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The new Season Matchmaking is bed


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As far as I can see the new Season Matchmaking creates a big disadvantage for the normal player. Now is far more difficult to advance.   The players that I can beet have mojo very low. Also evaluation of the adversary become random.  At least for me. 2 weeks ago it takes 1 or 1.5 days to advance one step. Now in for days I am in the same position:( . And in Comix Harem is worse. Each "improvement" make the game less attractive:(( 

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49 minutes ago, Yamiray said:

oh ya, this is so much better. plus and can't even win these 3 anyway.

It might take a bit of time for you to get favorable fighs, depending on what mojo range you are in.


Finally I have fights that give me more then 5 mojo \o/

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OK, B4 escalating this conversation any further\higher\closer to dev - do people from this LABYRINTH ranking list can\want confirm that they have SEASON draw mostly from this list after last matchmaking changes - with rare iclusions.


Because i do. And i like it not.


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24 minutes ago, mdnoria said:

It feels like, for me, that this has been like that for some months and not just since 2 weeks.

Well,for me it is not a feeling - laby list isnt compilation - it is my real-time laby normal ranking with no one more included or excluded - i see only this ppl in it almost from laby starting.

And now this "no visitors allowed" rule had extended to season

Edited by HentaiGuru
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I don't mean to put down anyones experience but to me this new season seems "normal" so curious if other people who thought it bad are still having problems.

I also was able to get to tier 62 last time (actually got to 64 which is usually near my top) despite having over a week off last month.

Finally being curious at high rankings (that I've never achieved), I did glance at -MM- and he's ~100 levels higher than me.  I can't remember the forumula hints given now but it's possible y'all are just an extreme and it's bad for you and normal for everyone else.  That doesn't invalidate your complaints.  But would not be the first time I've seen extremes messed up.
IIRC, when seasons were first released low level people were complaining they got matched against highs all the time and could not win.  I didn't have any issues then either :P

Edited by jpanda
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