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bunny bug?


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hello i think have bug.

why my Classic Bunny have 701 level and awakening?

normal girl have 700 level and awakening.

can back her on 700lv?.

and it is normal she have 701 and when click awakening she have 700-750level?


bunny 2.png

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At the first glimpse I would say it's a visual bug only. I assume, you had the starter Girls, before they got reworked and the older versions got the "Classic". In this case it could be, that you had spend enough XP to gain the Girls to lvl701, even you hadn't awakend them so they only show the lvl700 and the awakening, but if you spend the gems they immediatly go up to the "correct" lvl. The "correct" lvl is displayed at the Classic Girl, while the new version displays the lvl700 with the awakening step, even she will jump immeidiatly to lvl701 if you awake her.


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Well, technically there is nothing to repair if my assume is correct. If you overspend XP to reach an awakening step, the overspend XP are safed and will displayed at the moment you do the awakening. So it's possible to bring a L5* girl to lvl250, awake her, and if you using a Mythic Book with 40.000XP at her whiel a Girls-XP Contest is active, the 40.000 XP counts for the Contest, but the Girl go up to lvl300 and wait for the next awakening. If you do it than, the Girl go up to lvl350 and so on until the last lvl you could reach with the total spended XP is reached. The difference seems to be, that the Classic Bunny shows the actual lvl at the moment - so she should stay at lvl701 if you awake her and the reworked Bunny should go immediatly to lvl701 if you awake her.

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