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Solution to Pay for Gems


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I noticed that a lot of users lament that Player X can phisically purchase gems and so sprint on top of Leagues, destroying such poor babies that play more fair.

My solution would be an overall rewriting of the League tier sortings, that keep count of the Awaken cap on girls.

I don't have a ready made formula, but the logic should be that the moment the League is sorted, the tiers are made computing the Awaken levels. Ideally, someone that have Awaken a girl to Level 650 shouldn't be paired with someone that Awaken to Level 500 alone.

The Hero Level is no more an indication of relative strenght.

This should introduce a "League Potential" score. This score come from the usual player level, but mostly by Awaken levels. Not the levels itself, as some can cheat it and level up during the League, but the Awaken alone. For  example, an Awaken 600 Girl count as 60 LP points, even if you left her at Level 1.

Someone can notice that a player can spoil the thing and Awake during the ongoing League. As by the Awaken nature, this can be done by everyone (not the paying dodo alone), but can happen just once (twice to the max, probably). Once you Awaken your best party, you're probably sorted in an higher tier next time, so no continual issue. Paying whales  will end to compete each other in one or two leagues.

Obviously this solution can be refined or can have some massive bug I cannot spot, but if it does work I'll be happy that KK staff will be aware of it, as it solve the most "annoying" issue of the recent upgrades, and can possibly avoid mass migration.

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That's mean ! They are not poor babies (except when they are insulting, then they deserve it), they are people in quicksands 🤐 It reminds me the story of historic samurais. They lost their privileges, and some rebelled, and ejected themselves from the story, but others did not, and are still present in japanese mentality, but not as they were two centuries ago.

That being said, I believe if Kinkoid see no problem in grouping players who have 150 levels of difference in the same league, it's a dream that they implement your idea one day (except if they are very very sorry, and I think they are not). Nothing changed on the principle, it's only that the people who ruled yesterday don't rule anymore. Some will adapt (and maybe rule again, who knows), and some will not. Nothing more than time is needed.

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From what I've understood, even F2P can rule nowadays.

Practically, you have to be a wealthy Shogun to win the battle, while the Samurai is struggling (it look similar to The Last Samurai XD XD "money win war! Howitza! Howitza!"). Is not touching me, I'm a simple Ashigaru that farm in reserve, but I'm a bit worried of such large declarative defections. If KK wanna spare the consequences, mine is an idea that don't complicate stuff and use actual game math.

Also a regeneration of the player base could be, why not. We'll die together on the battlefield.

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I don't see large defections. I see unpleased players on the forum, who are a part of all the players. Significative part or not, I don't know, but I guess Kinkoid knows (I hope for them, and for the game !), and as they are doing what they are doing, this part should not be overestimated.

In my club, after departures there has been arrivals, and now we are full again. This whole story of gems is only a subject for old players (and even not for all of them), the new ones are still coming, and I don't see why it should be a drama if x players are quitting. Of course, if your club recruit only after level 400, this is a hard blow, because the high levels are more or less all old players, and they are those who are unpleased. But nothing endures forever, plus new players will gain levels and become 400 one day. No need to patch the patch.

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