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A place for people to share their shards drop info


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With the new system of shard rewards it is now time to start a new thread to share the info about shards drop rate.

This way we can get an approximation to the rate at which shards are occurring for each boss or event,and also try to verify if the distribution of shards is lineal in the interval stated by the devs for each boss or kind of event.

Please, do not use this thread to start discussions about luck, or complain about not getting enough shards or girls. This should be only to post numbers, (with a little comment if you want).

About the format to post the information I suggest this one (but if anyone can think of a better one, please suggest it):

Type (boss, event, revival, legendary, etc), Boss name, number of battles or challenges, number of drops, number of shards obtained, girl who get the shards


Boss, Karole, 18 battles, 1 drop, 3 shards, Rin
Boss, Karole, 1 battle, 1 drop, 1 shard, Rin

Of course the results can be summarized to show only the total for every girl or boss during some time interval or during an event:

Boss, Karole, 19 battles, 2 drops, 4 shards, Rin

Edited by DvDivXXX
Topic pinned for ease of access and visibility of this long-term community effort
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20 minutes ago, arty00001 said:

40 fights, Donatien, 2 drops, 4 shards each for Lola and Pelagie.

Im starting to doubt the "For the range, each values has the same chance", especially because i havent seen anyone post with getting over 10. Thats pretty shitty on a supposed range of 1-69

Only Dark lord has a range from 1-69.

Donatien has a cap of 7.

No one has posted a number over 10 because no one is fighting Gruntt or earlier for girls.


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Just an interesting bit of information. Numbers are FAR too low to conclude anything, but the difference is pretty crazy.

Target was Val Red Battler from Dark Lord. Given the discount on refills, I decided to run a few refills and just did 100 battles. I got a total of 71 shards in 100 battles.

Now, the interesting part was that I did 70 of the battles using the x10 mechanic which resulted in 67 of those 71 shards and 30 of the battles fighting each one individually and got 4 of the 71 shards. That's pretty crazy. The individual breakdown is as follows:

  • x10 - 9 shards
  • x10 - 16 shards
  • 10 individual fights - 2 shards
  • x10 - 11 shards
  • x10 - 4 shards
  • x10 - 9 shards
  • 10 individual fights - 0 shards
  • x10 - 7 shards
  • x10 - 11 shards
  • 10 individual fights - 2 shards
  • EDIT - Battles after the initial 100:
  • x10 - 0 shards
  • x10 - 10 shards
  • x10 - 0 shards
  • x10 - 5 shards
  • 10 individual fights - 10 shards
  • 4 individual fights - 6 shards (and got Val Red Battler)

Conclusion: 110 battles using x10 for 82 shards (0.745 shards per battle) and 44 battles done individually for 20 shards (0.454 shards per battle).

154 total battles needed to get Val Red Battler from Dark Lord.

Edited by YummyTiger
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Dark Lord, 118 single battles, 12 drops, 70 shards,  Val Red Battler

+ 1 10x Perform 0 shards

after the 113th battle my shard battle ratio is 0.513 which seems to be on the lower end in this thread

i will edit here for further Val Red Battler tries

Edited by Hentai-san
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Karole, 35 battles, 4 drops, 8 shards, 6 for Rin, 2 for Toshiko

Cupid's Love revival event

Dark Lord, 148 battles, 14 drops, 101 shards (11+9+10+6+10+11+4+7+7+1+8+7+5+5), Val Red Battler obtained :D

update: i will try to post the data of each event in only one place

last update: got Val Red battler

Edited by jelom
new data. girl obtained
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Now, I refilling just for more data :P

Edwarda - Val Abrael

60 total battles - 75 shards for Val Abrael and 8 shards for Bonny (I'll update until I get the girl)

  • x10 - 1 shard
  • x10 - 2 shards
  • x10 - 14 shards
  • 10 individual - 12 shards (Abrael), 5 shards (Bonny)
  • 10 individual - 20 shards
  • 10 individual - 26 shards (Abrael), 3 shards (Bonny)
  • 10 individual - 12 shards (Abrael), 4 shards (Bonny)
  • 10 individual - 6 shards
  • 10 individual - 0 shards
  • 10 individual - 0 shards (Abrael), 6 shards (Bonny)
  • x10 - 1 shard
  • x10 - 0 shards
  • x10 - 0 shards (Abrael), 8 shards (Bonny)
  • x10 - 0 shards (Abrael), 11 shards (Bonny)
  • x10 - 0 shards
  • x10 - 30 shards and got Val Abrael

Conclusion - 90 battles x10 for 48 shards (0.74 shards per battle) and 70 battles individually for 94 shards (1.34 shards per battle)

Total - 160 battles (0.89 shards per battle) to get Val Abrael. It started out really, really good, then hit a pretty lengthy dry spell. Still, it took me 154 battles to get Dark Lord's girl and 160 battles to get Edwarda's. I was averaging about 0.66 shards per battle from Dark Lord and 0.9 shards per battle from Edwarda. This is with 314 battles of data.

Side Note: I have no idea how available common Troll girls factor into this. Perhaps I would have gotten Abrael faster if there was not another girl available to take earned shards? Or, perhaps the reason Dark Lord dropped at 0.66 and Edwarda dropped at 0.9 is because there were more girls and therefore more chances to get shards. Personally, I'm hoping the latter is the reason, but who knows.

Edited by YummyTiger
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Event, Dark Lord, 126 battles, 9 drops, 100 shards, Val Red Battler

even though my sample size is really small, I would concur with the previous stated opinions, that you get more shards when you do the 10x fight, and that overall this update seems to have reaaaaally lowered the drop rate :(

Edited by BlueMuffin
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Just to update the thread, I will post here a detail of the shards drop for Val Red battler of my previous post so you can see that there is a great variance in the number of battles to get a drop.

boss    challenges    nº shard drops    nº shards
dark Lord    3    1    11
dark Lord    11    1    9
dark Lord    10    1    10
dark Lord       1    6
dark Lord    3    1    10
dark Lord       1    11
dark Lord    7    1    4
dark Lord    33    1    7
dark Lord    27    1    7
dark Lord       1    1
dark Lord    3    1    8
dark Lord    10    1    7
dark Lord    29    1    5
dark Lord       1    5

Total 148 battles, 14 drops, 101 shards

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Val Red Battler done.

Drop#  Battles  BTotal  Shards  STotal
  1       28       28      9       9
  2       18       46      4      13
  3       25       71      3      16
  4        8       79      7      23
  5       10       89      7      30
  6        4       93      6      36
  7        7      100     10      46
  8        1      101      3      49
  9        2      103     11      60
 10       12      115      1      61
 11       15      130      7      68
 12       14      144      7      75
 13       10      154      3      78
 14        8      162      5      83
 15        3      165      7      90
 16       10      175     11     101

Averages  10.9             6.3    

Very unlucky start with those first three drops, likely above-average luck afterwards.

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13 hours ago, _shal_ said:

Wow, 1070 battles since Tuesday?

Woops i messed up Karole's level was 190 when i started pummeling her after the system was implemented, so the number of battles actually reached 300(as she's 220lvl now). So 300 battles got 14shards for Windia and 14shards for Rin. Don't know how i came up with those crazy numbers!

Edited by Cantrix
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Event, Cupid's love, Dark lord (Val Red Battler): 19(9*)+14(2*)+2(4*)+24(9*)+29(2*)+2(12*)+2(10*)+18(6*)+29(11*)+8(5*)+6(9*)+23(5*)+3(5*)+4(7*)+5(10*) = 188(106*)

Event, Cupid's love, Edwarda, (Val Abraebl):       13(5*)+16(9*)+1(12*)+28(1*)+10(4*)+4(9*)+9(5*)+1(11*)+2(1*)+15(10*)+9(8*)+3(5*)+12(6*)+2(7*)+5(11*) = 130(104*)

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I don't have specific battle information, since I was only tracking event girls, but I thought I'd mentioned that I just got a 100 affection drop from Roko in Heroes University. I had thought instant drops were only possible for event girls, but apparently they are possible for common troll girls too. Was kind of nice since it gave me a LOT of epic flowers on top.

Roko, 1 drop, 100 shards, Noomye (Roko was level 285, so lots of battles).

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Sorry for double post, but since it was a different girl and different situation, figured it warranted a separate post.

Legendary Days - Lucky as fuck edition!

Edwarda, 40 battles, 2 drops, 102 shards!, Fabienne  - (I also got 3 shard drops for the last common girl in those 40 battles, so 5 total shard drops).

So I can vouch that the instant win is definitely in effect, I got two 100 affections drops today. The one above and the one for the legendary! Just to note, I had terrible luck on the last 2 legendaries, so this was a super nice gift. Hope all you guys get a bit of luck as well. 40 battles is not near enough to know anything, but 2 drops in 40 was substantially lower than what I was getting last event (I just got really lucky that one of them was 100 affection).

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On a completely different note, between finishing the revival and the start of the Legendary event I went back to Finalmecia to make some more headway towards getting her final girl - and now I'm currently sitting on a shiny 70 battle no-shards streak there. B| I'll report back how long that ends up being eventually once I have time to return to her.

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Legendary Days - Fabienne

Edit: final results (i will update later with detailed info)

boss    challenges    nº shard drops    nº shards
edwarda    473          52                         100

A lot better (and cheaper) than expected! B|

I STRONGLY SUGGEST to refill TODAY with the discount. At least until you get to 80 shards. The rest you can made with the free combativity of the last three days and an ocassional last hour refill if needed.

That way you can get her with about 20-25 refills (3000-3500 kobans with discount).

Edited by jelom
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