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Discussion to the Vademecum


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The "Vademecum" is under construction. In the last months I had worked at it if I could spare some time.

I think I have some Events completed, but not nearly all. If someone read the Vademecum and think it would be good to add some more informations (and which): please post it here. Same if I had worded some things very badly.

The Events I think who are mostly completed:

CE - MD - PoR - LD - OD - LS - MDR - PoA - CbC - KC - KCR - DD - SM - LR

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It seems to me that using Latin in the title of the topic is not the best idea. I had to use a translator to understand what this topic was about. How can newcomers to the forum understand that this is an important topic and that they should not ask the questions covered in it?

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I think you should modify the drop rates saying something like this:

in CE, OD, LD:

"Drop rate WAS initially 10% but it was later changed to a lower chance, estimated in 8.5% approx."

In MD:

"The drop rate of Mythic girls is estimated to be around 6.5%"

If you need some data to back those claims:

CE,OD,LD, 1507 drops in 18005 battles, 8.37%

Mythic Days, 908 drops in 14114 battles, 6,43%

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@Master-17 As I created the thread title I had in mind to add a "sub-title" in english, but was not sure how I exactly should phrase it, so I decided to add it later... And now, as I unhide the thread I forgot to add the "subtitle" 🤪 Well, I added the "subtitle" in the meantime.


@jelom I changed the wording to (example from CE):

The dropchance should be near 10% with a droprange from 2-8. In the last time we got hints that KK could have changed the droprate to a lower amount. If you can collect data (amount of used combativity, amount of drops) it would be nice if you would share them in the relevant thread at Feedback (General Discussion -> Feedback -> "A place for people to share their shards drop info".

I hope, that this could lead to some more data to side your shared data and it should be cover the possible changes.

The change for MD/MDR is:

You need in average ca 1550 combativity to get a girl. The dropchance is near 6,5% with a droprange of 1. Be aware that this is an average amount! The variance in RNG can lead to much more needed combativity per girl, or much lower! This Event is the one where the Mythic Booster „Sandalwood Perfume“ is highly recommended. With this Booster you can reduce the average needed amount from ca 1550 combativity to ca 770 combativity.

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I consider 10% drop rate for CE, LD to be a myth. I haven't seen any data backing it. However, I have seen data with tens of thousands of fights from Ravi and zoopokemon suggesting that the rate is closer to 8%. I have been using this value for my budgeting and it has been close to my reality. Maybe it was 10% at one point but I don't think it is for the past few years.

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The 10% drop rate was correct, and backed by data (mine and other players too in the old thread I update every month) for many years, but two years ago it changed without warning, the same way it changed the 8,0-8,5% EPx1 about that same time and since then is around 4%.

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Wow, that is quite some amount of work. 😉👍

The first thing that came to my mind right when I saw the  opening post was: please add the abbreviations to the event names.

You did it it occasionally at the descriptions, but not consistently.
That would be sort of a compendium, like we had from Ravi.
And here it would make even more sense, as the explanations are much more detailed.

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The first thing that came to my mind right when I saw the  opening post was: please add the abbreviations to the event names.

You did it it occasionally at the descriptions, but not consistently.

The abbreviations are planned to be at all Events at the end, sure.

At the start I hadn't in mind that I should add them, and while I worked at the vademecum I started to add theese. On step near the completion is to add links to the table of contents and make sure that all abbreviations are set at the table of contents and in the post directly.

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about this in Classic Event, but applies too to Leg, Orgy or Epic days: "very small chance for a drop with 100 shards. This x100 drop seems to have a 0,1% chance. "

When I had my (lost) old data I remember the chance for a x100 drop it was 1 drop for 3300-3400 battles, or 0,03% approx, my new data show 4/18005=0,022% but the sample is smaller, so I trust more the old number.

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