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Old browsers Awaken bugs: how to solve them


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If you like me are using old browsers (some early Firefox releases, for example) you can face a couple interface bug in the Awake mechanic.

That's how to solve them.

Bug A: the Awake button is inactive even if you're allowed for

That happen if no book is selected in the interface. If you don't have any book left, click on any book in the market (or viceversa). If you don't have any book left in both your area and market, you're simply unable to Awake XD. Just wait until Market refresh.

Bug B: Awake seems to do nothing

You click on Awake, but nothing seems to happen. The bug work this way: the first and only first click just "select the girl" internally (but not any Awake). Any subsequent clicks on Awake will actually do their job. If you change the girl, click elsewhere or do whatever else, you must restart the process: first click Awake ("select girl") again, then click Awake again (actual action).

Mind that the first click doesn't consume gems anyway. All subsequent clicks for the same girl work fine as intended.

Maybe that help some confused people.

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