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Optimal Timing for (Combativity) Refills?


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Hi guys,

This question may seem weird at this point, especially considering I've been using this feature a lot, so I should know by now (and I do have a pretty good idea), but I'm still wondering what the optimal timing might be to refill my Combativity bar, to get the best bang for my kobans.

Up until today, my strategy has been to wait until the timer gets below 2 mins, so I've been paying 206 kobans for 20 attacks (or have I?..). However, today a few things occurred to me that might make this approach less efficient than I thought.

  1. Refilling immediately resets the timer to the full 30 minutes, no matter what.
  2. (Almost) 30 minutes are worth (almost) 1 free attack.
  3. Waiting for the timer to be in a specific range requires well, waiting (lol) which is boring, but it also prevents from taking multiple refills in a row (in a time-efficient manner).

With that in mind, my (previous) method described above now seems closer to "pay 206 kobans for 19 attacks, and also wait for half an hour for no good reason" than "pay 206 kobans for 20 attacks"... I technically buy 20 attacks, but I was just about to receive 1 free attack when I do that, which I prevent from happening by taking the refill. So I really only buy 19 attacks for that price (and 2 minutes, so technically 6.66..% of an extra attack, in the grand scheme of things). And it involves a lot of waiting in between refills, which is inconvenient.

So, I've been considering a slightly different strategy: taking the refill as soon as I have 1 attack left (instead of 0 in my previous method), with a full timer. And the price for that is 205 kobans. This means that I explicitly buy "only" 19 attacks for 205 kobans, instead of tricking myself into thinking that I'm buying 20 attacks for 206 kobans. I spend 1 less koban on effectively the same thing. Since the timer becomes full as soon as I take the refill anyway, I figure that I might as well take the refill when it's already full. As a big bonus compared to my previous strategy, I don't have to wait at all, and I can refill as many times as I want in a row, for the same koban price (well, slightly less, even).

Is my logic faulty, or have I been doing refills wrong until now? I'd love to have a few knowledgeable veterans' input on this. Thanks in advance for your help.

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As you can only pay with full kobans and the amount depends on the time remaining for full combativity (and not on the combativity points), the most you can save is 1 koban.

So you don't need to wait 30 minutes to refill again, you would have got that free combativity point anyway.

Just for reference: the cost in kobans is 216 kobans / 600 minutes = 0,36 kobans/minute (or inversely 2min 46 sec per koban)

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