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A place for people to share their One Grade Character drops [Stats]


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Well, you know the drill.

I've been writing down my stats since the introduction of the controversial 1-star girl feature to the game. I'm sure many of you have been doing the same. On top of that, we have very little data yet, and the drop rate seems low.

Let's share proper data and find out what's up.

PROPER DATA: NOT "x shards in x fights" please, if you use x10 performances they can't count for the drop rate. We're looking to estimate the drop rate first and foremost, so we need to know "x shard drops in x fights". The drop range will figure itself out fast enough, just keep track of the smaller and larger amount of shards you obtained from a SINGLE FIGHT/SPIN. Thanks in advance.


Edit: Clarified that it's not "if you use the x10 button you're out", but just "when you use the x10 button, those fights can't count for the drop rate data". Thanks @Slynia

Edit: We have very little data yet, but so far the pessimistic hypothesis someone made on the feedback thread seems pretty likely (that they simply replaced the EPx1 orb with a range of shards as the reward, but kept the horrendous 1%-ish drop rate). =/

Thanks a lot to everyone contributing. We need as much (reliable) data as possible, especially since the drop rate seems very low, so it'll take a while to figure it out confidently.

Edit: Simple template for easy copy-paste:

Villains: X drops in X battles. Drop range: 0-0

GPx10:  X drops in X GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 0-0

We know have pretty solid data on this (and by now most active players should have or be pretty close to have the 11 One-Grade Girls added so far). Here are the key info from our results:

  1. Drop rate from Villains is slightly above 1% (pre and post patch). Fixed amount per drop is 10 shards.
  2. Drop rate from GPx10 used to be around 10% (pre-patch) and is now around 20%. Fixed amount per drop: 5 shards.

Full data compiled there: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JojW0FOwg3ubF7_N-oD_7vVyuFteMnp_MlON8mRljZ8/edit?usp=sharing (thanks to @Tom208 for this table).

Thanks again to everyone who contributed. I might revive this thread if there's a big change or they add a ton of these further down the line, otherwise, we got what we came for. Cheers.
2021/04/28: Big update. 35 new one-star girls added all at once. That's over thrice the total amount we had so far.

I'm pinning this thread again and I'll start afresh for my stats just in case anything else has changed since we got the 11th one on April 1st. Anyone who'd like to participate again, thanks in advance for your help.


2021-04-28 35 1-star girls added.png


2021/05/19: New big patch change: all or nothing drops, and only on Dark Lord and Great Pachinko from now on.

I'll update my previous count one last time and we can start sharing data for full drops with this new system. The patch is already live as of this writing. Thanks in advance to all participants for this new batch of data collection.

Please make a fresh new post for this. Template updated:

Dark Lord: X drops in X battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  X drops in X GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)

Edited by DvDivXXX
Big update
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Villains: 15 drops in 1,357 battles. Drop range: 1-6.

GPx10: 37 drops in 400 GPx10. Drop range: 1-6.
Post "twofold" update from March 5th 2021:

Villains: 27 drops in 2,439 battles. range: 10-10

GPx10:   107 drops in 445 GPx10. range: 5-5.

And this is my final update, as I now finally completed all 10 of them.
New 1-star girl (April 1st 2021)

Villains: 4 drops in 213 battles. range: 10-10

GPx10:   12 drops in 72 GPx10. range: 5-5.
New 35-girl batch from 2021/04/28 on:

Villains: 25 drops in 3,311 battles. range: 5-5

GPx10:   66 drops in 340 GPx10. range: 10-10.

Final stats for the shard system. Moving to a new post to make things clearer for the full drop system. Cheers.

Edited by DvDivXXX
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  • DvDivXXX changed the title to A place for people to share their One Grade Character drops [Stats]
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villains- 017 drops in 1054 battles, Drop range 1-6 shards

GPx10 - 9 drops in 77 Gpx10 rolls, drop range 2-5 shards

post update

villains-16 drops in 759 battles, Drop range 10-10 shards

Gpx10- 8 drops in 52 Gpx10 rolls, drop range 5-5 shards

Edited by gigai
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Villains: 20 drops in 1637 battles. Drop range: 1-6. Drop rate: 1.2%

GPx10: 20 drops in 238 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6. Drop rate: 8.4%

---------------post patch below---------------------

Villains: 29 drops in 3375 battles. Drop range: 10-10. Drop rate: 0.85%

GPx10: 93 drops in 434 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 5-5. Drop rate: 21%

2021-03-20 update: Got all 1-star girls.

New 35-girl batch on 2021/04/28:

Villains: 44 drops in 4136 battles. Drop range: 10-10. Drop rate: 1.06%

GPx10:  40 drops in 211 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 5-5. Drop rate: 18.95%

2021-05-18 update: Seeing as 1-star girls is being changed on the test server, this will be my final update for this patch.

Edited by Slynia
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Pre-patch 05 March data

Villains: 010 drops in 00,995 battles. Drop range: 2-6.

GPx10: 18 drops in 165 GPx10. Drop range: 1-5.

Post-patch data

Villains: 9 drops in 801 battles. Drop range: 10 -10

GPx10: 86 drops in 427 GPx10. Drop range: 5-5.

Edited by Zamio
update - 21/03/21
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Villains: 30 drop in 2510 battles. Drop range: 1-6. (update 4-mar) My drop rate: 1,19%

GPx10: 11 drops in 74 GPx10. Drop range: 1-6.


After the new patch in 5-mar (final update with all girls obtained on 22-mar , added update for Mienai on 9-apr-2021)

Villains: 22 drop in 2073 battles. Drop range: 10-10.  My drop rate: 1,06%

GPx10: 152 drops in 780 GPx10 orbs. Drop range: 5-5. My drop rate: 19,48%


After the new 35 girls on 2021-apr-28 (update on may-10)

Villains: 26 drop in 2329 battles. Drop range: 10-10.  My drop rate: 1,11%

GPx10: 8 drops in 66 GPx10 orbs. Drop range: 5-5. My drop rate: 12,5%


Edited by jelom
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I have a rough number from GP:

I did 176 GPx10, I had something between 20 and 25 drops, shard range 1-6 - and got overall 65 shards.

Villains: no data collected.

GPx10:   20-25 drops in 176 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6


(and a shard drop takes away an item: 



after patch with 5 shards on GP and 10 shards on boss,

I can confirm Slynia's observation with 243 GPx10 giving like 47 shard drops

Edited by windia
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Villains: 007- drops in 00,212 battles. Drop range: 1-6.

GPx10: 017 drops in 160 GPx10. Drop range: 1-6.


Edit 16:00 - 23/02/2021

Averages so far : Drops from Villains 1.32% (32 drops from 2420 attempts). Lowest (other then 0) 0.77%. Highest 8.70% !

 Drops from GP 10.12% (305 drops from 3015 attempts). Lowest (other then 0) 7.14%. Highest 15.52%

Edited by Incubys
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Did 50 gpx10s. Got shards 6 times. 6, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4.


I'm pleased with the pattern. 


I'll go on now and spent another 400 or so or until I get bored. 


Edit1: 50 more, 1 drop of 6. 😑


Edit 2: 50 more. 4 drops, all 3 shards. 

Edit 3: 50 more. 3 drops, 4 3 3. I can go play football now. 😬

Edit 4: 50 more. 4 drops, 3 4 3 3


Edited by DHarry
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@DHarry So, with the compiled format we use here, this translates to (if you don't mind, it would be easier to keep track of if you could include that and edit your post when you can to update your data). Thanks for joining the effort!

Villains: X drops in X battles. Drop range: 0-0

GPx10:  18 drops in 250 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 2-6

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Villains: 5 drops in 843* battles. Drop range: 4-5

GPx10:  8 drops in 112 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

*(my first 190 fights were not counted exactly to the digit, but they are 3 days worth of free fights + 2 combativity refills. Even if 190 is not the exact number of fights i did, the true number cannot be too far from that)


Post drop-rate change (5-mar)

Villains:  4 drops in 353 battles. Drop range: 10-10

GPx10:  7 drops in 25 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 5-5


Edited by Antimon
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Villains: 15 drops in 890 battles. Drop range: 2-6

GPx10: 13 drops in 109 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 2-6


Since the game update of 05/03/2021 at 1pm (UTC+1):

Villains: 33 drops in 3041 battles. Drop range: 10-10

GPx10: 63 drops in 289 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 5-5

Edited by Tom208
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Villains: 5 drops in 460 battles. Drop range: 1-6

GPx10:  43 drops in 277 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

After the 2021-03-05 update:

Villains: 27 drops in 1977 battles. Drop range: 10-10

GPx10: 58 drops in 265 GPx10 rolls. Drop range 5-5

Edited by Kenrae
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5 hours ago, derundann said:

Also just tested 51 GPx1 rolls and got... nothing. As expected.

Yeah, it's written in the feature's description and in the announcement. Only GPx10 has a chance to give shards at all. It's not like legendary items where x10 guarantees one, but x1 might rarely give one too. You could roll a million GPx1 and your total shard drop would be zero.

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not gonna post much in this topic, but GP spins are no problem:

GPx10 25 drops in 230 GPx10 rolls. Drop range 1-6

since changes: GPx10 70 drops in 415 GPx10 rolls. Drop range 5


Edited by blaa
update 21-4-21
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summed up: GPx10:  42 drops in 403 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

(these have been 3 different Pachinkos)

GPx10:  4 drops in 67 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

GPx10:  13 drops in 118 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6 and GPx10:  15 drops in 100 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

GPx10:  10 drops in 118 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

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Not going to post much in this thread either... I wished only to make known my negative record:

Villains: 0 drops in around 190 battles (all the free combativity i spent on various villains since the feature introduction).

Edit: add about another 50 battles to the above before my first drop (4 shards). I hope this is not the average, as my balls would reach my ankles should I need to spend 60000 combativity before being able to obtain 10 worthless girls.

Edited by Observer_X
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22 hours ago, I fuck to hear tears said:

( This is rough estimates as I don't know the exact numbers. Hope this is okay! ) 

Thanks for trying to help, but we can't take rough estimates, unfortunately. We are looking for exact, reliable data (for the number of drops and number of battles or spins, not for the shards, we're pretty certain the range is 1-6 by now). On top of that, your sample is very small and villain drop rate looks freakishly high compared to every other results posted so far, so I'm afraid it's likely you've made a mistake somewhere.

Feel free to edit your post with reliable data as it comes if you still want to contribute, but I can't take what you've posted initially into account for the project. @I fuck to hear tears I removed your post now, you can make a new one if/when you want (bearing the above in mind). Thank you.


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3 hours ago, Dildobengan said:

(All done using x10 battles option)

That's a bit risky, unless you pay close attention to every x10 result to determine how many actual drops you got. That's why I asked to avoid this in the OP. If you do check after every x10 spin and count how many other rewards you got to make sure your 2 shards came from 1 drop of 2 and not from 2 drops of 1 (for instance), then I'll allow it. Otherwise it might pollute the data. Could you please confirm either way?

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Il 20/2/2021 in 15:34 , Antimon ha scritto:

Villains: 1 drops in 377* battles. Drop range: 4-4

GPx10:  8 drops in 112 GPx10 rolls. Drop range: 1-6

*(my first 190 fights were not counted exactly to the digit, but they are 3 days worth of free fights + 2 combativity refills. Even if 190 is not the exact number of fights i did, the true number cannot be too far from that)

oof. this happens when you try to update your entries but you are not completely focused on the task 😅

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