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Previously Mythic Mala

Der DinX

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When I first read this, I was rather confused on how this will happen.
Couldn't imagine, they would give another Mythic just for free, but the Patch Notes didn't specify anything.

From the receiving Message I couldn't see anything accept the 100, the rest was covered.


Then I looked for her in the Harem to compare both Versions, and at first I didn't notice the essential difference, besides the obvious different grafics.
But when I wanted to compare the last Pose, it struck me:  She has been demoted!

So "previously" doesn't refer to having been the former Version of her, but more that she has been Mythic before, and now only remains Legendary.
Interesting development. 🤔

image.png.3e47b52639905019d9bf53bcf2d260fe.png image.png.0204aaa69c2b19d4abff4d494093491f.png

And it seems she got the same XP and Affection Level as the existing one in the Harem, because not only does she have the same Level cap, but in Harem++ you can see that there is quite a lot of XP on top.

Guess I won't have to spend much XP on her on the next and last level. Or is it even more than needed? 😲


Just thinking about it, sounds like some kind of fallen Angel, or in this case more a fallen Demon.

Edited by Der DinX
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16 minutes ago, Der DinX said:

And it seems she got the same XP and Affection Level as the existing one in the Harem, because not only does she have the same Level cap, but in Harem++ you can see that there is quite a lot of XP on top.

Yes, it seems the invested GXP, gems, affection and even Ymen has been tried to be copied as good as possible. My level 700 M6 resulted in level 750 L5, 4 completed M6 stars resulted in the last affection bar being completed, but I still need to buy the 5th star.

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13 minutes ago, OmerB said:

Isn't she a C5 girl?

She sure is, and I don't understand why others refer to her as Legendary either.


She joined the Harem fully maxed out (as my MD Mala already was), with none of those levels or upgrades counting towards PoV, but at the same time it's a lot of free upgrades on a free C5 so I really can't complain for that. ^^

The only thing that disappoints me is that, as expected, one pose and one scene were scrapped. We always knew this would be the case since only Mythics can have 6 stars, but the disappointment really comes from the fact that what's missing is some of the art that was not just changed but completely replaced by new art (mainly the very last pose). It's a bummer, even if the art was a bit subpar by Toon Dude's standards, and the soles of her feet in that discarded pose pic were not very realistic or compelling, but now even with both versions of the same girl, I no longer have access to that pic at all. =/

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16 minutes ago, OmerB said:

(Have you checked that upgrading her didn't contribute to the PoV?)

Yep. It's not surprising, this was "Sent by Kinkoid Team" so it bypasses the mechanics that count in-game progress. The same thing happens regularly with KC girls I receive thanks to my legacy HCL collection: they never count for a "Get a New Girl" task  either (or as +100 shards for the PoV that cares for shards etc.). They're added from outside the game, so to speak.

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On 11/9/2023 at 12:06 AM, DvDivXXX said:

and I don't understand why others refer to her as Legendary

Guess that is due to my laptop screen in combination with Harem++, the gray color of her Name looks kind of purple.
And as she has no background color at the icon, I assumed she is legendary.

But that makes it an even stronger demotion, from Mythic to Common is a heavy drop.

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8 hours ago, Der DinX said:

But that makes it an even stronger demotion, from Mythic to Common is a heavy drop.


She feels a strong culpability for her demonic nature and wants to be punished for what she is

This is a wonderful punishment: to degrade her from mythic to common 😈

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5 hours ago, Marc121212 said:

i don't know how to "hide" contents on phone.

I'm not entirely sure how different the browser basic functions are on a mobile compared to a PC, but as long as you can use the forum and select things, you should be fine. Do you have this above your post while you're typing (or elsewhere but visible)?


If yes, then to hide an image (and or text) behind a Spoiler thingy, you just need to select what you want to hide then press the Eye icon I've highlighted above.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An additional reason for the confusion about her rarity might come from the fact that her stats are the ones of an L5, while she is a C5 🤔:


This makes her a very strong candidate for common blessings! Otherwise she cannot compete because of her lower max skills.

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Yeah, I've noticed this too (only this week because for the first time since she was introduced, she's in the top Blessed girls of the week on dot com).

She has the same stats as an L5, but the same skills as a C5. This clearly seems like an error, I'm guessing they initially meant to make her Legendary and later decided that a Common would be nice enough of a gift since she was created primarily for those of us who wanted to keep the pre-rework art of MD Mala (even though they failed a bit in that regard, as the most unique picture that was completely replaced in the rework was for her 6-star pose, which ofc the 5-star clone doesn't have). And they probably forgot to adjust her stats down, even though they did adjust her GS thresholds.

Unless slash until this is fixed, it means she's by far the absolute top girl for any Common Blessing, dethroning OG Sheheraz. It also means she's a cheap replacement for a missing L5 in a team when needed (like this week on dot com). Even though outside of a Common Blessing, her GS levels bring her down compared to an actual L5 with the same attributes or GS.


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