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Shard drops on Champions: Classic Event & Orgy Days


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I guess I could edit this post with further data points, if I remember.

Test server:

Stage 2: 35 shards

Stage 3: nope

Stage 4: 35 shards

Stage 1: girl


Main account:

Stage 1: 35 shards

Stage 2: nope

Stage 3: 35 shards

Stage 4: nope

Stage 1: nope

Stage 2: ... I'm getting a bit annoyed here. No shards.

Stage 3: girl

Edited by Rarum
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"Flirty Fairy Tales" (2022/04)

Whaty: Voyeurella - S1: garbage; S2: garbage; S3: garbage; S4: garbage... And that's it.


Edit: I grabbed her from Pachinko instead. Better luck next time (can't be worse ^^).

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Stage 1: Shards

Stage 2: Equip

Stage 3: Equip

Stage 4: Equip

Stage 1 (2nd time): Equip

5 fucking times of doing a Stage where there is "suppose" to be a chance at getting Shards, yet I got the Shards only one fucking time. It doesn't do shit to give out 35 Shards each time, if I get them only one fucking time.

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This orgy days it will only be the test server account that I need to worry about with the champions.

Mansion-3: equipment

Mansion-4: equipment

Mansion-1: shards

Mansion-2: equipment


Sky-3: shards

Sky-4: equipment

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Hard at Work:

Test server:

Stage 1: 35 shards

Stage 2: equipment

Stage 3: equipment

Stage 4: equipment

Stage 1: 35 shards

Stage 2: girl


Main account:

Stage 2: equipment

Stage 3: 35 shards

Stage 4: 35 shards

Stage 1: equipment

Stage 2: girl

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Hard at Work - Matsuda
Stage 2: garbage
Stage 3: 35%
Stage 4: garbage
Stage 5: N/A
Stage 1: garbage...
Stage 2: 35%
Stage 3: 35%X

FFS. I might have to give up on the champion's route this time around.

Phew. Got her in the end. Fairly bad run, but shit happens.

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Hard at Work:


Stage 4: Equipment

Stage 5: Kisses

Stage 1: Equipment

Stage 2: Shards

Stage 3: Equipment

Stage 4: Shards

Stage 5: Kisses

Stage 1: I have to skip here because with the expected amount of needed tickets I have to use Koban to beat the champ and that is something I don't like.

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Test server:

2-3: equipment

2-4: equipment

2-1: 35 shards

2-2: equipment

6-1: equipment

6-2: 35 shards

6-3: 35 shards

6-4: equipment


Main account:

2-4: 35 shards

2-1: equipment

2-2: 35 shards

2-3: equipment

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