just 8 days and some change to at least reach a rough estimate by the end of this first cycle. Villain Fights We already know the drop range from villain fights. It's advertised as a fixed 5 tokens per drop and so far, that's what happened. (If anyone gets a different number of tokens in a single drop - by this I mean 1 single fight, no x10 compilation - please report it here and, if possible, make a screenshot). So, for villain fights, we just need the number of drops you get per number of fights you make. Epic and Event Pachinkos We have no idea what the drop range might be from Epic and Event Pachinkos, as there are no numbers shown in either, just the icon and the super vague "Dating Tokens may drop during this event" mention. Also, far fewer players spin EP let alone EvP frequently enough compared to villain fights we all do a lot of daily, especially during classic events (which includes MD). So, for EP and EvP, we actually need both the number of drops you get per number of spins you make, AND how many tokens you get per drop. For now, please feel free to just write down the smallest and biggest amount you get from single drops. As usual, ONE (DATA) POST PER PARTICIPANT (Please edit your post to update your results; don't make a new one). Here's a simple template to please copy-paste into your post with what (reliable) data you collect: ---------------------------------------------------- Villains-- 0 drops in 0 battles. (Drop range: 5-5) EPx1----- 0 drops in 0 EPx1 spins. Drop range: 0-0 EPx10--- 0 drops in X EPx10 spins. Drop range: 0-0 EvP------ 0 drops in X EvP spins. Drop range: 0-0 ---------------------------------------------------- Many thanks in advance to everyone and anyone willing to participate. We need all the (reliable) help we can get with this, especially given the short time we have to gather data, and how infrequent it is for many players to use EvP or EPx10. Please let me know if you have any question or suggestion to improve upon this project. As always, one or more Excel Wizards would be more than welcomed here. Cheers. UPDATE: End of Cycle 1 (2021/04) It seems that drops from EPx1 are also a fixed amount (10 tokens per EPx1 drop). We don't have data for EvP. So, our current estimation is: Villains-- ~=5% drop rate. 5 tokens per drop (no range). EPx1----- ~=5% drop rate. 10 tokens per drop (no range). To be continued next month. Thanks again to every participant, to Tom for the spreadsheet! UPDATE: Cycle 2 Begins (2021/05) I'll start counting separately, but it's also fine to just add to your existing data, as nothing indicates any change since last month. Thanks in advance to those contributing to this round.
  3. Well, you know the drill. I've been writing down my stats since the introduction of the controversial 1-star girl feature to the game. I'm sure many of you have been doing the same. On top of that, we have very little data yet, and the drop rate seems low. Let's share proper data and find out what's up. PROPER DATA: NOT "x shards in x fights" please, if you use x10 performances they can't count for the drop rate. We're looking to estimate the drop rate first and foremost, so we need to know "x shard drops in x fights". The drop range will figure itself out fast enough, just keep track of the smaller and larger amount of shards you obtained from a SINGLE FIGHT/SPIN. Thanks in advance. IMPORTANT: ONE POST PER PARTICIPANT (PLEASE EDIT IT TO UPDATE YOUR RESULTS, DON'T MAKE A NEW POST. THANKS. Edit: Clarified that it's not "if you use the x10 button you're out", but just "when you use the x10 button, those fights can't count for the drop rate data". Thanks @Slynia Edit: We have very little data yet, but so far the pessimistic hypothesis someone made on the feedback thread seems pretty likely (that they simply replaced the EPx1 orb with a range of shards as the reward, but kept the horrendous 1%-ish drop rate). =/ Thanks a lot to everyone contributing. We need as much (reliable) data as possible, especially since the drop rate seems very low, so it'll take a while to figure it out confidently. Edit: Simple template for easy copy-paste: Villains: X drops in X battles. Drop range: 0-0 GPx10: X drops in X GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 0-0 CONCLUSIONS: We know have pretty solid data on this (and by now most active players should have or be pretty close to have the 11 One-Grade Girls added so far). Here are the key info from our results: Drop rate from Villains is slightly above 1% (pre and post patch). Fixed amount per drop is 10 shards. Drop rate from GPx10 used to be around 10% (pre-patch) and is now around 20%. Fixed amount per drop: 5 shards. Full data compiled there: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JojW0FOwg3ubF7_N-oD_7vVyuFteMnp_MlON8mRljZ8/edit?usp=sharing (thanks to @Tom208 for this table). Thanks again to everyone who contributed. I might revive this thread if there's a big change or they add a ton of these further down the line, otherwise, we got what we came for. Cheers. -------------- 2021/04/28: Big update. 35 new one-star girls added all at once. That's over thrice the total amount we had so far. I'm pinning this thread again and I'll start afresh for my stats just in case anything else has changed since we got the 11th one on April 1st. Anyone who'd like to participate again, thanks in advance for your help. 2021/05/19: New big patch change: all or nothing drops, and only on Dark Lord and Great Pachinko from now on. I'll update my previous count one last time and we can start sharing data for full drops with this new system. The patch is already live as of this writing. Thanks in advance to all participants for this new batch of data collection. Please make a fresh new post for this. Template updated: Dark Lord: X drops in X battles. (x100 drops only) GPx10: X drops in X GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)
  4. Hey everyone, Here's a place to share Gacha outcomes. Please keep discussion to a minimum. Super Hentai Clicker ------------------------------ Girls Tries Chance Page9 4 53 ------------------------------ Hentai Clicker ------------------------------ Girls Tries Chance Page1 37 204 0.181 Page2 43 151 0.285 Page3 19 112 0.170 Page4 21 143 0.147 Page5 43 130 0.331 Page6 16 102 0.157 Page7 15 74 0.203 Page8 27 172 0.157 Page9 25 113 0.221 Total 246 1201 0.205 p1-p9 ------------------------------
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