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A place for people to share their One Grade Character drops [Stats]


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Since today's game update, I count separately the new villains fights and GPx10 rolls.

I've updated my post above.

About this update, I know the drop range is higher now, 1-10 at least. For the drop rate, I don't know.

Edited by Tom208
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Thank you guys for doing this. I've started a separate count as well.

I'd prefer if you could please edit your existing posts and add the post-update stats to it (as Tom did, and I'm about to do myself), but if it's more convenient to make a separate post for you guys, that's okay.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Now that a fair number of participants have completed all 10 girls, if any of you Excel Wizards could please compile the data in a clean table, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for that, and thanks again to everyone still participating.

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Il y a 2 heures, DvDivXXX a dit :

Now that a fair number of participants have completed all 10 girls, if any of you Excel Wizards could please compile the data in a clean table, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for that, and thanks again to everyone still participating.

Something like that ?


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13 hours ago, Tom208 said:

Something like that ?

Exactly! ^^ Thanks a bunch, Tom.

So it seems to confirm pretty clearly what I already suspected. The patch that changed the drop range to fixed amounts of shards (5 from GP and 10 from villains) also doubled something (as was the claim in the announcement, but it never said what was doubled). What that patch doubled seems to be the drop rate from GP, and only from GP (from 10% to 20%, roughly) whereas the extremely low drop rate from villains stayed untouched (still around 1%).

Bottom line: to collect the 1-star girls, you need to spin a bunch of GPx10, and whether or not you get a few bonus drops from villains basically doesn't matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2021 at 9:47 AM, DvDivXXX said:

Bottom line: to collect the 1-star girls, you need to spin a bunch of GPx10, and whether or not you get a few bonus drops from villains basically doesn't matter.

I agree to that, with a small addition. For players who go for Mythic girls, it is also a good occasion to get 1 star girls shards due to the high amount of battles done, allowing 120-180 shards for 1 star girls.

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11 hours ago, jelom said:

I agree to that, with a small addition. For players who go for Mythic girls, it is also a good occasion to get 1 star girls shards due to the high amount of battles done, allowing 120-180 shards for 1 star girls.

Didn't really need a bump for that, but sure. And you can extend this to any event where players will do tons of villain fights with refills. But at this point, this will only be relevant to players who have been hoarding their GPx10 orbs since the 1* girls introduction, and have yet to grab them for this reason.

Actually, this serves as a reminder for me that this project is essentially done (as of now, at least; if they add a whole bunch of them further down the line, I'll revive it). So I'll unpin it and update the OP with the key info we were able to get from it.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed. Your help is always much appreciated!

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So I did some GP spins on nutaku and HH:

HH: 119 spins 19 drops
nutaku: 133 spins 21 drops
so 252 spins for 40 drops

update: another 15 drops each in 70 more on HH and 57 more spins on nutaku
so 30 more drops in 127 more spins

Edited by holymolly
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2021/05/19: New big patch change: all or nothing drops, and only on Dark Lord and Great Pachinko from now on.

I'll update my previous count one last time and we can start sharing data for full drops with this new system. The patch is already live as of this writing. Thanks in advance to all participants for this new batch of data collection.

Please make a fresh new post for this. Template updated:

Dark Lord: X drops in X battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  X drops in X GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)

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Dark Lord: 2 drops in 99 battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  38 drops in 788 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)

Edit (latest batch, a bit late to the party):

Dark Lord: 2 drops in 96 battles. (x100 drops only)
GPx10:  3 drops in 160 GPx10. (x100 drops only)

5 new 1-stars, late july 2021:

Dark Lord: 0 drops in 0 battles. (x100 drops only)
GPx10:  5 drops in 119 GPx10. (x100 drops only)

2021/08/25: 5 new announced, but only 1 added:

Dark Lord: 0 drops in 0 battles. (x100 drops only)
GPx10:  1 drop in 65 GPx10. (x100 drops only)

2021/08/28: the other 4 finally added:

Dark Lord: 0 drops in 0 battles. (x100 drops only)
GPx10:  4 drops in 136 GPx10. (x100 drops only)

And I have them all once again! Until next time... ^^

Edited by DvDivXXX
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Test server :

Dark Lord: 15 drops in 500 battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  13 drop in 225 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)


HH.com server :

Dark Lord: 0 drops in 0 battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  13 drop in 351 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)

Edited by Tom208
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Dark Lord: 26 drops in 1190 battles. (x100 drops only). Drop rate: 2.18%

GPx10:  4 drops in 114 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only). Drop rate: 3.5%

Wtf. From 3 drops in 18, to 4 in 114 GPx10?
F**k it, I'll just get the remaining ones with villain fights.

2021-05-19 got all 1-star girls ;) (Yes, I previously had 5 of the 35 1-star girl batch).

Edited by Slynia
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Dark Lord: 17 drops in 707 battles. (x100 drops only). Drop rate 2,40%

GPx10:  30 drops in 586 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only). Drop rate 5,12%

Detail GPx10:

4    Chloe
19    Interactive Norou
10    Knockout Shao
32    Curious Clarisse
15    Ruthless Maika
4    Nebula
50    Josie
2    GothEnchantress Lapsey
3    Cheerleader Cori
36    Haruki
9    Quartz
18    Queen
15    Dominant Venam
23    Lila
43    Eiko
40    Manuella
5    Bombshell Ariana
26    Yuki
32    Insatiable Ronda
5    Ballet Dancer Rebecca
20   Festive Levitya
3    Isolde
13    Jasmyn
15    Dalila
6    Lotus
16    Pleasurebot Mani
73    Antibra Deitra
5    Night Out Judy
1    Ramona
37    Punk Astis

Edited by jelom
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Dark Lord: 6 (7?) drops in 700 battles. (x100 drops only)

GPx10:  44 drops in 770 GPx10 rolls. (x100 drops only)


Edit: uuuhhmmmm does this count as one drop or two?


Edited by Oda
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