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Cannot collect offer


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I checked in the other games as well.  Hentai Heroes and Pornstar Harem both have the identical issue.  Click the offer and it will open the Manga RPG page, which is already above level 50, but it refuses to collect the free character.

If it's not too much trouble, can we fix this?

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Do this:

- disable your adblocker momentarily

- launch the mangarpg offer from sexfriends or banner 

- complete the tutorial or if you have completed earlier, do a few tasks

- logout/login from mangarpg (don't close tab), that trigger the reward.

- now the reward banner should appear in mangerpg and in comixharem: you get the girl

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I got her too - it was a pain. I eventually got to level 51, had to re-do the tutorial for most areas, and tried the usual - turning off uBlock, logging in and out again and again.. still no luck -> lodged support request.

Support responded within 24 hrs and I saw the option to "claim" the girl within HH -> SexFriends area - but once clicked I didn't get any animation and she still wasn't in the harem.  Next day when I logged in, she had magically appeared as the most recent girl. Go figure.

I think perhaps they've tried to patch it and it's just become a mess.

p.s. the gift girl is a level 3. 

Edited by jamanga
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