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Just as i am curious by nature,and somewhat limited with my knowledge about software,i would like to hear from others that may know more about privacy and security protection they might trust.

I am aware that not most downloaded usually are the best ones,so let me hear YOUR opinion.

What browser,antivirus,adblock etc you use,and why you think its best.

Lets keeep this simple and short,just write here the software and reason you chose it.i will start other thread for open debate that i know this starts ^^



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Browser: Firefox with AdBlock+ and NoScript. Because Mozilla is the last independent Browser developer and especially NoScript stops a lot of tracking and advertising.

AV: Microsoft Defender, because Microsoft knows best how to integrate AV/AM to its own Operating System. All others are more likely to increase the attack vector.

For increased privacy, I block anything from Facebook and have no accounts on any Facebook service (Instagram, Whatsapp).

Everything else: Brain. Don't click suspicious links, don't open unasked-for attachments etc. Follow unknown yt links or similar only in a new private window.

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