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Pantheon's Stairway autoplay option


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I suggest you add a autoplay option like you have for other modes (season, league, level boss, etc) where it cost like 6 kobans for 10-15 runs or to use all your little tokens at once.

Really just something to speed up the rate that you progress up the ladder, cause so far doing one at a time, )especially as the rewards are BARELY worth it) is currently super slow and BORING!

Edited by Stang91
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You probably didn't reached the higher floor for your level. At that stage you do want to fight each single battle accuratedly, to spoil the elements.

There's a number of technicalities around, like spendin 10 devotions and losing at the 5th floor... what happen? Wasted? Kept? Do you actually want the girl that moment or you do want to wait?

...anyway, the thing will be boring the same. Click, won, gotcha, goodbye. You cannot save something like that.

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