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Vademecum rerum gestarum ex haremverse - A Guide to the Events


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This Thread is an oversight of all the Events of the (hh)-haremverse. It's meant to be a guide for new players and a reminder for more experienced players. It includes some hints and tips to be successfull in the events. All the tips and tricks came with f2p or small spenders as expected audition, but can help also higher spenders and whales.


The Events:

Monthly fixed dates:

Classic Event (CE)

Mythic Days (MD)

Path of Renaissance (PoR)

Legendary Days (LD)

Orgy Days (OD)

Boss Bang (BB)

Double Penetration (DP)

Lifely Scenes (LS)

Legendary Contests (LC)

Mythic Days Revival (MDR

Path of Attraction (PoA)


Monthly or Weekly, not date related, fix starting:

Cumback Contest (CbC)

Cracy Cumback Contest (CCbC)

Kinky Cumpetition (KC)

Kinky Cumpetition Revival (KCR)


Normaly Monthly, but no pattern:

Double Date (DD)

Sultry Mytery (SM)


Mega Events, a whole month:

Lusty Race (LR)

Hot Assembly (HA)

Seasonal Event with Market (SEM)


Pathes of the Haremverse:

Path of Valor (PoV)

Path of Glory (PoG)

The Season

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Classic Event (CE)


(CE from July/2024)

6 girls avalaible: 2 on Villains, 2 in Event- and Epic Pachinko, 1 at a Sex-Champ (under Sex-God-Path) and 1 Mission Girl. All Girls are 3* Girls.

The event lasts 9 days. It starts at 1st of the month and ends at 10th.

To obtain the girls from the Villains you need in average 200 combativity per girl. The dropchance should be near 10% with a droprange from 2-8. In the last time we got hints that KK could have changed the droprate to a lower amount. If you can collect data (amount of used combativity, amount of drops) it would be nice if you would share them in the relevant thread at Feedback (General Discussion -> Feedback -> "A place for people to share their shards drop info". The average amount of shards per drop is 5. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! There is a very small chance for a drop with 100 shards. This x100 drop seems to have a 0,03% chance.

image.png  image.png

(Villain with Event-Girl)                                                                                (Reward line from a Villain with Event-Girl)

You have a good chance to gain both girls without aditional spending, after you gain 486 combativity from natural regen and Daily Goals while the event last and have so a „safety net“ of 86 combativity. It's not recommended to use the Mythic Booster „Sandalwood Perfume“, because you need more Koban to buy the Booster than you can safe by using it.

To obtain the Girls from Pachinko: Event Pachinko is not recommended. The dropchance is near 22,5% so you will need 5 spins to get a girl in average. That are 9.000 Koban at .com and 1500 at Nutaku. To get a (ok, random) girl from the Epic Pachinko Pool for sure you need a x10 spin which costs 5.400 Koban. Getting the 2 Pachinko only Girls is only recommended if you have an empty Epic Pachinko Pool, you storaged a good amount of Event Pachinko Orbs you have gotten from other Events or you'll fine with spending a good amount of real cash to buy Orbs and/or Koban to play often enough Event Pachinko.


(CE Girls in the Event-Pachinko)

To obtain the Champion Girl: You can gain shards for her every time you beat the champ and get the stage reward at the stages 1-4. With a chance of 50% you'll get shards, the amount is allways 35 shards. Stage 5 give no shards. So you need to defeat the champ 7 times in average to get the girl.

That's mostly no problem at the first 2 Champs, the 2 in the middle are harder to beat, but shouldn't be to hard, the later 2 are very strong so it can be that you haven't enough time to beat them often enough. But be aware: it's not unlikely that you have a bad streak and get no drop out of 5 or 6 trys in a row (chance for 5 same results in a row: 3,125%).


(Rewards at stage 1-4 with Event-Girl)

To obtain the Mission Girl: In the time the event last there is a „Event Mission“ every day. You can identify theese Mission that they have Koban as reward. You need to complete all of this Missions to get the Girl at the last day. The other Daily Missions don't count for this task.


(Event Mission from day1)

For newer players this event can give easily 2-4 Girls per run, midgame players can have some problems with Champions and can be short at combativity, after there is another Event (MD) parallel where combativity is also needed. Veterans, with an emptied EpP Pool have normaly no problem to claim all 6 Girls.


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Mythic Days (MD)


(Event widget from MD44 in July 2024)

One Mythic Girl avalaible at a Villain

The Event lasts 3 days. It starts at 3rd of a month and ends at 6th.


(Wold page wiht Mythic Girl while MD last)


You need in average ca 1550 combativity to get a girl. The dropchance is near 6,5% with a droprange of 1. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! This Event is the one where the Mythic Booster „Sandalwood Perfume“ is highly recommended. With this Booster you can reduce the average needed amount from ca 1550 combativity to ca 770 combativity.

To participate in this Event you should have storaged 5 Sandalwood Perfume and 10.000 Koban (1700 at nutaku). Sure, if you buy all needed combativity with Koban you don't need 10.000/1700, but have in mind that the amount is calculated with a safety net to cover a bad streak. With this amount of Koban you should be mostly sure to get the girl, even you have a bad rng. You can storage aditional combativity from event rewards so you can reduce the needed amount of Koban.

The next thing you have to be aware in Mythic Days is, that you have a limited pool of shards. Every 2h is a new batch of shards added to the pool. At the first day the shards run out very fast – mostly in 1-5 minutes. At the second day they last longer and at the end there will be a good amount left – only one time (at .com) there was a Girl that run out of shards at the end of the Mythic Days, and another that had less then one batch of shards left (again at .com). So it's not important to invest at the start hughe amounts of combativity – patience pay out here. The shard Pool is different for the servers. That are the shards-pools for the two main server .com and nutaku:

image.png  image.png


The next problematic Part is, that you should use Sandalwood Perfume and should know how to use it properly: Sandalwood have 11 charges and add one shard to every drop you gain from a villain until the charges are consumed. So to use Sandalwood there are two important points you should have to consider: You don't want another avalaible girl parallel at the Villain, because the other girl would consume charges too if there are shard drops for here and you have to be carefull with mutliple attacks (x10, x50), because if you get more drops than charges left in your Booster you increase the needed amount of combativity to get the Mythic in the end. From experience it's not recommended to use a x50 attack if your Sandalwood have less than 7 charges and a x10 if your Sandalwood have less than 3 charges left. If you don't have a monthly card that give you free multiple attacks it's also not recommended to use the multiple attacks to safe some Koban.


(Mythic Booster "Sandalwood Perfume")


Since July 2024 you can gain a video on top if you have obtained the Mythic and invested some aditional combativity. At the moment it's unclear how much the dropchance for the Video is. From the first reports we got it's assumed that the dropchance has a maximum of 1%, but with a high chance to be lower.

This Event is one of the most expensivs one and not recommended for new players. Not only that you need a hughe amount of combativity to get the girl, the Mythic Girls are extremly expensiv to upgrade and uplevel. After you reached lvl300 you should be developed enough to gain for Mythics and bring them to a usable grade and level.

At the moment we have one Mythic Day and to Mythic Days Revivals so you can gain up to 3 Mythic Girls per month. But this is only doable if you spend real money at the game. One Mythic Day is easily 7.000 - 8.000 Koban (1.200 - 1.350 at Nutaku) in average. It's extremly unlikely that you can gain enough Koban only from playing the game to maintain 3 Mythics a month if you are f2p. One solution would be to invest only one Sandalwood in Mythic Days and go all in for the revived Mythics. With this you change from an average of 21.000-24.000 Koban (3.600 - 4.050 at Nutaku) in average per month to 14.600 - 16.600 Koban (2.500 - 2.800 at Nutaku). If you have in mind that you gain 4.500 Koban from Daily Gifts, ca. 2.000 Koban from CE, OD and Season, 2.000 - 3.000 from Contests.


A more detailed description of Mythic Days and how to play them is posted here:


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Path of Renaissance (PoR)


(Event widget from July 2024)

4 Girls avalaible - 2 in the free Path and 2 in the Bonus Path. The Bonus Path needs 7200 Koban (1200 at Nutaku) to unlock. All Girls are 3* Girls.

The Event lasts 6 days. It starts at the 6th of the month and end at the 12th.

Path of Renaissance (PoR) is an event to revive older Path of Valor Girls. If you have a girl from this event, the reward replacement will be a Epic Pachinko x10 Orb (so a guraranteed Girl out of the Epic Pachinko Pool)

The event has the Path of Attraction as example and because of this the tasks and rewards are similar:

Tier1: Task: Do the 12 Daily Missions Reward: 1 Mythic Pachinkox1 Orb - 1 Mythic Pachinkox1 Orb

Tier2: Task: Win 18x PvP (Season/League)

Tier3: Task: Sell 30 Items

Tier4: Task: Win 35x Villain battles

Tier5: Task: Spend money

Tier6: Task: Fight 25x against Champions

Tier7: Task: Use 120 Energy

Tier8: Task: Sell 60 Items

Tier9: Task: Fight 30x against Champions

Tier10: Task: Win 30x PvP (Season/League)

Tier11: Task: Spend money

Tier12: Task: Win 80x Villain battles

Tier13: Task: Win 35x PvP (Season/League)

Tier14: Task: Use 240 Energy

Tier15: Task: Fight 60x against Champions

Tier16: Task: Win 42x PvP (Season/League)

Tier17: Task: Spend money

Tier18: Task: Win 120x Villain battles

Tier19: Task: Score 20.000 points in Contest

Tier20: Task: Win 50x PvP (Season/League)

Tier21: Task: Sell 120 Items

Tier22: Task: Spend money

Tier23: Task: Fight 100x against Champions

Tier24: Task: Use 360 Energy

Tier25: Task: Win 200x Villain battles

Tier26: Task: Score 50.000 points in Contest


You have to do the tasks in order, so using Kisses (Season) or Condoms (League) give you no progress in task2 if you don't have claimed the 12 Daily missions and can claim the reward fot task1. With this in mind it's clear that a participating in this kind of event is a case of good ressource management. If you can start into this event with good storarged ressources there is mostly no problem to finish the event.

The Event starts while CE lasts and ends in the middle of LD. So the combativity tasks can be helpfull for progress in one or both events if you want to participate there. With the Labyrinth avalaible it should not to complicated to gain enough Kisses for the pvp-tasks.

With a little preparation this event is easily doable after you have left the early steps in the game behind you. With good progress in Season, PoG and ME you have enough energy rewards you can claim to fullfill the energy tasks, combativity is gainable from Labyrinth, Season and other parts of the game and the needed items to sell is gainable from Great Pachinko x10 Orbs you can gain from Places of Power. The main problem is the time you need to do the 25/30/60/100 champion fights.

If the Bonus Path is worth to buy is extremly different for players. In most cases it's not recommendable to invest in the Bonus Path if you try to catch up with Mythics: You need the Kobans for combativity in the MD(R)s. If you don't go for more than 1 Mythic per month it could be interesting to invest in the PoR Bonus Path if you have to clear your Epic Pachinko and Mythic Pachinko Pool. You can gain some interesting Orbs (MyPx6, up to 2x EpPx10 and a Draft-Orb) from the Bonus Path. I recommend to buy PoR and PoA Bonus Path only if you have Koban left after you payed for the other Koban consuming events in the month.



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Legendary Days (LD)


(Event Widget July 2024)

Two Legendary 5* Girls avalaible at Villains – one new Girl and a revived one.

The Event lasts 4 days. It starts at 10th of a month and ends at 14th.

To obtain the girls from the Villains you need in average 500 combativity per girl. The dropchance should be near 10% with a droprange from 1-3. In the last time we got hints that KK could have changed the droprate to a lower amount. If you can collect data (amount of used combativity, amount of drops) it would be nice if you would share them in the relevant thread at Feedback (General Discussion -> Feedback -> "A place for people to share their shards drop info". So the average amount of shards per drop is 2. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! There is a very small chance for a drop with 100 shards. This x100 drop seems to have a 0,03% chance.

image.png   image.png

(World pages with Event Girls while LD last)

To obtain a girl you need in average aditional 3240 Koban (540 at nutaku), for the second one 5400 Koban (nutaku: 900). The difference is because at the first Girl you can use the natural regen of 216 combativity and have „only“ to buy the aditional 300 combativity, for the second Girl you've to buy all combativity. You can lower the needed amount of bought combativity by using rewards from Season, Pov, Mega Events or Labyrinth.

This Event is the only other one where „Sandalwood Perfume“ isn't wasted. If you use Sandalwood here you can safe ca. 100 Koban (nutaku: 17) per Girl. If you use Sandalwood Perfume you should know how to use it properly: Sandalwood have 11 charges and add one shard to every drop you gain from a villain until the charges are consumed. So to use Sandalwood there are two important points you should have to consider: You don't want another avalaible girl parallel at the Villain, because the other girl would consume charges too if there are shard drops for here and you have to be carefull with mutliple attacks (x10, x50), because if you get more drops than charges left in your Booster you increase the needed amount of combativity to get the Mythic in the end. From experience it's not recommended to use a x50 attack if your Sandalwood have less than 7 charges and a x10 if your Sandalwood have less than 3 charges left. If you don't have a monthly card that give you free multiple attacks it's also not recommended to use the multiple attacks to safe some Koban.


(Mythic Booster "Sandalwood Perfume")


Even the 2 Girls are 5* Girls and so relevant for PvP fights, the event isn't highly recommended for newer Players because it's expensiv. There are a lot of other places where you can get 5* Girls for less. With the markets in Labyrinth and Sultry Mystery Event it's a relevant strategy for newer players to get some shards of both girls (minimum 1 shard for the new, rest for the revived one) and finish the girls in the long run with the markets. Midgame players can follow the same strategy. Sure, you can also buy ressources with real cash to gain the girls directly, but if you don't want to spend a hughe amount of real money you should check if you can't spend your money at other events better (example Double Penetration or Mythic Days (Revival)).


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Orgy Days (OD)


(Event widget July 2024)

Avalaible are all Girls from the CEs of the same month from earlier years. 1 is the reward for doing all Event-Missions, 3 are at Champions, 18 at Villains, the rest in the Pachinko

The event lasts 5 days. It starts at 14th of the month and ends at 19th.

To obtain the girls from the Villains you need in average 160 combativity per girl. The dropchance should be near 10% with a droprange from 1-12. In the last time we got hints that KK could have changed the droprate to a lower amount. If you can collect data (amount of used combativity, amount of drops) it would be nice if you would share them in the relevant thread at Feedback (General Discussion -> Feedback -> "A place for people to share their shards drop info". So the average amount of shards per drop is 6,5. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! There is a very small chance for a drop with 100 shards. This x100 drop seems to have a 0,03% chance.


(Example for a World page with Event Girls while OD last)

One problem with the OD event is, that there are 2 Girls added per Villain and you gain random the drops out of the two. With the base natural regen and the Daily Goals rewards you can expect 270 comabtivity while OD lasts what's in average means that you can gain 1 Girl and ca. 55 shards for a second one. Thanks to Labyrinth there is a good chance to complete the second girl with the combativity you can gain from the Labyrinth runs while OD last. It's not recommended to use the Mythic Booster „Sandalwood Perfume“, because you need more Koban to buy the Booster than you can safe by using it.

To obtain the Girls from Pachinko: Event Pachinko is not recommended. The dropchance is near 22,5% so you will need 5 spins to get a girl in average. That are 9.000 Koban at .com and 1500 at Nutaku. To get a (ok, random) girl from the Epic Pachinko Pool for sure you need a x10 spin which costs 5.400 Koban. Getting one or more of the Pachinko only Girls is only recommended if you have an empty Epic Pachinko Pool, you storaged a good amount of Event Pachinko Orbs you have gotten from other Events or you'll fine with spending a good amount of real cash to buy Orbs and/or Koban to play often enough Event Pachinko.


(OD-Girls in Event Pachinko)

To obtain the Champion Girl: You can gain shards for her every time you beat the champ and get the stage reward at the stages 1-4. With a chance of 50% you'll get shards, the amount is allways 35 shards. Stage 5 give no shards. So you need to defeat the champ 7 times in average to get the girl. You can get lucky and win a Girl from the Champions in the 5 days the event last, but it's not highly possible.


(Champion rewards at stage 1-4 with Event Girl)

To obtain the Mission Girl: In the time the event last there are some „Event Mission“ every day (one per former CE in this month). You can identify theese Missions that they have Koban as reward. You need to complete all of this Missions to get the Girl at the last day. The other Daily Missions don't count for this task.

For newer players this event is mostly 2 girls from Villains and another one from Missions. After the CE Girls are in the Mythic Pachinko too there is a chance that you got a Mission Girl earlier from Mythic Pachinko. A Girldrop from Champions is also possible with a not to small chance (12,5% for 3 drops in a row). But be aware that, after you have finished the stages some times, the Champs grew stronger and it will cost you more and more tickets (and time or Koban if you don't have at least a platinum card) to finish a stage. That can lead to the problem that you don't have enough time to finish the stages often enough to have a relevant chance to gain a girl.


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Boss Bang (BB)


One Legendary 5* Girl avalaible - allways a new one.

The Event lasts 4 days. It starts at 14th of a month and ends at 18th. It's a parallel Event to Orgy Days. The Event is on a rotation with Double Penetration and Lively Scene.

To gain the Girl you have to make Battleteams in the event Widget and beat the "Boss" who is similar to the obtainable Girl. You can't change the teams after you have build them and you can't use a Girl you have added to a team at another team. The Girl starts with exact the same level as your playerlevel at the start of the event. Every time you beat her, she gains a level. Your own Girls can only heal by the effect of the sensual element (and the synergy Bonsu your Harem gives you).

To make it easier for newer player it's highly recommend to avoid upleveling the playerlevel in the hours before the event starts, gain as much as possible levels while the event last and do the fights to gain the girl as near as possible to the end of the event. The other important thing is to use as much as possible sensual girls in your battleteams to incease the healing ability of your teams. The third advice is to have a look to the Element of the Boss. The elemental Counter Bonus can help a lot in BB. You should have a look to the Blessings too. With changing blessings in the middel of the Event it can be meaningfull to finish the Event before Blessing-change if the following blessings are much weaker to you or favourite the Boss much more than you. The last hint here would be to start allways with your weakest team if you're not sure that you can beat the Boss with one Team only.

The Event is a hard one for player in the early game. Here it's mostly impossible to win the 100 fights against the Boss. But after you have awaken your girls to 250-300 lvl above your own level (should be around Girl level 500) you shouldn't have any problems with the event. After you can awake your girls to lvl650 it should be enough to use the strongest Girls you have to gain the Girl with one Team.


Important: The Event is in rework from KK side. It's not official dead, but unknown when and in which format it will be back again.


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Double Penetration (DP)


(Event widget August 2024)

Two Legendary 5* Girls avalaible - allways new ones. One at the Free Path, the other at the Bonus Path.

The Event lasts 4 days. It starts at 14th of a month and ends at 18th. It's a parallel Event to Orgy Days. The Event is on a rotation with Boss Bang and Lively Scene.

To obtain the Girl at Free Path you need to do tasks, the game add to the event randomly out of a pool of possible tasks. You have two possible tasks active who have different values in difficulty to fullfill and reward. The stages are:





Common and Rare difficulty appear in the "easy" box and the othe two in the "hard" one.


(Common and Rare tasks, here a common)                                                           (Epic and legendary taks, here a Legendary)

To obtain the Girl at Bonus Path you have to buy the pass with 6.600 Koban (1.100 at Nutaku).

You need to reach 500 points in the 4 days the Event last to gain the Girl(s). The "normal" rewards go uo to 1000 points, and there is a reward at 2000 points as a special Bonus to all who tryhard the Event.



The main problem a lot of player have with this Event is, that you have to stop doing your routine and safe all possible ressource in case a task pops up that you have to spend exactly this now. On top you can have bad luck with the possible tasks what make the event very costly: it can be that you have to spend Koban to change tasks you expect you can't do while the Event last (gain Girl shards/gain a new Girl for example) or you have to do expensive tasks (restock market for example). The Event is time consuming, because after you have done one task you have to check the Event widget for the next one.

On the bright side is, that the Event rewards are relativ good so it's not a too bad move to buy the Bonus Path.

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Lively Scenes (LS)


(Event widget July 2024)

One Legendary 5* Girl avalaible - allways a new one.

The Event lasts 4 days. It starts at 14th of a month and ends at 18th. It's a parallel Event to Orgy Days. The Event is on a rotation with Boss Bang and Double Penetration.

To obtain the girl and gain the Video you have to fullfill the requirements to claim the Puzzle pieces by using ressources in the game.


(a claimable puzzle piece)

If you use one ressource, for example tickets, the counter of all puzzle pieces who are related to "use tickets" go up by one - so you "only" need to spend the amount of tickets, which is the highest at the puzzle pieces.

The ressources you need are:

- 1200 Energy spended

- 800 Girls level (here the ressources (Girls-XP) is different after which Girls you level up to which max-level)

- 360 won Villain fights (Combativity)

- 120 won Season fights (Kisses)

- 80 Champion performances (Tickets)

- 160 Great-Pachinko x10 games (Orbs and/or Yumen)

- 320 sold Items

At the first glimps the needed amount of Ressources seems very big, but if you take a closer look:

- 1200 Energy: Natural regenaration per day: 192 - so 768 Energy in 4 days, if you prepare you can start with a mostly full bar of Energy in the Event, what means another ca. 100 Energy. The Event itself has 140 Energy as rewards at puzzle pieces. The remaining 200 Energy should be no problem to gain from PoG, Season or the Mega Event Rewards.

- 800 Girl level: You should be able to gain the 800 Girl level with less than 50.000 Girls XP. To level a Legendary Girl from lvl1 to lvl250 is less than 12.000 GirlsXP. If there is a Girls XP Daily Contest while LS last you can fully use the synergy.

- 360 Villain fights: The only one that can be tricky. You gain 216 combativity from natural regen and Daily Goals in the 4 Days. After the event starts directly at the end of LD it's not very lickely that you have a full combativity bar, so no aditional combativty here. But you can expect 2 or 3 potential Labyrinth runs while the event last so aditional combativity from here. PoV, Season, PoG, and the Mega Event have combativity rewards, so you can gain aditional combativity from here too. At least after you reached lvl500 and can run the Labyrinth at Hard mode there should no problem anymore to gain the 360 combativity. In earlier stages it's highly possible that you have to inves Koban to gain enough combativity to fullfill the requirement and gain the puzzle piece with 20 shards.

- 120 won Season fights: Natural regen and the daily Free Bundel are 25 Kisses per day. The Event rewards you with up to 38 Kisses. Even you have bad luck with opponents in Season: The Labyrinth gives you tons of Kisses per run.

- 80 tickets: For tickets there is no fix amount to gain per day, but tickets are rewards in so much places that this task shouldn't be a problem. If you have upgraded the permanent Places of Power to at least lvl9 and run them 3 times a day you can expect an average amount of 9 tickets per day here, on top tickets from the temporary PoPs, Daily Missions can have ticket-rewards too and tickets drop from Villain fights. Some other tickets you can gain from Event rewards.

- 160 Great Pachinko x10 games: With upgraded permanent PoPs it shouldn't be a problem to gain a good amount of GPx10 storaged. If you haven't enough Orbs this isn't a too big problem: the Event requires to play Pachinko, not spend Orbs - so you can buy GPx10 Pachinko spins with Yumen.

- 320 sold items: If you play GPx10 Pachinko you gain a lot of items to sell. This task should be the easiest one of all.


(tasks and rewards)


In the early game the Event is tough. Gaining enough ressources - expecially the ones where you need rewards from other parts of the game - can be a hard mission and it can be hard to gain enough beatable opponents in Season. This change slowly while you develop. But even in the late-game it can be needed to invest some Koban to finish the combativity task.

Gaining a 5* Legendary Girl here is much cheaper in average than to gain it from LD. On the other hand can fullfilling the tasks in LS messing up your preparations for LC. The Event isn't good for players in the first month of their journey threw the Haremverse, but afte the early game it becomes a good and not to hard source for 5* Girls.


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Legendary Contests (LC)


(Event widget July 2024)

One new Legendary 5* Girl.

The Event lasts 4 days. It starts at 19th of a month and ends at 23rd.

To gain the Girl you have to perform good enough in the 4 Contests of the even to gain at least 100 shards. You can end in one Contest at 4th or better to gain the girl from one Contest, or you can get at least 25th place every day to gain 25 shards per day. If you have claimed the Girl or have for the first time at least placed top4 you'll grouped only with players who had gotten (or potentially gotten in case of the top4 or better) the girl too. The ones who haven't the girl gotten are grouped together, and have not to deal with the ones who have the girl at this time.

You don't have to claim the Contest rewards while the event last. You gain the rewards even if the Event has ended. But be aware: unclaimed Contest rewards disappear after 21 days! It's allways better to claim the Contest rewards fast to avoid loosing a reward accidently.

Here you see the rewards with the Girl and after you claimed the Girl:

image.png      image.png

You can see that only the Girl shards were replaced by the MythicPachinko Orbs.


The 4 Contests have a pattern to appear:

Day1: image.png

Day2: image.png

Day3: image.png


Day4: image.png


This Event is a relativ easy way to get a 5* Legendary if you have prepared a little bit. Ending in the top25 every day isn't such complicated and if you have prepared seriously even in the highet brackets it's not to hard to end at least at one day in top4. But be careful! Planing to end more than one time in the top4 is combined with a high risk to spend much more than meaningfull! The scores in LC are high and often you could win more than 2 Daily Contests with the same amount you need for a win in LC. How much worth the rewards are for you it's surely different, but Mythic Hero Equip is gainable at more than one place and even 250 dominatrix and sensual Gems are nice, they are no gamechanger that allways justify hughe spending. One time a top4 is enough in LC to gain the girl, or you stay at the "relaxed" path and go for 4 times a top25. But if you have the Girl and get a solid chance for another top4 or 1st without spending all you have and ending broken after reset, you can try it surely.

To be successfull in the different days you should have in mind that some  objectives are more important than others.

For example:

At Day1 you don't need to invest more Energy than the natural regen. Natural regen of Energy in 24h (24x8=192) are 9.600 points, 10 Champion tickets leads to 9.000 points. If you have active players in your bracket, or players with a platinum card you can expect scores above 180.000 points at the end and so the Energy is only a minor part of the possible gaining of points. You would need thousands of Energy to make a relevant difference.


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Mythic Days Revival (MDR)


(Event widget from the 2nd MDR in July 2024)

One Mythic Girl avalaible at a Villain

The Event lasts 2 days and at the moment the Event is 2 times a month: one time from 12th to 14th and from 23rd to 25th.

You need in average ca 1550 combativity to get a girl. The dropchance is near 6,5% with a droprange of 1. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! This Event is the one where the Mythic Booster „Sandalwood Perfume“ is highly recommended. With this Booster you can reduce the average needed amount from ca 1550 combativity to ca 770 combativity.

To participate in this Event you should have storaged 5 Sandalwood Perfume and 10.000 Koban (1700 at nutaku). Sure, if you buy all needed combativity with Koban you don't need 10.000/1700, but have in mind that the amount is calculated with a safety net to cover a bad streak. With this amount of Koban you should be mostly sure to get the girl, even you have a bad rng. You can storage aditional combativity from event rewards so you can reduce the needed amount of Koban.

The next thing you have to be aware in Mythic Days Revival is, that you have a limited pool of shards. Every 2h is a new batch of shards added to the pool. The shard Pool is different for the servers. That are the shards-pools for the two main server .com and nutaku:

image.png            image.png

The next problematic Part is, that you should use Sandalwood Perfume and should know how to use it properly: Sandalwood have 11 charges and add one shard to every drop you gain from a villain until the charges are consumed. So to use Sandalwood there are two important points you should have to consider: You don't want another avalaible girl parallel at the Villain, because the other girl would consume charges too if there are shard drops for here and you have to be carefull with mutliple attacks (x10, x50), because if you get more drops than charges left in your Booster you increase the needed amount of combativity to get the Mythic in the end. From experience it's not recommended to use a x50 attack if your Sandalwood have less than 7 charges and a x10 if your Sandalwood have less than 3 charges left. If you don't have a monthly card that give you free multiple attacks it's also not recommended to use the multiple attacks to safe some Koban.


(Mythic Booster "Sandalwood Perfume")

At the moment the Mythics wil be revived in chronological order and it's unknown how and when KK will revive the older ones again. Because of this it's recommended to gain a girl completely to avoid sitting on a partially obtained Mythic Girl for months and years.

This Event is one of the most expensivs one and not recommended for new players. Not only that you need a hughe amount of combativity to get the girl, the Mythic Girls are extremly expensiv to upgrade and uplevel and you should use Mythic Boosters - and for access to them you need to be lvl200. After you reached lvl300 you should be developed enough to gain for Mythics and bring them to a usable grade and level.

At .com the Revived Mythics run out of shards normaly, but not at nutaku. Because of this your strategy for the MDR should be different considering the server you play. At .com you should allways have a look at the shard counter and try as fast as possible to gain the shards for the Girl to avoid that you can't get the last shards with the last shard-batches, because they run out to fast for you, while at nutaku you can take it easy, safe some Koban by using only single fights and a maximum of natural regen.


A more detailed description of MDR and how to play it is posted here:


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Path of Attraction (PoA)


(Event widget July 2024)


4 Girls avalaible - 2 in the free Path and 2 in the Bonus Path. The Bonus Path needs 7200 Koban (1200 at Nutaku) to unlock. All Girls are 3* Girls.

The Event lasts 6 days. It starts at the 25th of the month and end at the 31st or 1st of next month.

Path of Attraction (PoA) has allways new Girls.

The PoR event was created as clone of PoA to revive Girls, the tasks and the rewards are mostly the same for both events:

Tier1: Task: Do the 12 Daily Missions Reward: 1 Mythic Pachinkox1 Orb - 1 Mythic Pachinkox1 Orb

Tier2: Task: Win 18x PvP (Season/League)

Tier3: Task: Sell 30 Items

Tier4: Task: Win 35x Villain battles

Tier5: Task: Spend money

Tier6: Task: Fight 25x against Champions

Tier7: Task: Use 120 Energy

Tier8: Task: Sell 60 Items

Tier9: Task: Fight 30x against Champions

Tier10: Task: Win 30x PvP (Season/League)

Tier11: Task: Spend money

Tier12: Task: Win 80x Villain battles

Tier13: Task: Win 35x PvP (Season/League)

Tier14: Task: Use 240 Energy

Tier15: Task: Fight 60x against Champions

Tier16: Task: Win 42x PvP (Season/League)

Tier17: Task: Spend money

Tier18: Task: Win 120x Villain battles

Tier19: Task: Score 20.000 points in Contest

Tier20: Task: Win 50x PvP (Season/League)

Tier21: Task: Sell 120 Items

Tier22: Task: Spend money

Tier23: Task: Fight 100x against Champions

Tier24: Task: Use 360 Energy

Tier25: Task: Win 200x Villain battles

Tier26: Task: Score 50.000 points in Contest


You have to do the tasks in order, so using Kisses (Season) or Condoms (League) give you no progress in task2 if you don't have claimed the 12 Daily missions and can claim the reward fot task1. With this in mind it's clear that a participating in this kind of event is a case of good ressource management. If you can start into this event with good storarged ressources there is mostly no problem to finish the event without spending Koban.

It's often asked if it's worth to buy PoA Bonus Path and there are a lot of player who strictly deny it. In my opinion it depends a lot of your situation in the game and the goals you want to reach. PoA can give you a good amount of Orbs - some MyPx6, some EpPx1 and a Draft Orb, so there is some value for the 7.200 Koban (1.200 at Nutaku) you have to invest to buy the Bonus Path. If you want to collect Mythics fast it's better to skip PoA Bonus Path if you don't want to invest a good amount of real money.


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Cumback Contest (CbC)


(Event Widget from early July 2024)

Reviving an older Path of Attraction or Season Girl. All possible Girls are 3* Girls.

The Event lasts 3 days. It starts every Monday and ended at Thursday parallel to the end of the League. Only exception is the one week per month when Cracy Cumback Event is active.

You need to be active in the 3 days before the event starts to have access to the event!

To gain the Girl, you need to win shards in specific Contests. The pattern of the Contests is allways the same.

Day1: image.png

Day2: image.png

Day3: image.png


Rewards if you have the Girl:                                                                    Rewards if you haven't the Girl:

image.png    image.png

It's not necessary to claim the Contest rewards immediatly. Even if the Event has ended you can claim the rewards and the rewards will change to MythicPachinko Orbs if you have claimed the girl with the first or the second claimed Contestreward and so unclaimed Contests rewards remain. But be aware: unclaimed Contest rewards disappear after 21 days! It's allways better to claim the Contest rewards fast to avoid loosing a reward accidently.


The CbC is an Event to revive older PoA and Season Girls, but beside of this, the Event has very great rewards. The Girls XP and the gems are highly demanded ressources if you have a great Harem. The bulbs, you need to skill the Girls are a hard argument to participate too. A lot of Players participate in this Event not for the Girls, they try to gain the GirlsXP, Gems and bulbs. A good ressource management is mandatory to participate well in the CbC, but the rewards are worth it.

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Cracy Cumback Contest (CCbC)


(Event widget July 2024)

Reviving 4 older Path of Attraction or Season Girls. All possible Girls are 3* Girls.

The Event lasts 6 days. It starts at Monday and ended at Sunday. The event replace one time per month the weekly Cumback Contest.

You need to be active in the 3 days before the event starts to have access to the event!

To gain the Girls, you need to win shards in specific Contests. The pattern of the Contests is allways the same. The 4 Girls are in a specific order. If you need more than 1 Girl, you have to gain the girls in the order that the event determine. The Contest-rewards show allways the first obtainalbe Girl, even you have won 100 shards for her. Only if you claim the girl, the picture in the rewards change to the next possible Girl. It doesn't matter which Girl is shown: If you claim a girl and you have more CCbC rewards storaged and can get more Girls from the specific CCbC, the Girl to claim change to the next possible Girl in the line. It doesn't matter if the event is active anymore. But be aware: unclaimed Contest rewards disappear after 21 days! It's allways better to claim the Contest rewards fast to avoid loosing a reward accidently.

Here the rewards if you haven't all Girls                                                             and with all Girls:

image.png         image.png

The Contests are:

Day1:  image.png

Day2: image.png

Day3: image.png

Day4: image.png

Day5: image.png

Day6: image.png


You should have in mind, that at Day5 the mentioned points are related to started 2500 Ymen - so if you gain or spend 12.800 Ymen, you would gain 6 points.


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Kinky Cumpetition (KC)


(Event widget from July 2024)

1 Legendary 3* Girl avalaible.

The event lasts 2 days. It starts in the middle of the month between 12th and 18th at a Thursday with League reset.

To obtain the Girl you have to win fights in League und Season. While you have a 50% chance to get a shard drop everytime you win a Season fight, the dropchance in League is "only" 10%, but while in Season drops only 1 shard in League the droprange is 1-4.

While the event last you gain an aditional reward in Leagues and Season if no shard drop.

In Season you get a random selected Book image.png

In League you get a random selected Gift image.png

In theese days there should be no problem to gain the Girl from natural regen, event rewards and Labyrinth rewards. In the two days you have 97 avalaible condoms in League (without any card, with a monthly card the amount increase): 2 days with ca. 41 condoms natural regeneration and the starting 15 condoms with League reset. That leads to an average amount of 9-10 drops out of League fights. With an average amount of 2,5 shards per drop in League you can expect 22 shards per KC from Leagues. You gain 50 Kisses from natural regeneration and the free daily gift while the event last. Aditional Kisses from Labyrinth runs - 2 are possible to use for this event - and event rewards should give you enough Kisses to gain the remaining shards (Season are up to 50 Kisses, PoV and ME can give you some too, what drops in Labyringht is different per run, but depending of your playerlevel it can be up to 80 Kisses per run if you lvl500+ and can run hard mode).

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Kinky Cumpetition Revival (KCR)


(Event widget from July 2024)

1 Legendary 3* Girl avalaible. The Girls are the ones from earlier Kinky Cumpetitions, revived in Chronological order.

The event lasts 2 days. It starts at the end of the month at a Thursday after 25th.

To obtain the Girl you have to win fights in League und Season. While you have a 50% chance to get a shard drop everytim you win a Season fight, the dropchance in League is "only" 10%, but while in Season drops only 1 shard in League the droprange is 1-4.

While the event last you gain an aditional reward in Leagues and Season if no shard drop.

In Season you get a random selected Book image.png

In League you get a random selected Gift image.png

In theese days there should be no problem to gain the Girl from natural regen, event rewards and Labyrinth rewards. In the two days you have 97 avalaible condoms in League (without any card, with a monthly card the amount increase): 2 days with ca. 41 condoms natural regeneration and the starting 15 condoms with League reset. That leads to an average amount of 9-10 drops out of League fights. With an average amount of 2,5 shards per drop in League you can expect 22 shards per KC from Leagues. You gain 50 Kisses from natural regeneration and the free daily gift while the event last. Aditional Kisses from Labyrinth runs - 2 are possible to use for this event - and event rewards should give you enough Kisses to gain the remaining shards (Season are up to 50 Kisses, PoV and ME can give you some too, what drops in Labyringht is different per run, but depending of your playerlevel it can be up to 80 Kisses per run if you lvl500+ and can run hard mode).

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Double Date (DD)


(Event widget)

There is no specific Girl related to this event. The event is a catch-up mechanic for players to clear the Pachinko Pools faster

The Event lasts 2 days normaly, but KK had expanded the duration sometimes in the past at special occasions (like anniversary or christmas). The event has no fix date to appear in a month and can skip sometimes a month in total.

To be prepared for this event you should try to storage as much as possible Orbs. After every Girl shard-drop from Pachinko will be doubled, you can gain 20 Girls in this event - 10 Girls as "normal" drops and the aditional 10 Girls to the drops.  If you haven't cleared the Epic Pachinko Pool this event is the best way to reduce (or clear) the pool if you have enough Orbs. The average amount of needed Orbs to gain 10 drops out of Epic Pachinko is 250 (ca. 4% dropchance)

If there is no matching Contest at day1 of the event, it's often not a bad move to wait until day2 to invest Orbs, because at day2 there could be a matching contest for Orb spending (Cumback Contests or Legendary Contests) or playing Pachinko (Daily Contest).

If your Epic Pachinko Pool is mostly empty and the Double Date s parallel to Orgy Days and you haven't obtained the majority of the Orgy Days Girls it can be interesting to mostly ignore this event if you prefer to clear the Epic Pachinko Pool. With Orgy Days (and Classic Event, but this Event haven't a such great impact) the amount of Girls in the Epic Pachinko Pool increase drastically and this lowers the chance to get a Epic Pachinko Pool permanent Girl.

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Sultry Mystery (SM)


(Event widget)

There is no specific Girl related to this event. The event allows you to complete girls, you have at least 40 shards.

To gain a Girl in Sultry Mystery you need the Sultry Mystery coins: image.png

To gain theese you have to open the locks in the grid. The needed keyes are obtainable from

a) a chance to drop in Villain fights near 10% image.png

and b) from the 3rd Daily Goal Chest image.png

Every unlocked square in the Grid give you a reward. The rewards are randomly distributed in the Grid. You can check which rewards are unlocked until now if you click at the little chest in the left bottom corner. The selection of rewards is allways the same, only the position in the grid change. image.png

(Rewards oversight)

You need to at least unlock 15 squares to activete the option to change to a new grid. There is no exactly ideal point to change the grid. It depends to a good part on the situation you have in the game. But in generall it's not bad to change as latest after you have collected most of the coins, the keyes and the Koban.

After you have collected coins you can spend them in the Sultry Mystery Shop:


You gain a selection of things you can buy. There is allways one Girl avalaibel you have at least 40 shards for. The selection stays for 12h. The timer starts again at the moment you open the shop after the initial 12h the first time again. Sadly because of this it's easy to miss some possible selections.

If you buy ressources here or only Shards is your decision, but there are some Girls you can only gain with the help of the SM-Shop, the Labyrinth Shop and the Shops from the Mega Events. So it's highly recommended to focus on such Girls to buy. After SM is normaly monthy it's not a problem if the game place only girls you don't want to finish with SM in the Shop. With a little bit patience will you get one of the relevant Girl into the shop.

Which Girls are recommended to complete with coins? At first LD Girls who had their LD revival. At the moment there is no other revival for the LD Girls beginning with Nero (the earlier Girls are in the Mythic Pachinko Pool). Girls from Boss Bang, Legendary Contest, Mega Events are relevant too. League Girls, Girls from Champions and Girls who hadn't her revival in LD shouldn't be bought. You can gain them at other places in the game wiht less investment.

If you had bought something from the shop the slot stay empty until the refresh of the shop.

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Mega Event - Lusty Race Style (LR)


(Event widget from July 2024)

4 new Girls avalaible, all of them are 5* Girls. 2 at Free Path, 2 at Bonus Path. To unlock the Bonus Path you need 15.600/1310 Koban/Nuban.

In this kind of ME you score from winning Season and Villain fights, spend tickets to battle against Champions and gain points from claiming the Daily Goals Chests. Aditional there are two Rankings where you can gain a lot of points from: "The Top Ranking" and the "Ranking".

The points you can gain by playing the game are:

From claiming the 5 Daily Goals Chest a total of 25 points per day

From winning Season fights 2 points per won fight. If you loose you gain nothing.

From winning Villain fights 1 point per won fight.

From spending a ticket for a champion performance you gain 1 point.

In the "Top Ranking you have to score high to gain in the top 1000 players of your server to gain aditional points. The better you score, the better are the rewards.


The aditional reward changing steps are:







In the "Ranking" it's "only" needed to reach the best %s of the total playerbase:



To obtain the Girls you have to reach:

Free Path:

1st Girl at 5760 points

2nd Girl at 21.500 points

Bonus Path:

1st Girl at 2520 points

2nd Girl at 13.200 points.


A little calculation how much points a f2p player can expect:

natural regen:
from Villains: 54x30 (48 combativity from natural regen and 6 combativity from the Daily Goals Chests per day) = 1620
from Daily Goals Chests: 25x30 = 750
from Season: (25x2)x30 (24 Kisses natural regen and one from the Daily free Bundle) = 1500
from Champions: extremly different from player to player - this should every player calculate for himself how much fights he think he can do while he is doing other stuff in the game.

From natural regen are 3870 points + Champion fights possible. If I calculate with the 8x7 fights it ends at 5550 points. How I calculate with 8 rounds? Well, In the 1h you normaly need to finish the Daily Missions you can do 4-5 rounds and to claim PoPs 3 times a day and clear the bars from natural regen you should enter the game 2-3 times per day more so 1 round per extra visit too added to ca. 8 rounds per day.

From the Leaderboard:

Expected top10% and top1000 every time means: 9x760 = 6840 points. Because of the bigger playerbase at hh.com the top1000 and top10% are only reachable at nutaku, at .com you'll need to be top5% to reach top1000. I haven't added the aditional combativity you gain from the rankings to this calculation to create a safety margin if you can't score the max amount of points in other parts - for example sometimes loosing in Season.

From Labyrinth:

After players below lvl500 have no access to hard mode in Labyrinth and gain less ressources from beating an opponent in the Labyrinth (2 Kisses/combativty in comparison to 3 for lvl500+) the amount of points you can gain from Labyrinth is very different. I calculate with 100 points per run here.That are another 1500 points for the LR

An active f2p player can reach 11.500-14.000 points mostly sure without spending Koban

Not included: points from other Events and rewards. Here are 2000-3000 points possible - depends on the ability to participate in LD, MD, MDR, PoA and if you buy Bonus Paths of PoA, PoV or PoG.

The Bonus Path of LR can give you 3000 points from rewards - a 4th x1000 point reward is at the last Girl, so not helpfull to reach the needed 21.600 points.


In this Mega Event it's doable to reach the 4th Girl for Veterans (lvl500+) if they can afford the 15.600/2600 Koban/Nuban the Bonus Path cost. But you have to play active daily, don't waste ressources and activate all you can from other event rewards if you don't want to spend real money. Player who can't afford the Koban to buy the Bonus Path should only aim for the 1st Girl and after this only invest in the rankings if they can profit more from the aditional ressources the rankings give than they have to invest to get a good ranking.

To gain good placements in ranking it's mandatory to play the other events of the game seriously because there is no single one that doesn't give points to the Mega Events.

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Hot Assembly (HA)


4 new Girls avalaible, all of them are 5* Girls.

In this kind of ME you score from winning Season and Villain fights, spend tickets to battle against Champions and gain points from claiming the Daily Goals Chests. Aditional there is a Ranking where you can gain a lot of points from: The Ranking of top% in the game.


The points you can gain by playing the game are:

From claiming the 5 Daily Goals Chest a total of 25 points per day

From winning League fights 1 point per won fight. If you loose you gain nothing.

From winning Villain fights 1 point per won fight.

From spending a ticket for a champion performance you gain 1 point.

From spending worship in the Pantheon 3 points per used worship.

You can gain a good amount of Ressources and points for this kind of ME if you buy the event cards:


The cards stack, so you can buy all of them to gain more points. What you gain instantly is the amount of what you gain daily multiplied with the days the event was active - so if you buy a card at the last day of the event you gain from the Medium Card 60 Sapphires, 120 Combativity and 1200 direct ME points. It's recommended to wait a good amount of time until you invest into the cards. The big amount of Ressources you gain instantly if you buy the cards later help you more, than the small amount every day.


In this event you have a market where you get the girls:


The 4 Girls in the first line are the new ones. After this there are some 5* Girls following - normaly 4 slots. Theese 5* Girls are Girls from former Mega Events who are revived here. More Girls are normaly 3* Girls, but in rare occasions there were aditional 5* Girls too.



To gain shards for the girls there are two different sources: The new Girls can get shards from the reward Path of the HA. For this you have to reach and claim the specific Rewards in the Path:

image.png image.png


(here one time x10 shards - left - and one time x20 shards - right)

There are two thngs to have in mind: if you claim a shard-reward the shards will be added to a randomly choosen HA-Girl. So you should be careful to not "loose" shards because you claim a x20 reward and a Girl get more than 100 shards because she was at 90 shards before.

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Seasonal Event with Market (SEM)


4 new Girls avalaible, all of them are 5* Girls.

In this kind of ME you score from winning Season, League and Villain fights and gain points from claiming the Daily Goals Chests.

The points you can gain by playing the game are:

From claiming the 5 Daily Goals Chest a total of 26 points per day

From winning Season fights 2 points per won fight. If you loose you gain nothing.

From winning Villain fights 1 point per won fight.

From winning a League fight you gain 1 point. If you loose you gain nothing.


The 4 Girls are at the Path to gain.

In the Market you can gain shards for older ME Girls. There are 4 slots with Girls from other Events too.




The Event-cards:



calculation of the reachable points for f2p:

 A player that does not lose any fight and use every single point natural regen could offer, in 30 days should get:

- 1620 points from CPs (48 from natural regen + 6 from daily goals, x30 days)
- 780 points from daily goals chests (26 per day)
- 1270 points from league fights (297 fights in a 100 opponents bracket and 2 days with x41 tokens per day)
- 1440 points from season fights (24 natural regen x2 points )

= 5110 points from natural regen

The free card gives out up to 450 points
The medium card gives out up to 1530 points
The big card gives out up to 3060 points

= 10.150 points with all Koban cards

From Daily/Weekly Rewards: 30 kisses, 60 combativity are another 120 points
2x PoV: 38 combativity (Bonus path), 45 Kisses leads up to 256 aditional points
Saeson: 86 combativity, 50 Kisses leads up to 186 adtional points
Sultry Mystery, Double Penetration (if avalaible in this month) and PoA will add some more points too.

From all of this you can expect something near 11.000 points from natural regen, Rewards and Cards.

Labyrinth should give you 21 combativity and 42 Kisses (normal mode!) for sure, so 15 times aditional 105 points - in total 1575.

So a shortage of ca. 1000 points for the 3rd girl. That should be doable with the rewards and investments in the different events this month (LD, MD fe)

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Path of Valor (PoV)


(PoV Event-widget)

2 new Girls avalaible, both are 3* Girls. One is at the Free Path, the other at the Bonus Path.

The Event lasts 14 days, after this, the next kind of PoV will start. The Event changes allways at Friday, one day after the League reset.

Depending of the actual kind of PoV you have to do different tasks in the game to gain "potions". The 6 different kinds of PoV are:

PoV1: image.png

PoV2: image.png

PoV3: image.png

PoV4: image.png

PoV5: image.png

PoV6: image.png

This 6 PoVs will appear in this order, so you can prepare. But have in mind, that at PoV5 only Contests count, who started while the PoV last!


PoV is mostly an Event that is parallel to playing the game - in most cases it's not needed to invest especially for PoV to gain enough points to gain the Girls. If you want to reach a specific reward and have noch chance to gain enough potions from the different objectives of a PoV you can buy aditional potions.


(the button to buy more potions with the actual amount of your potions)


(the widge to buy more potions)

It's not often that it's meaningfull to buy potions. It can be meaningfull if you haven't gotten the last shard reward for the Girl(s) shortly befor the end of the PoV so you can gain the Girl(s) with some aditional Koban, or the Sandalwood Perfume if you have to invest less than 540 Koban (90 at nutaku), or if you not to far away from one of the Mythic rewards at 10.000+ if you can reach one of theese rewards with not to much Koban investment.

It's often questioned at which point the PoV is "done". Some say, after 2500 points, because after this you have the Girls and a good part of the ressources. Other votes for 6500 points (what was the maximum of points with rewards at the time PoV was added to the game), because after this you have the normal rewards. The 25.000 points goal is mostly only reachable for players who spend a good amount of money and at least with one PoV you can't reach the last rewards without buying potions.

Another not easy to answer question is, from what point on it's meaningfull to buy the Bonus Path. In the early game the Bonus-Path can be a great Boost to your playerlevel and the Path rewards you with helpfull ressources too, but the focus in the first lvls should be to upgrade the PoPs to gain more ressources from the 3 permanent ones. If you have the ca. 15.000 Koban (2500 at Nutaku) that you need to bring the PoPs to lvl9, you should invest in 5* Girls and Mythic Girls so PoG (reviving older 5* Girls) can be a more interesting place to spend Koban than PoV. I would recommend to start buying the PoV Bonus Path after you have no more Girls from PoG to gain and gain/have enough Koban to participate in the Mythic Revivals.

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Path of Glory (PoG)


2 revived 5* Girls. One is at the Free Path, the other at the Bonus Path. If you have a Girl, the shards-reward will be replaced by EpPx1 Orbs - 1 at Free Path and 3 at Bonus Path.

To make progress in the Path you have to complete the Daily Goals. It's enough to make every day 100 points to get the Girl-shards. Only if you want to have the rewards beyond the Girls you have to finish more Daily Goals task as needed to gain the 5th Chest. The max points in the Path is exactly the amount you would gain if you every day the PoG finish all Daily Goals (150 points per day).

It depends extremly on your situation in the game if the Bonus Path it's worth to buy. Sure, the revived Girs is a 5* Girl and so allways interesting for PvP, but the amount of 5400 Koban (900 at Nutaku) per Bonus Path is not a bagatelle. The rewards in the Bonus Path are nice - a good amount of XP, some Books, Gifts, Energy and combativity, but nothing outstanding. In most cases may the investoment in the Bonus Path are worth, if you need the Girl at Bonus Path and if you are playing active enough to gain most of the rewards beyond the Girl. For all other players I would recommen to ignore the Bonus Path - there are more interesting places to spend the hard earned Koban for.

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2 new 3* Girls along the Free Path - earlier obtainable if you buy the Pass for the Bonus Path. If you claimed one version of the Girl reward, the other change to EpPx1 Orb.

To make progress in the Season you have to use Kisses to battle opponents and win Mojo.


The Mojo you can win is calculated by the difference between your own Mojo and the Mojo the potential opponent have. If the opponents Mojo is mostly similar it's 20 Mojo you can win, if the Mojo is lesser it can go down to a 1 Mojo win, if the Mojo is much higer, it can grew to a max of 40.

If you loose a fight, you'll loose Mojo too. The calculation how much Mojo you'll loose is based on the potential winable Mojo - the higher you could win, the lower what you can loose: 40 - (Winnable Mojo) = lost Mojo. For example: You could win 23 Mojo against an opponent, but loose the fight, so you loose 40-27= 23 Mojo. Until you reach 7300 Mojo your potential losses are capped at 10 Mojo and the other exception is, when you fight against an ooponent who would give you 40 Mojo - in this case you loose 1 Mojo instead 0.


It's recommended that you use a weak Team if you don't fight activly in the Season. You don't loose if another player attacks you while you use a weak team, the opposite is the fact! Because you allow other player to win against you, they can gain more Mojo, and after the Mojo you can win is determined by the Mojo you and your opponnent have, it's meaningfull that you allow others to increase their Mojo. Even if there is a Contest with "win Season fights" objective it's not such a bad impact for you if you allow other players to win in the Season - the ones who wants to use Kisses for progress in the Contest have normaly such a great stock, that the impact from some lost fights are mostly that they only use a very small amount of their total stock more.


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