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[December 4th, 2024] Mega Event – Seasonal with Market style - Aurora Boobialis


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New Girls:

Radiant Yuko: Charmne - sensual (blue)

                           Role: Dominator

Gleaming Lihua: Know-how - submissive (white)

                           Role: Fluffer

Glittering Maki: Hardcore - voyeur (purple)

                           Role: Pleasurelock

Glowing Renette: Charme - exhibitionist (green)

                           Role: Sexomancer


If you want to know more about the Event and how to play it, take a look here:


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I don't have anything interesting in the Market


1 minute ago, Capella said:

Ends just before Mythic Days again? They are doing this on purpose, right?

These events also usually start on the 2nd day of MD which has its positives, like not wasting CP from event cards because you can buy them with the upcoming MD in mind

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7 minutes ago, Capella said:

Ends just before Mythic Days again? They are doing this on purpose, right?

Duraton of ME: 30 days

Duration of a month: 28 (in some years 29), 30 or 31 days

That is the whole problem: This time the November was 30 days so the ME ended at 4th, but in a month with 31 days the ME ends at 3rd. On the other side: You have "only" to claim the combativity rewards in the half hour before reset and use it after reset and start of MD so you loose only 1-2 combativity from natural regen.

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14 minutes ago, bolitho76 said:

Duraton of ME: 30 days

Duration of a month: 28 (in some years 29), 30 or 31 days

That is the whole problem: This time the November was 30 days so the ME ended at 4th, but in a month with 31 days the ME ends at 3rd. On the other side: You have "only" to claim the combativity rewards in the half hour before reset and use it after reset and start of MD so you loose only 1-2 combativity from natural regen.

Fair enough. Didn't really keep track of the duration and start dates. Thought was slightly different before. I guess it wasn't.

Then again what's stopping them from starting one day later?

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1 hour ago, bolitho76 said:

On the other side: You have "only" to claim the combativity rewards in the half hour before reset and use it after reset and start of MD so you loose only 1-2 combativity from natural regen.

That only applies if you have a favorable reset time. For those who's reset time is at 4 AM, there would be more lost combativity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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A good amount of points needed to reach the 2nd Girl. From natural regen are ca. 2000 points open, from Labyrinth another ca. 1000 points (calculated with 40 combativity and 70 Kisses per run) and the cards will add 4050 points dircetly - so ca. 15.000-16.000 points (PoA will add some points too, Season and PoV have some points remaining too).

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Everyone has their own goals and objectives. My goal is to accumulate more combativeness for the upcoming MD. I haven't taken the event cards yet, I'll take them on the last day, I'll get two girls for this event and this will suit me quite well at the upcoming stage of my character development. The time will come when I can use all the necessary resources to achieve more significant results, without harming the upcoming events.


I'll take all three event cards, and that will give me a second girl and a good supply of fists for the upcoming MD. Happy New Year to everyone, and great victories to you in your difficult everyday life.

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I am kind of torn. Progress is 8100 Event points, and I could buy the Medium Card, putting me over the line for the second Event girl. I don't really need the fists as I have enough stashed for MD, I don't need the kisses, but 2000 Kobon for a 5* Legendary is a pretty good price compared to let's say Legendary Days, no? But the Kobon loss would also certainly hurt my chances in upcoming MDs etc.

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There are three League resets until the next MDR. So some time to restore your Koban stash. With a little bit luck the next Daily Contest will be winnable with the aditional ressources from the medium card. And if you storage the Kisses until tomorrows start of the next MD, you can have a good start in the next ranking too.

If it's "only" the medium card, I would recommend to buy it.

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First time I got the 4th girl, 18000 points on the dot. Granted this was only possible by carrying over 1300+ kisses from last month and I had to spent all kisses from the cards, but it was worth it, probably.

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My score at the end.

I could have gotten some points more, if I hadn't bad luck sometimes in Season and League, but that wouldn't be enough to make a relevant step to  lower the needed amount of 2000 points to gain the 4th Girl. And it's not worth to invest the Koban to gain the 2000 points, even I have some "points" storaged:


But even with this I would need another ca. 900 points.

Well, than the 4th Girl is a case for Saphires, Labyrinth Shop and SM Shop.

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4 hours ago, bolitho76 said:

There are three League resets until the next MDR. So some time to restore your Koban stash. With a little bit luck the next Daily Contest will be winnable with the aditional ressources from the medium card. And if you storage the Kisses until tomorrows start of the next MD, you can have a good start in the next ranking too.

If it's "only" the medium card, I would recommend to buy it.

Good call, I went along with this. Adding on to your recommendation with the kisses, would you also recommend to stash my fists and get the Mythic tomorrow so it counts towards the new Mega Event? I am aware that I will lose my natural regen of today, but if it's worth the 700ish points progress in the ME, I would be fine with that...

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I finished this event with less impressive results than the veterans of this game. But for a free2play player, I think I got the most out of it. I took two girls (the other two also begged me to take them into my harem, but I promised them that I would definitely do it a little later) and some resources, took all three cards. And now I'm sitting waiting for the beginning of tomorrow to start receiving fragments of the new (50th) mythical girl. If all goes well, she will become the 39th mythical girl in my harem.

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