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Patch Notes 2024:



Patch Notes Week #52



Happy Holidays!


The Kinkoid team wishes you happy holidays. Stay kinky!


P.S. Use the promo code XXXMAS for a little Christmas present. 




World 19 – Nude City

Quest 15 “READY. SET. GO!”: 

“What is this fucking place, anyway?” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Harem Heroes Mobile Battler


Get ready to dive into the Haremverse like never before! PLAY HHMB NOW!

P.S.Most of the Kinkoid office will be on holiday leave. We will have limited availability in case of emergencies and an increased time for Support inquiries. Thank you for your understanding.


Patch Notes Week #51



Places of Power


Mihana is joining the Places of Power on the 17th of December!




Patch Notes Week #50





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 14 “The New Plan”: 

“This is probably the most sensible plan you’ve made so far.” 



Check out the latest adventure! 



Q&A with Rosso 2024 December 5th:


At the end of 2023, there was a survey about new features for the game. What’s the status of those features? Will all of them be added? Specifically, what’s happening with Pachinko V2?

2024 has been focused on improving the game and fixing bugs, better quality, and adding very little features.

And we’re also improving drastically the experience for new players, you will see it across the next 3 months (tutorial, login, etc.).

For example, when we started the game, there was a majority of desktop players, but now we need to expand to mobile users.

The goal is to have lots of new players in the game and enhance the community for everyone’s enjoyment.

Advertising has become too expensive, so we have to improve players’ retention by improving the experience (first on HH, then through all games).

When this is done, we will go through those features, and maybe ask you again for your feedback on new features, but not before February 2025.


New parallel adventure with Bunny on HH?

Production has started.  It took us some time because we’re doing too many things at the same time, but it will be coming in 2025. It’s going to be a story of Bunny 100 years after the current adventure. I think you’re going to love it.


Boss Bang event was replaced with Lively Scenes forever? What about the BB Mythic Booster?

We want to revive Boss Bang in a different way. Boosters are staying for now because “Ultra Boss Bang” will come back.


A new rewards system (bundles, referral, prestige) was introduced this year, is this for player retention? Did you notice problems with player’s loyalty?

No, we think our players are quite loyal, especially this year when there was not much advertisement and new features, you stayed with us through these trying times, and with quality improvement, we hope you’ll stay forevermore.


What can we expect for next year?

First part of the year, we’re going to focus on making players happy and improving quality, then parallel adventures.

More subtle quality of life and design enhancement will happen so you can enjoy more art.


More mermaids in the game ?

Yes, mermaids are cool.


Will there be remakes of older chapters like for chapter 1?

Maybe. You’ll see improvements on the story mostly in the new Mobile Battler game.


Are the video clips going to be included in the content of each recruit (GPSH)?

Complicated, content providers have a lot of demands about what we can and can’t do.


More girls rewards in Pantheon ?

Yes, one day, Pantheon, champions
 will be enhanced, like with some “hardcore mode”, it will eventually happen.


New type of event to get Mythics that doesn’t involve fighting villains?

Maybe, but not a priority.


Mythic version of [Character X]?

All your suggestions are forwarded to the content team, so they will be studied and may happen eventually.


Promo codes linked to events are dwindling, will they come back?

We’ll discuss it internally, but it’s possible.


Nutaku merging with Erogames?

It’s nebulous still on Nutaku’s side, we don’t know
 Erogames are not planned to close yet.

But if people want to migrate their account from Erogames to .com, we can do that.


Save a favorite team for Labyrinth?

Noted, that would be cool.


Lesbian harem game?

Probably not as a stand-alone game, but it could be a parallel adventure in HH (or elsewhere).


A system to save favorites recruits in the harem, to find them easier ?

Yeah, it would be nice, it’s on the to-do list.


Will Messenger be revived? What about the useless frames we’re piling up?

Maybe one day, a shop where you can trade a resource for another could be interesting.


Amour Agent and Manga RPG: What challenges to advertise and broadcast those SFW games ?

We need to expand past the porn/hentai market to get more players.

We are used to drawing jiggling boobs and sexy girls and guys, but it’s a new challenge for us.

SFW platforms are too politically correct and say our characters are too sexy

AA works a bit better, but we need to learn to sell these types of games.

And we’ve been talking with a lot of publishers, and they’re all saying “You need an app”, so
 that’s more work, but we’ll get there.


More video scenes?

Not against it, but our team is already quite challenged to produce the ones we have.


Will we have more fights like the labyrinth in other spaces of the game?

Probably not.


Any chance of HH merchandise to purchase like shirts or cups?

Not in the immediate future.


Messenger feature on other games?

Very low chance.


What is your background? Are you more developer or artist?

Neither, I’m a businessman, or a bit of everything if you want.


Any plans to add MRPG and AA characters to HH/GH?

I’m all for it, but artists don’t want to vilify their girls/guys in hentai games
 It’s going to happen, just a matter of time.


Comix Harem future?

Develop it as much as we can, but CxH is in the shadow of HH currently, we need to find a way to better sell it, maybe on Steam.


GPSH: why is it difficult to get new guys and not much legendary? What about revival events?

We’ll check with the content manager, but we’re struggling a bit to get nice guys and partners, maybe Carnal Media, we discussed with them, so maybe coming soon.

For revivals, we’re on it.


Game translations in Spanish, Russian?

I don’t know. Translations are a lot of work, we’re not yet at the age of perfect AI translations.


Storylines are getting longer in HH/CXH, could you add more girls on old villains?

I don’t see it as vital, so for now

We want to make the stories more interactive though, with player decision trees like we did in AA, for example.


Will there be a way to get referral recruits? It’s complicated to refer people for hentai games

No plan to change the referral system for now.

Current referral recruits will be available later in Pachinko though, in around 6 months and new exclusive ones will be added to the Referral


PsH Nutaku: will there be parallel adventures that are only on PsH.com currently?

Some are original creations like Bunny’s World, they should be everywhere, we’re working on it. But Nutaku doesn’t allow external links, so we can’t put the parallel adventures linked to specific websites.


Stories with Bunny’s mom / Lupa’s mom?

Maybe in parallel adventure.


Hentai Clicker?

It’s there, but it’s not going to move much, some people in the company want to kill it, but I’m not for that, it will stay, but no changes.


Furry characters?

Maybe in parallel adventures, if enough people like it.


“Equip all” feature like we have “Unequip all” to equip the whole harem?

Maybe when we have more time, nothing is planned.


Avatar system improved?

Not in the foreseeable future.


Some past event recruits can’t be accessed anymore, what can we do about it?

We’ll find something to make it happen eventually.


What are your thoughts about folks playing on multiple accounts?  Is it a concern?

Yes, I know who you are and am going to get you one by one 😈

It’s a bit borderline, but that’s ok if you don’t abuse it.


Part 2 


How do you ensure the game appeals to both casual and competitive players?

We’ll try to mix it up: 5 minutes of easy gameplay for casuals and a lot more to delve into for competition.


What’s your favorite feature or aspect of the game?

The girls animated in portrait, super cool.


Are there plans for post-launch updates or additional content for the game?

Yes, don’t worry, we’re going to publish a roadmap for what’s going to happen next, release will be only the first step.


What feedback from players during testing influenced the final version of the game?

The main feedback is “fix the bugs”, which we are doing. It’s heavily tested internally.

We can’t really test it in the Nutaku environment even though it will be released there, so it’s a bit annoying, but we’re doing a lot so it can be launched successfully.


How do you approach balancing creativity and business strategy in game development?

We’re not a typical game studio: I don’t want our GD team to be too creative, we need our games to be easy to understand and apprehend. The creativity is in the art.


What does success look like for HH Mobile Battler?

2023/24 have difficult years, so for now, success will be if the game reaches the popularity of PsH for example. We want our game to be played, of course.


Are there plans to expand to other platforms or genres in the future?

Maybe on Steam, but it’s complicated to talk with them. For other genres, we’ll need to get more outside expertise.


Can you walk us through a day in your life as the CEO of a game studio?

It starts at 7 AM waking the kids, then 1 hour of gym, and the rest of the day is meetings, discussions, and working on specific topics.

Maybe when I have time – 30 to 60 minutes of outside pleasure, like piano or guitar, or singing


What’s been the most memorable moment in the development of HH Mobile Battler?

It’s a difficult development. We need to release it before Christmas, so the best moment will be the release date.


What qualities do you think are most important for leading a game development team?

Good human qualities and expertise in your domain.


How do you balance creativity and business needs when making decisions?

Very little creativity, it is all about data, and science. We used to use a lot of creativity and it was hell. Maybe we can experiment more later if we’re big and successful, but for now, let’s balance things out correctly without bugs.


Is Kinkoid from Eastern Europe or France?

I’m French from Italian origins and have been living in Bulgaria for 16 years.

We have a mix of mostly French and Bulgarian staff, but also a Cuban dev and artists from all over the world. 

I’d love to open a studio in France (Lyon) and Belgium (Charleroi).


Can HH have future parodies of well-known Hentai IP? If not IP,  can KK invite well-known Hentai artists?

Sure, why not? Famous artists might be too expensive though.


How big is the Kinkoid team?

A bit more than 50 people in Sofia, plus 100+ freelancers for all the art.


About Lively Scenes: are you satisfied with the feedback?

I like the results, it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time in the game.

Not sure about the data, I didn’t get numbers on this but I think it’s worth it.


Is there a reason for not changing the Koban value for HH Nutaku to be the same as in all other games (i.e. x6)? Other than the effort it may take to adjust it in the code?

I don’t know, I’ll search for it.


How long do you think Manga RPG will stay in ‘beta’?

I’m not satisfied with the story, the team themselves are not really happy. So we’re thinking about restarting the story with a different perspective.

It was always thought to be able to contain many stories, so that’s what we’ll do.


Do you have a future feature the team’s working on you can tease us about?

Not a feature, but we have a project we worked on since 2010, we have always been into communities, so we want to bring together communities of artists and game developers. So you might see something like that in the next 3-6 months.


Will the Bunny storyline be released in one go, or will it drop progressively?

We’ll start with a few quests to get you hooked, then release periodically. Starting early 2025.


Do the newly introduced animations in the story scenes since the previous world take more work per story chapter, or is it roughly the same?

Roughly the same. The artists are into making cool stuff, so they want to improve animations even more.

But I think when it’s well done, it’s better in my opinion.


Content Survey Results


More than 700 of you voted.

Your favorite girls are:


1.Hex with 17,8% of the votes


2.Winter Spirit with 11,7% of the votes


3.Sineya– 7,4% of votes


Your least favorite recruits are:

1.Alt. Nicole with 24,9% of votes


2.Agni with 9,1% 


3.Touchie with 8,6% of the votes



Bug Fixed

  • The Prestige level is no longer displayed twice on the hero page 

Patch Notes Week #49



Monthly Content Survey


Vote for who you liked and didn’t like in November.


Q&A with Rosso


The Q&A session with Rosso, on HH’s Discord will be on the 5th of December, 6 PM +2 UTC!



  •  A new type of bundle is available from the shop, and the price is in Kobans.


  • The recruits are displayed bigger in the Harem.
  • The design for the mobile page is optimized so it promotes the fullscreen and installing the app


  • New Login/Register Form



  • [IOS] Some buttons are no longer inactive in landscape mode

Patch Notes Week #48






World 19 – Nude City

Quest 13 “WAKE UP!”: 

“You’re so bendy! I’ve never seen a girl able to reach her own pussy!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 



Dominate the Labyrinth and get Marika.(November 30th)




New Club Champion Girl


Face Ezekiel and get Mil for your Harem (December 1st)




Bug fixes


  • The Leagues energy refill button is no longer active after claiming all the leagues’ rewards 
  • Sultry Mystery shop’s character image is no longer cropped 




We’re thrilled to announce another Q&A session with Rosso, on HH’s Discord! This is your chance to ask the burning questions you’ve been curious about and hear insights straight from the top.

Submit your questions – HERE! 


Patch Notes Week #47



Black Friday + Cyber Monday Promo


In the Haremverse we are gonna have a long Black Friday promotion with great value because you deserve it! Save the date!


First-page rework


We are rolling out a rework of the first page of HentaiHeroes.com on mobile devices! The new pre-login page will feature improved designs to enhance your experience.

Let us know what you think, your feedback is always appreciated!




The Pachinko girls lists are updated.


Patch Notes Week #46





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 12 “The Cleansing”: 

“Let’s see if you’ll change your tune once I get you naked!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Referral System 

(only for .com version of the game)


We are happy to introduce our new referral system!

Invite a friend and get exclusive rewards, including new recruits!

  • Benefits for you
      • Two reward tracks, including Prestige Points and 2 Amazing girls!
      • Earn 10% of your Referrals’ purchases in Kobans and Prestige Points for 3 months.
  • Invite friends
      • Share your specially generated referral link
      • Or get them to the game and ask them to enter your player ID as referral in Settings
  • Benefits for your friends
      • Referral: 300 Energy and 5x Epic 1-game Orbs
      • Super Referral: Additional 1x Epic 10-games Orb
  • Who is eligible for being a Referral?
      • A totally new player that creates an account
      • A returning player who has not been active in the last 90 days
  • Requirements for Referrals
      • Have a registered account
      • Enter the Referrer Player ID in Settings
      • Validate your email address
      • Reach Level 30
  • Super Referrals
      • Meet all Referral requirements
      • Make an in-game purchase
      • A Super Referral counts for both 1 Super and 1 Regular Referral
  • Rewards
    • There are two reward tracks
    • Referral reward track: Earn rewards for each Referral based on the requirements above, up to a total of 10 rewards.
    • Super Referral reward track: Earn rewards for each Super Referral based on the requirements above, up to a total of 10 rewards. Repeating reward for each Super Referral after the 10th.



Bug Fixed

  • Negative values are no longer displayed in the Harem in languages other than English 


Patch Notes Week #45



Art survey results

More than 1000 of you voted.

Your favorite girls are:

1.Werewolf Matcha with 12,5% of the votes


2.Misora with 10,8% of the votes


3.Mummy Viola – 9,4% of votes


Your least favorite recruits are:

1.Kirie with 19,8% of votes


2.Alt. Anna with 12,5% 


3.Shadow with 8% of the votes




  • The Gold Monthly Card auto renewal no longer hangs on loading with a console error 
  • Empty Space Between Shard Icon and Digits is no longer visible in Rewards Popup 
  • “Perform! x1” button is no longer grayed out if the user has 0 combativity 


Patch Notes Week #44







World 19 – Nude City

Quest 11 “Kink Gone Wild”: 

“Well, the plan is a success, so we might as well join the fun!” 

Check out the latest adventure! 


Content Survey


Vote for who you liked and didn’t like in the month of October!


Bug fixed:

  • View Profile in clubs page no longer breaks when you click on the club name 


Patch Notes Week #43







The Prestige System is a new feature in the Shop, where players can earn perks based on their level and in-game payments. Start earning rewards like increased battle limits, more team slots, and daily rewards. As your Prestige level increases, you’ll unlock bonuses such as more daily goals, shop slots, XP, and Harem income boosts. All players can participate, and higher Prestige levels bring exclusive perks, making gameplay smoother and more rewarding!



  • The visual for the first purchase bonus – Double the Kobans is improved to be more readable 



  • An issue preventing from clicking on half of the Claim All button in Places of Power is fixed 
  • A small issue affecting the Double Penetration pass reminder is fixed 
  • The Club request tab no longer shows a pending request notification when empty 
  • The shop in Nutaku no longer shows Recharge offers prices in Dollars but in Nutaku currency
  • A small visual issue affecting the equipment given on the Hero page has been fixed 


Server Downtime Update


We wanted to inform you about some technical issues we faced this past weekend. Between 00:00 and 08:00 on Saturday, October 19th, our entire server infrastructure was heavily impacted due to a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service).

For those unfamiliar, a DDoS attack is when a malicious party sends an overwhelming amount of traffic to a website or server with the goal of overloading it. 

During this time, you may have experienced performance issues like lag, disconnections, or downtime. We know how frustrating that can be, and we sincerely apologize for the disruption it caused.    

Thank you for all of your support!


Patch Notes Week #42





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 10 “The Needlepoint Parade”: 

“This is so exciting! I feel like a real nudist!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 




  • An issue preventing from playing Lively Scene in the Mega pass tab is fixed
  • [Hero Page] A visual issue impacting the display of items is fixed 
  • An issue preventing from buying the PoA 2nd row from the info pop-up is fixed 


Something exciting is going to be released soon (week 43)





We’re excited to announce the arrival of a brand-new feature that will take your gameplay experience to the next level: Prestige.

The Prestige system is designed to reward all players by unlocking exclusive perks that make your journey smoother and more rewarding.

You can find it in a new tab in the Shop, available from the start of the game.

The best part? Prestige Points will be calculated retroactively, meaning all your past Hero levels and payments will count towards your progress.

You can read more about the feature in this article.


Patch Notes Week #41





A new Leagues recruit will be released on the 10th of October.




Art Survey Results


More than 1400 of you voted and your favorite girls are:


1.Demon Huntress Euphoria with 11,8% of the votes


2.Tanned Lyka with 10,7 % of the votes


3.Fumiko has 7,4% of the votes


Your least favorite girls are:


1.Yuvika with 27,3% of the votes


2.Liberty with 14,7% of the votes


3.Alt. Ruuza with 14,4% of the votes




  • The timer for the next blessings is no longer missing 
  • A small visual glitch in the market is fixed 
  • Visual issues on the Hero page are fixed 
  • The checkmark for leagues position is no longer missing 


Patch Notes Week #40







World 19 – Nude City

Quest 9 “The Power of Vulnerability”: 

“Shut up and listen! I’ll distract her and you catch her and free her. If she does something odd, just go with it.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 



You can win Rana in the Labyrinth 




Content Survey


Vote for what you liked and didn’t like in the month of September!


Patch Notes Week #39





  • An issue affecting recruits’ preview in Pantheon is fixed
  • An issue affecting recruits’ preview in the event widget is fixed
  • An issue affecting the step-up offer claim button is fixed
  • An issue preventing players from continuing Adventure on a specific IOS version is fixed 


Patch Notes Week #38





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 8 “Second Wind”: 

“Please, please! I don’t know anything! I can’t cum anymore! Please!” 



Patch Notes Week #37




  • The cooldown timer to join a club after you left one is reduced from 24 to 6 hours



  • A Characters sorting issue in the Harem is fixed
  • The issue impacting the way the price was displayed in the shop is fixed
  • A visual issue impacting the platform under the character in the Labyrinth is fixed 
  • An issue impacting the video when clicking the Lively Scenes play button in Mega Pass tab is fixed


Patch Notes Week #36





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 7 “Bring It On!”: 

“There is nothing this place can teach me, you filthy exhibitionist. I’m here in the name of order and you two are under arrest!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Places of Power


A new girl is joining the Places of Power on the 6th of September!




Art Survey Results


More than 800 of you voted and your favorite girls are:


1.Sorena with 10,7% of the votes


2.Elite Chef Marie with 9,4 % of the votes


3.Kimona has 8,8% of the votes


Your least favorite girls are:


1.Brandy with 26,4% of the votes


2.Alt. Angela with 9,3% of the votes


3.Nostalgic Dolly with 5,8% of the votes



Patch Notes Week #35







  • Daily Purchase Bonus

-A new type of bundles that can be claimed for free upon spending a certain daily amount


  • Step-up Offer

-A new tab in the shop, where the players will have a path of bundles –  free and paid ones, that they will be able to go through. There are several free rewards – then paid bundle – then some free rewards – then paid – etc. Each bundle is only available upon claiming/purchasing the previous one.




  • More visibility for the Lively scenes (LSE Preview button)
  • Adding roles in Blessings

-Introducing the “Week of the [role-name]”. For example, it could be “Week of the Fluffer.”

-During this week, all recruits with the selected role will receive a bonus of 20% to 40% on all attributes in the Labyrinth.

-The bonus percentage will be in increments of 5%, similar to other blessings, and will always apply to all attributes.

-This blessing will be added as a 3rd Blessing option and will only affect the Labyrinth.





  • The shards icon is no longer misplaced in the champion menu
  • The issue displaying an ad in the Labyrinth info page is fixed 
  • The visual issue making the ad overlap the next quest button is fixed 


Content Survey



Vote for what you liked and didn’t like in the month of August!


Patch Notes Week #34





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 6 “The Naked Truth”: 

“This used to be the best spot for a quick fuck between errands. And the collection of books
! This is pathetic.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Patch Notes Week #33



Adding Blessings for Roles in the test server


We’re excited to announce a new feature that will be available first on the test server this Friday before being available on prod next Wednesday: Blessings for Roles! Here’s how it works:

  • Introducing the “Week of the [role-name]”. For example, it could be “Week of the Fluffer.”
  • During this week, all girls with the selected role will receive a bonus of 20% to 40% on all attributes in the Labyrinth.
  • The bonus percentage will be in increments of 5%, similar to other blessings, and will always apply to all attributes.
  • This blessing will be added as a 3rd Blessing option and will only affect the Labyrinth.

We’ve made some adjustments in the game UI as well, including a taller panel and optimized text field for a better experience.

We’d love for you to jump onto the test server, try out this new feature, and share your feedback with us. Your input is crucial to making sure everything runs smoothly when we roll it out to everyone.



Patch Notes Week #32





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 5 “Vive la NuditĂ©!”: 

“So many of them! We have to be extra careful not to be recognized. We’re still not ready to face Sakura. And now she has backup.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 



Art Survey Results


More than 900 of you voted and your favorite girls are:


1.Orgy Yesette with 14,6% of the votes


2.Phoenix Piper with 13,5 % of the votes


3.Submissive Murane has 7,9% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:


1.Alt. Etoile with 19,4% of the votes


2.Liaylia with 14,9% of the votes


3.Suguna with 9,5% of the votes



Patch Notes Week #31





Club Champion


Face Chad when he appears as club champion to add Youko to your Harem!




The Labyrinth


Dominate in the Labyrinth and win over Anelia.




Content Survey



Vote for what you liked and didn’t like in the month of July!



  • Labyrinth: You will need 7 recruits instead of 14 to enter the easy Labyrinth
  • Champions: The quest requirement is removed and the 10 recruits (3 stars or higher) requirement stays the same 
  • Club Champions: The quest requirement is removed, keep only the 15 recruits (10 of them 3 stars or higher) that are required to be in a Club anyways
  • Places of Power: 2nd place will be available in World 4 (instead of 7), 3rd place in World 5 (instead of 11) 
  • Double Penetration: You will need level 40 instead of 50 to access the event



  • The issue creating an error when playing 10x Seasons at level 700+ is fixed
  • The visual issue impacting the fullscreen display is fixed 
  • The console error on activities is now fixed
  • A small visual issue making buttons overlap in the Adventure is fixed 


Patch Notes Week #30



World 19 – Nude City

Quest 4 “Croquettes”:

“These croquettes are amazing! I haven’t eaten anything this delicious in a while. Good job for convincing her to help us.”


Check out the latest adventure!


Patch Notes Week #29





A new league girl will be released on the 18th of July.


Share some good times with Ahhoetep!


Player’s Migration


Thrixxx is, unfortunately, closing soon. To ensure you can save your game progression and continue enjoying the game, please follow the steps below to migrate your profile from Thrixxx.com to Hentaiheroes.com:

1: Register a New Account on Hentaiheroes.com 

2: Verify Your New Account using the link received via email 

3: Play until you reach Bunny House Quest 2 (the burger menu in the top right corner becomes available then)

4: Open the Settings 

5: Click on the “Customer support” button (disable any adblock if you don’t see it)

6: Send a ticket to our customer support team requesting migration. Please provide your Thrixxx ID number and the e-mail you are registered with. 

P.S. Please be patient, account migrations may take some time.


Lively Scenes Survey


We Want Your Feedback on Lively Scenes!

We’re excited to have introduced Lively Scenes in our games and hope you’re enjoying this new feature. Your feedback is crucial to us, and we want to know what you think! Please take a few moments to complete this survey and share your thoughts on Lively Scenes.




  • [Balance Improvement] New Season Matchmaking (following the issue we had in June with matchmaking)

When the number of opponents selected is lower than 3, then a new more relaxed rule will ensure there are always some opponents available even if the game is super small or/and some players managed to “get ahead of the pack”




  • The small issue impacting the “Claim” button in the contest, is fixed 
  • The visual issue showing the shard icon over the first digit of a recruit’s avatar is fixed 
  • The ad button hiding the “auto assign” button in the POP is fixed (The issue was for all languages except English)
  • [Mobile] The fullscreen and Hide text buttons no longer overlap the Pay with kobans/gold button on affection scenes


Patch Notes Week #28





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 3 “The Debate”: 

“We go in hot and heavy, find whoever’s in charge, ask about my father and if they don’t talk willingly, we fuck them until they do!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Bunny’s Parallel Adventure


Hentai Heroes is evolving and we want you to be part of that journey. We’re committed to making your gaming experience as exciting and enjoyable as possible. To do that, we need your input! Your voice matters, and we’re eager to hear what you think about the characters and content in the game.

We plan to release a Parallel Adventure focusing on Bunny as the main character. Please take a moment to vote for your favorite ideas about its future. Your feedback will guide us in creating more of the characters and stories you love. 


Art Survey Results


More than 650 of you voted and your favorite girls are:


1.Kiana with 9,7% of the votes


2.Alt. Louise with 9,2 % of the votes


3.Lilu has 8,5% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:


 1.Yiva with 17,7% of the votes


2.Christine with 11,1% of the votes


3.Kamie with 7,1% of the votes



Patch Notes Week #27




Introducing Lively Scenes


Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce a highly anticipated new feature that’s about to elevate your gaming experience to new heights: Lively Scenes.

Experience the Magic of Lively Scenes

Lively Scenes are videos and animated sequences that bring your favorite characters and moments to life like never before. This dynamic addition will add depth and excitement to your adventures, making your victories even more memorable.

Mythic Days Event: A Spectacular Debut

The first event to showcase Lively Scenes is the upcoming Mythic Days. During this event, when you triumph and win the girl, you’ll unlock a special animated scene by defeating the same villain again. This feature not only enhances the thrill of victory but also allows you to relive the magic of your achievements.

Relive Your Favorite Moments

Once unlocked, these captivating videos can be re-watched anytime from your Harem. 

A Feature You’ve Been Waiting For

We know how much our players have been yearning for this feature, and we’re delighted to finally bring it to you. Lively Scenes is a testament to our commitment to enhancing your gameplay and delivering the content you love.

Stay tuned for Mythic Days and get ready to unlock and enjoy Lively Scenes. It’s time to experience your adventures in a whole new way!

Thank you for being part of our amazing community. We can’t wait to hear your feedback and see how you enjoy this exciting new addition.

A special event with Lively Scenes is coming soon.



  • The loading time of the Harem and Hero Page is improved
  • The display of club names is improved: When the club name is too long, it is now written on two lines and with “
  • Improved display on Mobile: no blue outline when clicking 



  • An issue not activating the skill level up button after increasing the recruits level of affection is fixed 
  • The shop button no longer overlaps the Waifu edit button 
  • The ad no longer overlaps the opponent in Labyrinth 
  • Harem widget is no longer cropped
  • [PoV] The elements in the milestone panel no longer flicker while scrolling


Cumkai Samane

We love how passionate you are for your girls so we are releasing the previous version of Cumkai Samane as a 5 grade common for all of you that have the new version. 

Thank you for your passion for the art, the game, and all the girls in your Harem.



Content Survey


Vote for what you liked and didn’t like in the month of June!



Patch Notes Week #26





World 19 – Nude City

Quest 2 “Where Are the Exhibitionists?”: 

“Mmm, I missed this feeling! This place used to be a heaven for exhibitionists. You could fuck anywhere you want! And the nudist beach



Recruits’ Salaries

Salaries were normalized to always have the same value for a given rarity/grade, that provided a global raise in global income from your recruits, here are the values in place currently (without club/skill bonuses):



Patch Notes Week #25





  • A ‘’Poses and scenes’’ preview buttons is added for Path of Attraction 
  • The class icon on the Hero Page no longer has a pointer cursor (it was misleading, making the icon look like a button)




  • The issue impacting Epic and Mythic Pachinkos sharing the same pool of characters is fixed 
  • The issue of not displaying the Season background when there is no opponent is fixed
  • The visual issue impacting the recruits’ tooltip in Mega events is fixed (When hovering over the recruit in the reward path, it was showing shards undefined/100)
  • An issue affecting the “Change email address” pop-up is fixed
  • [IOS] Resizing issue is fixed 
  • The visual issue of displaying huge skills in battle is fixed
  • The issue preventing from scrolling recruits’ preview in Leagues is fixed
  • The issue displaying many decimals on bonus in Club Upgrades is fixed
  • A filtering issue for hair/eye color in the Harem is fixed
  • “Ends in” timer is no longer missing in the Harem source 


MangaRPG Q&A


Join Rosso, Luna, and the writer of the magical universe of MangaRPG in a special Q&A, hosted by Nutaku!

Where: Nutaku’s Discord

When: 21st of June, Friday, 6pm +2 UTC

Patch Notes Week #24





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 14 “The Great Big Tit in the Sky”: 

“It’s as real as the boobs of the girls traveling with you, so you should caress it and kiss it with love.” 



New World


Are you ready for new adventures? 

You will make your way to Nude City to look for the Master Exhibitionist, but you will find much more. 

Start the new adventure NOW! 


World 19 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 1 “Prude City”: 

“Well, this looks like the place. Better start looking for the Master Exhibitionist


Check out the latest adventure! 


Mythic Days Shard pools

As you’ve seen on the last iteration, the shard pools are now different for each day of the event, here’s the repartition :


Total Shards: 324,000

Day 1: +14,580 every 2 hours

Day 2: +8,100 every 2 hours

Day 3: +4,309 every 2 hours

Harem Heroes Nutaku

Total Shards: 216,000

Day 1: +9,720 every 2 hours

Day 2: +5,400 every 2 hours

Day 3: +2,873 every 2 hours


Mythic Days Revival Shard pools


Total Shards: 162,000

Day 1: + 8,100 every 2 hours

Day 2: +5,395 every 2 hours

Harem Heroes Nutaku

Total Shards: 108,000

Day 1: +5,400 every 2 hours

Day 2: +3,596 every 2 hours


Gameplay Survey: Competitions


We are always striving to enhance your gaming experience, and we need your help! We invite you to fill out our Game Play Survey: Competitions. Your feedback will play a crucial role in helping us discover new and exciting ways to improve the competitive aspects of the game.

Your insights are invaluable to us, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas.


Patch Notes Week #23



Places of Power


Miraja joins Places of Power on the 7th of June.




The Labyrinth


Dominate the Love Labyrinth and win the heart of Hika.




Art Survey Results


More than 1200 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

1.Renette with 15,1% of the votes


2.Fluttering Andra with 9,7 % of the votes


3.Trojana has 8,8% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:

 1.Caramel with 23,1% of the votes


2.Pantyhose Dona with 11,9% of the votes


3.Riko with 7,6% of the votes



Mythic Days – Samane


We want to thank you for your valuable feedback regarding the quality of the art for the character Samane. We have heard your concerns and are committed to improving your gaming experience.

As a result, Samane will be reworked and revived with enhanced artwork. We appreciate your patience as our team works on these improvements, and we look forward to reintroducing Samane to you on an extra Mythic Days, starting on the 27th of June.

Thank you for your continued support and for helping us make the game even better.



  • The Shop icon (Chest) is moved to the lower part of the screen.


Bug fixes

  • The issue affecting the Power sorting in the Harem is fixed 
  • The salary information will now be displayed in the league recruits’ tooltip
  • The issue affecting the Scenes and Poses preview on the Champion recruits is fixed 
  • The issue making the Rewards flicker in the PoV’s milestone box is fixed
  • The Club Chat will now be functional on Mobile 
  • The issue making the loading slower for Daily goals / Missions and Places of Power is fixed


Patch Notes Week #22






World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 13 “Hot & Cold”: 

“You like the sensation of cold in your body, don’t you, my pretty little slut? Just look how eager it makes you.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Art Survey


Vote for your favorite girls in May!

Patch Notes Week #21




  • Girls Roles will be displayed everywhere the stats are visible 
  • 10 player slots are added to the Club


Bug Fixes

  • The issue preventing the “OK popups” to be closed by pressing ESC and ENTER is fixed 
  • [APP IOS] The game will now be displayed with the correct dimensions 
  • The issue with the girl reward tooltip showing ”undefined/100” in Seasons is fixed
  • The issue showing a console error when clicking on a Sultry Mysteries’ coin is fixed 

Patch Notes Week #20





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 12 “A New Tingle”: 

“You need to free your mind from the shackles of the body


Check out the latest adventure! 


Bug Fix


The issue with mojo and 10x spending in Seasons is resolved.


Orgy Days


We want to put your minds at ease about the characters in this month’s Orgy Days – the May characters will be in next month’s event and from July, everything will be back to the normal schedule.


Payment Provider Migration


We would like to inform you that we are currently undergoing a migration process with one of our payment providers. As a result, you may encounter some temporary issues related to payments and saved payment information. We assure you that this is a normal part of the migration process.

To ensure the smooth processing of your payments, we kindly request that you fill out the payment form again to validate your payment information, if you encounter an error message. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Patch Notes Week #19



Art Survey Results


More than 1200 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

1.Oni Princess Yura with 16,5% of the votes


2. Sunless with 11,2 % of the votes


3.Swethyna with 9,9% of the votes


Your least favorite girls are:

 1.Alt. Ithori with 18,8% of the votes


2.Faith with 12,7% of the votes


3.Destiny with 9% of the votes



  • Poses and scenes preview in more places (Boss Bang, Seasons, Path of Valor, Path of Glory, Mega Events, Pantheon, Champions, Club Champion, Places of Power, Leagues)
  • Optimisation of Club chat for mobile 


Bug fixes

  • Adding missing timer for Double Date/Pachinko event 
  • The visual issue impacting the Season panel is fixed 
  • The issue preventing clicking on the info button in SM is fixed
  • An issue preventing the display of characters in the villain reward pool is fixed 
  • The progression bar in Double Penetration event is fixed
  • The issue impacting the Blessings in Nutaku is fixed
  • A visual issue impacting the position of the Waifu in the menu is fixed


Patch Notes Week #18






World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 11 “The Dark Castle”: 

“Relax, it’s just a boobie trap.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Art Survey


Vote for your favorite girls in April in this survey.



  • Now you can use Paypal to purchase a Season Pass.
  • You asked and we listened and we are increasing the number of shards in Mythic Days Revival as follows:

HentaiHeroes.com: from 129,600 to 162,000

Harem Heroes on Nutaku: from 86,400 to 108,000

The first changed event will be the Mythic Days Revival on the 12-14th of May.

Patch Notes Week #17





A new league girl will be released on the 25th of April.


Share some good times with Didi!




The Characters will now have roles. The Roles are in addition to the classes. Roles will give a special bonus or perk, or effect. No change in existing stats. Roles bonuses are multiplicative with Relics bonuses, and Relics bonuses are applied after the Roles bonuses. Recruits from any Role will still use their skills in different PvP systems as normal. We are working on extra blessings on roles that will affect only the Labyrinth and not the whole PvP.

The first 4 roles are:

Fluffer | Healer

Heal the Ego of the lowest % Ego recruit in the team instead of damaging the opponent’s Ego, having the chance to Critically heal instead of Critical hit.

If all recruits in the team are at max Ego; or the Healer is the last one in the team; the Healer does a regular attack instead of healing.

Sexomancer | Necromancer

Role Perk: Replacement

Trigger skill (overriding the regular): Recover a random tired recruit from the team with Ego equal to the current Necromancer Ego. Do not trigger the skill at all, if there are no tired recruits in the team

Display a text “Recovering a teammate” when triggered

Pleasurelock | Warlock

When Crit – adds half of the damage dealt by the opponent in the previous attack to her own damage.

Dominator | Ranger

Rangers inflict 5% more damage.

Roles will be assigned to:

  • All starting characters
  • Any character released in January 2024 or later will have a Role assigned
  • Any Revived character after the Roles feature release will have a Role assigned
  • Other characters (super old, not traditionally revived in a particular place, or any other special case) – we are keeping the right to assign them Roles in batches gradually over time 




  • Seasons Matchmaking and Mojo adjustment

Seasons Matchmaking: The lower threshold for level is increased, the higher threshold is decreased, so players will see more lower level opponents across the board (~5% lower). When below 7300 Mojo, Max Mojo to lose on a loss: -10 Mojo


Bug fixes


  • [Nutaku] A visual issue affecting the scene preview is fixed.
  • A missing timer in the Classic Days window is fixed 
  • [Mobile] The error message showing when changing the team for the Champions is fixed 
    • The issue was happening when rearranging the team with drag and drop, before challenging a champion or club champion
  • An issue affecting the players’ leaderboard in Mega Events has been fixed 
    • The players without progression in the events are supposed to see a message that they have to earn some points to participate in the ranking.
  • A visual issue showing attacks as dodged instead of blocked in the Labyrinth is fixed 
  • A visual issue affecting the contests’ reward pop-up is fixed


Patch Notes Week #16





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 10 “Search for Yourself”: 

“Are you sure about that? You’re already wet and shaking with excitement. Try not to bore me, will you?.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 



We’ve been closely following the discussions and feedback regarding Mythic Days Revival and Legendary Days happening simultaneously and using the same villain. Your opinions and concerns have been heard loud and clear, and we greatly value your input as it helps us improve the game for everyone.

After careful consideration and in response to your feedback, we want to announce that we will no longer be featuring multiple recruits on a single villain, even if the difference in drop chance was minimal (approximately 0.5%). We understand that even small variations in drop rates can affect player experiences and perceptions, and we want to ensure fairness and transparency in our game mechanics.

Moving forward, we are committed to making adjustments that align with the community’s preferences while maintaining a fun and engaging gameplay experience for all. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to refine and enhance the game.

To say thank you for being such a passionate and supportive community, we gonna repeat the Mythic Days Revival of Undercover Valentina again on the 27th of April, and we are going to give you a free bundle with 1 Sandalwood perfume mythic booster.

We appreciate you and if you have any further feedback or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us on our Discord server.


Patch Notes Week #15



Art Survey Results


More than 1000 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

  1. Sorceress Filya with 15,8% of the votes



2.Mikanu with 12,1 % of the votes


3.Ara Ara with10,5% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:


  1. Tournament Imogen with 22,7% of the votes


2. Alt. Felicia with 19,1% of the votes


3.Fashion Silk with 8,5% of the votes





We invite you to a short Q&A on HH’s Discord this Friday (April 12th).

The Q&A will be in English and all questions are welcome. You can leave your questions in advance – HERE. 



  • A confirmation popup when selecting difficulties in Labyrinth is added.



  • A fade effect when upgrading a recruit’s pose 
  • The sell button is disabled when the slot is empty in the market 
  • [Labyrinth] Size optimization for the background on Mobile is added


Bug fixes

  • The issue affecting the skill upgrade button is fixed 
  • The issue affecting the sorting options in the leagues is fixed
  • The issue affecting the recruits’ shadows and timers in the Harem has been fixed
  • [Nutaku] The issue showing values that are not rounded is fixed
  • The issue with the Buy button, when a Monthly Card expires, is fixed 
  • The issue breaking the page when clicking on a recruit variant is fixed
  • The misalignment in recruits’ battle in the Labyrinth is fixed 
  • The issue with Banger Mythic Booster not applying in Boss Bang is fixed
  • Better handling of PoA when accessing from different devices 
  • The horizontal scrollbar in the Koban/gold Packs tab of the shop is removed
  • The issue preventing from clicking on the back button in a Grade scene is fixed 
  • The issue affecting the last skill’s button of a girl is fixed 
  • The issue of making the character overlap with the text in the refill worship pop-up is fixed
  • The issue with the scrollbar in Firefox is fixed 
  • The issue making the breadcrumbs unclickable in full screen for QV2 is fixed
  • The visual issue showing items overlapping with text in the max level up pop up is fixed
  • [Mobile] improvement of the Waifu menu
  • The issue showing green ticks on the Labyrinth recruit’s scenes preview is fixed 
  • The issue of repeating Boss Bang info text is fixed
  • The visual issue was fixed on the sex friends page 
  • The issue displaying wrong values in the Labyrinth tooltip is fixed 
  • The issue making the club members list disappear when switching tabs in the club menu is fixed
  • The issue of hiding PoV/PoG recruits when switching tabs is fixed 
  • The issue of hiding the Diamonds for pose selection when selecting recruits on Safari is fixed


Patch Notes Week #14







World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 9 “Introduced”: 

“See, it’s different when a girl owns her own set of tools.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


New Club Champion girl


Fight Chayotte when he appears as club champion to add Yaeko to your Harem!





A new girl will join the Labyrinth on April 4th.




Art Survey


Vote for your favorite girls in March.



We’ve got some news to share regarding the game. We’ve decided to introduce ads in a few spots within the game. We want to assure you that this decision was made to ensure the game remains free to play for all, without increasing in-game prices.

By incorporating ads, we’re able to generate additional revenue that will be reinvested back into the game.

We understand ads might not be the most exciting addition, but they’re necessary for the game’s sustainability. We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to make the game even better for everyone.

The ads won’t be visible to players with Monthly cards, and the ads are only on www.hentaiheroes.com, not on Nutaku.


Age verification system


As part of our commitment to ensuring a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for all our community members, we are announcing the upcoming implementation of age verification systems (AVS) for our games.

Under the new legislation in France, we must enforce age verification measures to comply with legal requirements. As a result, French players will be the first to experience these changes.

We assure you that these age verification solutions are necessary and designed with your privacy in mind. We understand the importance of keeping your personal information secure and anonymous. Rest assured that our AVS solutions are free for players and prioritize your privacy above all else.

To ensure effectiveness and accessibility, we are collaborating closely with industry leaders like Nutaku and Tukif to explore various verification systems. We aim to propose solutions that are seamless, reliable, and convenient for you.

We don’t have a defined timeline for when the implementations of AVS will happen, but rest assured it will eventually.


Erogames is merging with Nutaku


We are collaborating with Nutaku to ensure a smooth transition so that players don’t lose their progression in the game. This should happen by the end of June 2024.



Patch Notes Week #13





As we want to use our new animated style of offering a visual novel to the players, we’re thinking of continuing the main adventure – or starting a brand new one – in a new start of a main quest.

Please give us your input on the idea in this survey.




  • Splitting the current PHP file cache into smaller ones, so we don’t load everything all the time.
  • We added a new payment method on www.hentaiheroes.com – CoinGate.

CoinGate.com is a cryptocurrency payment gateway, and there are several benefits from using it:

Greater Payment Flexibility:

You can use your cryptocurrency holdings to make in-game purchases, providing an additional payment option beyond traditional methods.

Enhanced Security and Privacy:

Cryptocurrency transactions offer increased privacy and security compared to traditional payment methods, protecting your financial information and personal data.

Global Accessibility:

Cryptocurrencies can be used by players worldwide, regardless of geographic location or currency restrictions, promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all players.




  • From April Legendary Contest will have a new schedule
    • Day 1 : Champions, Energy and Trolls
    • Day 2 : Harem and Market
    • Day 3 : Pachinko and Ymen
    • Day 4 : Experience, Season and secondary Contest
  • Sultry Mysteries won’t include recruits from permanent features anymore, only from events 


Bug fixes


  • The Labyrinth Relic Critical Thinking is fixed 
  • The infinite loading in the hero personalization Backgrounds is fixed 
  • The visual issue happening when spam clicking on an active tab in the shop V2 is fixed 
  • The issue disabling the Grade 0 animation of a recruit when switching grades is fixed 
  • The visual issue when scrolling in Harem is fixed 
  • “Ends in” is no longer duplicated in the Season window 
  • The visual issue displaying the hero twice in the Seasons leaderboard is fixed
  • The element tooltip shows the correct text in the team selection menu
  • The issue of the game being cut off at the bottom on Nutaku is fixed
  • A small visual issue has been corrected in the team edition Menu (another container was visible behind the recruits’ selection container)
  • The scrolling issue when selecting a recruit variant in the Harem is fixed
  • The visual issue displaying a “Go Back” button behind the logo when playing a quest on Mobile is fixed
  • The visual issue with the opponents’ rewards in the Season is fixed 
  • The visual issue with the contest timer when claiming past contest rewards is fixed
  • The visual issue not updating the value of the Mega event currency when switching tabs is fixed 
  • The visual issue making the character animation out of its container before accessing the Labyrinth is fixed 

N.B. We are releasing a webpack that will most likely slightly improve some of the game’s performance but might also break the scripts used by some of the players.


Patch Notes Week #12




World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest  “Finding the “Real” Hero”: 

“Do you mind if I touch it? I can teach you some heroic tricks myself.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Patch Notes Week #11




  • Labyrinth Hard Mode



  • Remove nicescroll from the game – This should be barely visible change (except on Firefox, which has now a solid color scrollbar)
  • Improvement of the tooltip behavior on Mobile
  • The following Labyrinth relics have been adjusted: 
  • Girl-specific relics: Impactful, Egoist, Sweet Harmony, Defender of the Haremverse, Critical Thinking, Duck Master, Ego Rebound, Double Attack 
  • Team relics: Sweet Harmony, Harmony in the Middle
  • [Labyrinth] Reduction of Opponents Healing


Bug fixes:

  • The issue displaying the last unlocked pose of the characters in the Season window is solved 
  • The visual issue making the contest page refresh too early when claiming a recruit is fixed 
  • A visual issue impacting the Season window is fixed – Opening and closing the “get season pass” multiple times moved up the recruits in the widget
  • The visual issue showing the Club icons misaligned is fixed
  • The scrolling issue in the Pose preview window is fixed
  • The issue making displaying only the second hair/eye color in the Harem Bio is fixed 
  • A visual issue impacting the Top Ranking of the Mega event leaderboard is fixed 
  • Top ranking rewards icons overlapped with the current user ranking field
  • The visual issue impacting the Max Grade level up window is fixed 
  • [Leagues] The issue Boosting an opponent’s stats after the expiration of a booster is fixed 

Patch Notes Week #10





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 7 “Forbidden Forest”: 

“Ugh, okay, okay. Can I please get spanked again? Maybe harder this time.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Аrt Survey Results


More than 1500 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

1. Femdom Karole with 11.4% of the votes


2. Enna with 9.9 % of the votes


3.Dominatrix Ananke with 7.9% of the votes


4.and 5. are DP Sake and Bondage Ankyo with 7.6%


Your least favorite girls are:


1.Alt. Elysa with 44.8% of the votes


2.Kaya with 8.3% of the votes


3.Silia with 7.1% of the votes



There won’t be any downtime for the release this week.


Bug fixes:

  • Most of the bugs from the Bug survey concerning the Harem and the Labyrinth have been fixed. We are working on the Power sorting in the Harem.
  • A new bug has been reported, impacting the Critical Thinking relic. Research is ongoing.


Patch Notes Week #9




Quest 7: Forbidden Forest will be live next week (06.03.24)


Places of Power

A new girl is joining the Places of Power!




Art Survey


We would love to know your opinion on the new recruits in February.


Update: The release is moved to 29th of February. On the 28th and the 29th of February, the Labyrinth will be on a 24-hour cycle.

  • Labyrinth Difficulties – now you will be able to play in Normal and Hard modes
  • Labyrinth leaderboard


  • We modified the color of a few Character Skins
  • Update: 
  • We modified the color of a few hero items in the profile page.


Patch Notes Week #8




  • In the Path of Renaissance, players who already own any of the girls will see the replacement reward 

Bug fixes:

  • The visual issue showing the “Go Back” button behind the girl avatar in the Harem is fixed 
  • The issue preventing the “reset filter” button from resetting the pose filter is fixed 
  • Editing teams from the Harem page will no longer redirect to the homepage


Patch Notes Week #7





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 6 “Search in the Forbidden City”: 

“Her pussy is so warm and silky. I need to keep myself from cumming.” 


Check out the latest adventure! 

Bug fixes:

  • Harem: The visual issue that makes the shards tooltip visible in the Harem filter buttons is fixed 
  • Harem: The issue disabling the max level-up button after using the one-grade-up button is fixed 
  • Labyrinth: The issue impacting the “Blessed” filter in the Labyrinth is fixed
  • Labyrinth: An info text will be displayed in the relics and rejuvenation tab
  • The issue preventing team creation with less than 7 recruits is fixed 
  • The issue that used Kobans/Gold instead of orbs in the Pachinko in some specific cases has been fixed 

Bugs, included in the survey, that are fixed thus far:

  • Harem: koban spending alert not triggering for upgrade affection with koban or collect all with koban
  • Harem: filter for shard count breaks if applied second, all other filters are ignored then
  • Harem: “How to get me” feature broken for upcoming revivals
  • Harem: mobile view Skill tab shows empty
  • Harem: showing future/test recruits without picture
  • Labyrinth: token bags on the same row have been eradicated, but there are still some “chess knight” cases where it’s impossible to get all bags
  • Labyrinth: The Stat window in event widgets hides the recruit, even though there’s plenty of space on the other side. In Labyrinth, this pop-up opens behind the character and is therefore unreadable.


Patch Notes Week #6



Art Survey Results


More than 2000 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

1.Ume with 11.9% of the votes


2.Mint Chip Neferkitty with 11.3 % of the votes


3.Gadget Girl LXIX with 6.6% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:


1.Alt. Anita with 20.9% of the votes


2.Star with 12% of the votes


3.Rei with 10.9% of the votes


Q&A with Rosso


The founder and creator of all the Harem games – Rosso is taking the hot seat to answer all your burning questions about the game in English!

Join us on the 9th of February at 5:30 pm UTC+2 on Comix Harem’s Discord! The first topic will be Comix Harem, but we will answer also questions for all the games and future projects! You can leave your questions on HH’s Discord.


Bug Fixes Survey


Thank you all for the feedback! 

Fixing the bugs will be our top priority for the next weeks/months. 


Roles v2 Survey


2000+ of you took the survey! Thank you! Here are your favorite roles:


Path of Renaissance


A new event is coming to the Haremverse!
Path of Renaissance is a new event containing revived PoV recruits.




  • The labyrinth floor background will be used in the Labyrinth battles


Bug fixes:


  • [Labyrinth] Coin bags will appear in a way that they will be all obtainable
  • The visual issue making recruits overlap when picking them on the hero profile page is fixed
  • A dynamic update is added when claiming all chest and winning a recruit in Boss Bang 


Patch Notes Week #5





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 5 “Search in Your Pants”: 

“It’s your turn to get your juice all over you!” 


Check out the latest adventure! 



A new league girl will be released on the 1st of February.


Share some good times with Spade!




A new girl will join the Labyrinth on February 4th.


Meet Jun!


Art Survey 


Darling, time flies, and once again we ask for your feedback regarding the January babes.

Please share with me who were your favorite girls – HERE.


Roles v2 Survey 

After your feedback about the Roles, we revisited the idea and we are back with a second survey.

Please check it out and give us your opinion in this survey.


Event Calendar



Bug fixes:

  • The issue with the max out button not accounting for the current affection of a recruit is fixed
  • The objective issue with the max grade is fixed
  • The full-screen option has been added back to .com games (we are working on the Nutaku versions)
  • The visual issue displaying the PoV and PoG characters in an affection grade pose is fixed 
  • The visual issue of not updating the count of Girls shards in the PoV and PoG is fixed
  • The visual issue of not displaying the full text of the Monthly Card in the Labyrinth shop is fixed
  • The visual issue making the girls overlap the bottom of the Lusty Race window is fixed 
  • The issue making the Labyrinth girl hiding the tooltip block is fixed

Bug Fixes Survey


The Kinkoid team is tirelessly working on bettering our games and fixing the known issues. To make sure we are not missing anything, and we are prioritizing right we need your help! Please fill out this survey!

Patch Notes Week #4



Roles Survey 

We’re very grateful for your feedback! We will share the results next week, and we will let you know how our plan evolved, thanks to you.


Due to unforeseen reasons, the weekly update will be a little bit late.



  • Harem loading optimization 
  • Improved generation of coins bags in the labyrinth so the players can always gather all of them 
  • The upgrade and level-up of girls is sped up so you can upgrade more and quicker
  • Critical hits are now displayed during fights in the Labyrinth


Bug fixes:

  • The issue making the shop and the game break because of animations for IOS users is fixed 
  • The bug making the Restock market price cheaper than it should be with the Platinum/Diamond monthly card is fixed (the price was 18 Kobans instead of 21)
  • The visual issue making the Labyrinth Girl too high when the animation is ON is fixed   
  • The visual issue impacting the animated Labyrinth icons is now fixed  
  • The visual issue cropping the Girls Variants box in the Harem is now fixed  
  • The visual issue hiding the “Show poses and Scenes” in the event window is now fixed 
  • The visual issue impacting the Champions timer is fixed  
  • The issue impacting the skills calculation in multi-fights is fixed  
  • The visual issue displaying to pages in the event info button of Sultry Mysteries and Boss Bangs is now fixed  
  • The color of the objective window in the Double Penetration event is fixed  
  • The visual issue displaying two buttons for level up in the affection page is fixed  


Patch Notes Week #3





World 18 – Gems Kingdom Province

Quest 4 “Search at the Fishing Pond”: 

“So, do you have any previous experience in a similar position?” 


Check out the latest adventure! 


Roles Survey


Are you excited about what is coming next in the Haremverse? 

Check and fill out our Roles Survey.


Kink Survey Results


Congratulations the results are in – you are 100% kinky and we love it!

You love girl-on-girl action, sexy lingerie, threesomes with two girls, titjobs, MILFS, and apparently we missed adding double vaginal into the survey. 

You are not into smoking for sure.

You want kinkier poses with more cum(72.2%) and you prefer the HH style(76.3%).

Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and doggy style are some of your preferred positions.

For 25.1% of you world 14 – Stairway to Heaven is the best one.



  • A new type of offers gathering Monthly Card, Season, and PoV pass.



  • The Pachinko will now feature a ”Play Again” button 
  • The navigation in the Labyrinth will now be made with arrows to ensure a better experience


Bug fixes:

  • The visual issue affecting the Mega pass is fixed
  • The visual bug impacting the Mythic equipment upgrade window is fixed 
  • The Join Club status is now translated and with a better format 
  • The event resource icon displayed in the top ranking leader board is the now correct one
  • The “Go” button for Girls dropping in the event Pachinko in Orgy Days will redirect on the event pachinko

Patch Notes Week #2



Monthly Art Survey

More than 1500 of you voted and your favorite girls are:

1. Heavenly Lenaëlle with 9.7% of the votes


2. Amarië with 8.6% of the votes


3. Heavenly Mother Angel with 7.9% of the votes



Your least favorite girls are:

1. Alt. Santa Claudia with 20.1% of the votes


2. Sari with 12.7% of the votes


3. Annelia with 9.9% of the votes




  • A girl on multiple Villains and multiple girls on one Villain:
  • Having the same girl winnable from several villains at the same time
  • Having multiple girls on one Villain at the same time

This will be implemented first in Orgy Days (14th to 19th Jan)


Bug fixes:

  • The Club Chat is fixed.
  • [Nutaku] The issue of making the players able to pay several times for the Season/Hero pass has been fixed.
  • The issue of making the Characters owned by a player not visible in the Crazy Cumback Contest’s window is now fixed.
  • The visual issue of misplacing the Power bar and the girls’ list in the Places of Power is fixed.

Patch Notes Week #1




The Kinkoid team wishes you a happy and kinky 2024!


December Art Survey


Time flies, and once again, we ask for your feedback regarding the December babes.

Please share with me who were your favorite girls in this SURVEY.



Kink Survey

Please spare a few minutes and share with us about your kinks and what excites you in this SURVEY! 

Tell us your fantasies and maybe you will see them in the Haremverse! Help us get you the happy ending you desire!




  • Now you can preview the poses of the girls. A preview of the affection scenes will be available next week.




  • A sorting option by characteristics for girl filters was added to the Labyrinth.
  • The Lusty Race balance has been changed as follows:
  • The tiers requirements are decreased by ~20%
  • Added Event Resource as a reward in the Pass
  • The girls are moved to be earlier in the Pass


Bug fixes:

  • The mobile display issue for the Double Penetration event is fixed.
  • The mobile display issue for Max Out button is fixed.
  • The display issue for the club champion timer is fixed.
  • The visual issue when switching between stats and reward display on the league page is fixed. 
  • The positioning of text in draft pachinko is fixed.
  • The rejuvenation button positioning in the Labyrinth is fixed.




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