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Stop Increasing Breast Sizes of Petite Haremettes


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This has been a trend for a long while and it's getting really annoying. 
I understand there is a majority of player base that loves big honkabaloogas, but please keep in mind that petite is also a fetish/preference. Currently about 5-7% of girls can be considered small chested (flat to B cup), and the ones we have keep getting augmented.

Noemy's Sweet and Magical versions are absolutely massive considering her other versions. Most recent event girl VR Addy is also larger than Addy, though not as drastic. Kalissa, Kimie, there are a lot more examples.

There are a plethora of parody sources that are flat or small which have been reimagined with large or even huge breasts, and while disappointing, it's understandable due to catering to a majority. (Lustia forbid the opposite would ever happen...🙄)

Please keep the few petite girls we have petite.

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Size inconsistency is an issue with KK artits accross the board and throughout the years - it's not recent at all. There clearly is noone on their team who cares about girls keeping their visual identity.

And it drives me nuts when I'm saving the images locally and tagging them. I'm trying to keep some "breast size" categories but when one girl could fit all of them depending on her variant it feels counterproductive...

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Yeah I agree Garadron, but for me personally it's within the petite category that bothers me, since it already represents less than 10% of the girls. Though I recognize that it's an across the board issue. 

I found it most annoying in the storyline, where Fairy, who is literally supposed to be a fairy, small and petite, is suddenly taller and bustier in the Harem Tournament. They could've taken any other girl. Honestly every girl in that world is a lot bustier, but I already gave up on 'story' art being consistent with Haremette art.

My gripe is just with Haremette art for petite characters. There already are so few and they're being filtered out more and more. Hence this is in feedback.
Petite is still a preference for part of the player base. We don't go and make huge complaints about the sheer lack of number of petite haremettes, but please don't augment the ones that exist...

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  • 5 months later...

Honestly a bit surprised they kept Hex true to her source. Hope that remains the same and she isn't affected by 'inflation' in the future, like so many others.
Really good work on that one!

Disappointed about Meena, Lilis and Touchie though. Especially since Touchie's source is flat as a board.

Majority obviously likes the bigger sizes and voted Shadow down in recent poll, but honestly, to me, she's a fave of recently released girls.

Really hope future Kimie, Noemie, and Hari sizes will go back to original.

There is a vast, vast majority of large chested girls all across fiction. Please just pick the 90+% of girls that are huge if you wanna do a parody with big breasts.
I'd like more than 5% modest/small representation. And it's not making girls look too young; Ume, Royal Housemaid, Norou, Kalissa, original Noemie, and now Hex, to just name a few, clearly show it's doable without going in a problematic direction. 

Small doesn't inherently mean 'too young', as I see this a lot as an excuse. In the show Dexter they also went through 8 seasons with nearly not a single woman being large chested. This was a very clear departure from Hollywood's normalized sex appeal representation, showing that not every woman has to have an F-cup to be sexually appealing, and honestly did a lot for representation.

Edited by Mellinara
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  • 4 weeks later...

We have a new Path of Valor, two new girls, and two new disappointments when it comes to parody sources. 

Amanai is a parody of Heart Aino from Arcana Heart, and Rorona is a parody of Yui Kutuna from Vanguard Princess. As par for the course, both girls' chests have been inflated compared to their sources, Rorona's drastically more than Amanai's. If fans can't recognize the charm of the original, the parody loses its effectiveness.

It's not about removing larger-chested characters but ensuring a balanced representation across the spectrum. If more than 90% of the characters already cater to large-bosomed preferences, why alter the remaining minority? Balancing preferences shows respect for all player bases and enhances the overall inclusivity of the game.
As I suggested before: imagine the inverse. What if artists consistently made larger characters petite? That would spark outrage. I'm just asking for the same consideration here.

Perhaps introduce a poll where the community can vote on whether certain characters should retain their source-accurate proportions?

Because when characters who were originally petite are redesigned with larger chests, it feels like a missed opportunity to appreciate diversity in body types. Representation matters here, and for those of us who enjoy smaller-chested characters, it’s disheartening to see their unique charm diminished.

The beauty of a parody lies in its authenticity. When characters like Rorona or Amanai are altered, it breaks immersion for fans of the originals. Or when Noemi undergoes a huge 'boob job', it makes her lose her prior appeal. Why not preserve their source-accurate designs and choose new characters with larger proportions when desired? This way, every fanbase feels catered to, and the game remains inclusive.

I've played this game for quite a while, and while I appreciate the inclusivity and respect for all preferences that the game does largely achieve, it fails in doing that by sacrificing authenticity to one group, that already is a minority—small-chested girls. Though I acknowledge there is a (small) percentage of smaller-chested girls, I think it's essential that parodies should stick to source-accurate proportions.

Increasing the breast sizes of already well-endowed girls is probably something a lot of people want anyway, but it works most of the time, because the preference was already in the realm of 'large'. The same doesn't work as well for the opposite. A lot of people like the charm and non-conformity of smaller chests, and applying the 'make-it-larger-for-more-likes' logic can actually have the opposite effect here, ruining a girl who would've been beloved. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/16/2025 at 4:10 PM, OmerB said:

I like petite girls with (very) big breasts!

Please do more of these :)

Quite literally the opposite of what this thread is asking. You already have a boatload of those anyway. Almost any girl that's a parody of a petite girl has large breasts. 

Your request for more doesn't really fit in this thread, I think. 

Edited by Mellinara
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I think Mellinara comments hit the spot when he said that the parody must keep the physical characteristics of the girls, and yes, some times keeping a character petite body and tits can help with recognizing and identifying the parody with the source.

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