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Missing Exp Books and Missing Equipment


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I don't know if this is a bug or whatnot, but recently I've found that there've been a lot of items missing from my account. I've had thousand of experience books just vanish overnight even though I haven't used them, and I'm left with only the red mythic books, and none of my other ones. It's really hard to advance my harem without them. I've contacted support, but they said they can't do anything about it and won't check the logs because there's no possibility of that happening and will not allow me to reach out to them regarding that issue. 
Just today, I've had equipment just vanish from my inventory as well. I keep a lot of my equipment that I don't use in my inventory to sell to gain money and almost 90% of it is gone... that's a lot of potential money that is gone. I don't know if I'm the only one experiencing this issue, but it seems the mods might not be willing to help me with it, and I don't want to seem pushy or lying to them about it, when I've been playing this game for nearly 5 years now and it's all of my stuff that I've been gathering for 5 years. So I'm now having to start from scratch and it's really discouraging.

I just wanted to see if anyone else was having the same issue. 
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You're the first I've heard having this issue and sadly there isn't much a mod can do since we're just players who moderate their discord/forums. If you can provide your accounts ID # found in your hero profile page right above the icon indicating the highest league tier you've reached and what server you play on (Nutaku/Erogames or GH.com) I can forward it to bug support and they can look at your account. That said a lot of kinkoid is on holidays right now so it likely won't be a speedy process.

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