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Mythic Gifts


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Simple put, we need more and better gifts.

The income of girls into the harem has drastically increased since the last gift revamp, and so has the need for more affection for certain girls.

If we keep on track more or less of some of the new girls released each month, we will have, without much effort, start to accumulate girls waiting to be upgraded. I say this 'cause me, that don't even collect more my harem income as it takes too long, and enter what, two times a day to use my energy/stamina/kisses/etc, and get what is possible to get without wasting kobans and using much effort, have 25 girls waiting to be upgraded. Most legendary, as most of the girls in this game are (come on, we just need 3 of them for our team, give us some good old common and uncommon girls!), a few are epic, and one is a legendary 5 stars (finnaly manage to upgrade the other one today). This without count the mythic one, that still have more 3 stars to go.

And every week we have more. One, two, sometimes three, sometimes 5. And the count are pilling up! 25 girls is not a number that is slowing decreasing, but are growing really fast!

I was managing somehow until the end of last year, when a mythic girl burned all my lifetime stock (and I'm not complaining here, she was mythic after all) and then I realized that my stock was only decreasing. And then I had to start to choose witch one I would upgrade, until I reached the today s amount. In a few days, will be 27 waiting to be upgraded. And then we will have the classic event. And the number will not decrease.

So, red gifts is a must. Or, if is too hard to change a skin and tweak  some html values, put at least half of the gifts for people on higher levels as purple. Is ok to take long to upgrade the girls, if the waiting line gets smaller within time. If it keeps increasing without even effort to get new girls, then we have a problem.

I would like to this reach the devs ears, thank you.

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I have 320 girls of which 153 (a mixture of epic and legenary) have not yet been upgraded to 3 stars. My 5 star girls are upgraded all the way (along with my two 1 star girls; I don't have any 6 star girls).

I suppose I could put a dent in that if I spent all my kobans on refreshing Gifts in the Market, instead of on something else, but that seems a waste, since it mostly just increases their income. The income from my Harem no longer even registers on my cash total. Money from playing the 10 orb Great Pachinko games (free daily from PoP) and selling the results in the market dwarfs both Harem income and money from fighting Champions (which I no longer bother to do unless needed for a contest or the PoA). I don't even need the Legenary equipment from victories over Champions since I get so much of it from free 10x Pachinko orbs.

The PoP has really skewed the game. I get money, equipment and boosters faster than I can use them.

A new set of bigger Gifts costing, say, $6 million to $10 million each might be a good idea.

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On 6/1/2021 at 4:51 PM, DocJD said:

A new set of bigger Gifts costing, say, $6 million to $10 million each might be a good idea.

Great idea, more potent gifts.

I made a suggestion in a feedback form versus the forums that we should have a click-and-hold option to quickly count up how many of an item we want to give to a girl. I always wait for end of the month Path of Attraction events because there is a daily contest in which reloading the market and buying items along with leveling girls and getting new girls earns contest points. I, like NobodyPrime, had 20+ girls to level, including two mythic to six star. I had the items but it took 3 hours of clicking to level them all. 700+ affection items at 130 only makes a dent in that sixth star. And Places of Power at rank 8 gives 8-10 of the 10-game Great Pachinko tokens a day. I recently sold 2200 items for a daily contest, I just wanted to clear my market, and now have over a Billion cash and nothing to spend it on. Would love to have a mythic gift to spend on and save my mouse and wrist from thousands of clicks.

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32 minutes ago, Squirt42 said:

I recently sold 2200 items for a daily contest, I just wanted to clear my market, and now have over a Billion cash and nothing to spend it on.

There are also contests for that :P.

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19 minutes ago, Kenrae said:

There are also contests for that :P.

Hahahaha! Indeed!

A few months ago 10 million for 4k points in a contest seemed like so much but now I see how those 400 level players have billions to blow. Place of Power is an insane source of cash and items from Pachinko.

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