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[December 3rd, 2024] MD - Vegetable Juliette


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Girl: Vegetable Juliette at Ninja Spy (Ninja Village)


Class: Charme

Element: playfull (yellow)


hair-colour: red

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Pose: 69

eye colour: blue

Role: Sexomancer


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Working Progress in HH  image.png.448a18a01efd2ae28dc089930150b66c.png   I spent 610 CP for 39 drops so far.  (6,39%)

The first completed Mythic comes from CxH, she was mine for 714 CP.  (7,00%)

image.png.32dca973c4bf9eeecc22a724f9b49cd8.png  Mythic #29

More to come

107 CP and 7 drops later  image.png  and done  image.png.47a7552bbbcb0579618330d8afee797a.png

image.png.31058dbbcc34861774318ad8b1d12aae.png   Mythic #42

768 CP in total (6,51%)

The next one from PsH is here

image.png.a4ca5f64270c8d11da0fb4b1c8983f67.png  Mythic #24

710 CP (7,04%)


One to go, to be continued in TransPSH  image.png.f5538586b4dae538a0b8bca93e6a3a67.png   enough for today  image.png.612cebee7be79b6d0dd9f1d119437806.png  good night.

And on we go  image.png.cb79432f67c9a5979e6b67662dc95759.png


image.png.ba83bb970f828a3658a75072d70b89dc.png  Mythic #14

749 CP  (7,48%)

Edited by Der DinX
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Demon Vegetable Juliette get.
Cheapest mythic so far. Needing only to use 4 sandalwood, as I had 5 charges from the last sandalwood used in Lunar Bunny's Mom Revival.
Overall a very average set of numbers.

Severely misjudged the amount of obtainable combativity, entered with 1011 total.
Video obtained after 187 fights.


Edited by EpicBacon
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It took 688 fights to get Juliette using 5 SP. Drop rate was 7.27% so it was pretty good. I only used natural regeneration and last ME CP so it was very cheap this time.

I had been wondering why Juliette hadn't gotten a mythic version given that she was one of the first three starter girls. So this was overdue. She should however have a better name.

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Got her with 4 SP and without buying any fist thanks to pooled fists from last month ending, natural regen and labyrinth.


Drops Item Drop %
56 Girl shard drops 6,85%
595 Ymens 72,83%
47 Gems 1 5,75%
24 Gems 2 2,94%
60 Mythic orbs 7,34%
35 Tickets 4,28%
817 Total 100,00%

Since I got her the 2nd day and I had more fists than needed, I decided to use my natural regen (and the PWA install reward) to get the video because I had nothing to spend it on except on the other trolls girls which are always here.
I got the video after 147 extra fights.

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Weird one for me.  I had a bunch of extra combat on day one due to stuff expiring and returning from holiday.  And luckily there were intermittantly shards available (not sure if low interest or timing luck).  I didn't spend any SP because there weren't consistently shards.

Yesterday I spent around 7k koban and only 3 SP and got to 95.  One of the cheapest in my memory but I saved the 4th SP and koban to try natural regen today.

This AM my luck was terrible, so this PM I did use the SP and got the 5 I needed (and the girl) almost immediately.

Sadly I lost track of the exact koban because of gain today but good one for me.

As touched on above, seem a lot of shards available to me, will be interested to see ending comparison charts.

Happy hunting.

Edited by jpanda
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8 hours ago, Marc121212 said:

The name was funny, Demon with angel wings.

If you think about who she is a parody of it kind of makes scene. devil fruit change to Demon Vegetable and her her wings are from when she made so many of her arms they made wings

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28 minutes ago, Yamiray said:

If you think about who she is a parody of it kind of makes scene. devil fruit change to Demon Vegetable and her her wings are from when she made so many of her arms they made wings

Maybe she has been secretly been drinking red bull, and the fruit actually had no effect at all?

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