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Posts posted by AloeMist

  1. It is my sincere hope that before the events are repeated - And I strongly believe that they should be - HH really needs to fix the way their Epic Pachinko system works. If I pay out 50 or 100 bucks for kobans to try to get a girl during a special event and use the 900 payment option -( which is really way too high for 1 guaranteed girl, that's 50 bucks a pop! ) The player should be guaranteed to obtain a girl from that specific special event, random between the ones you have not yet collected. After getting them all, then the system should revert to the remaining girls in the system you have not yet obtained, and of those girls from the epic pachinko, they should STAY SEPARATED from the story girls, which should only be obtainable from participating in the story and battling those story bosses. I personally believe that for the special events they should allow a player to purchase the girls as a pack set - and discount that set's price depending on how many of the girls in the pack you have already obtained. But between doing these things  - separating the story girls from the epic pachinko girls and adjusting the way the epic pachinko works for girls drop chances, they would see a respectable increase in players paying good money for the game. These changes should have been done years ago.  I myself have spent hundreds of dollars foolishly in a futile attempt to get special event girls I really wanted and failed, figuring out the system was broken the worst way possible. But I definitely would have spent more money more often to get the event girls the dev team put so much work into designing and only allowing a very choice few to benefit from.

  2. I am glad to know I was not alone in missing this legendary girl from this event. I had thought it was a way the devs were using to punish me for mocking their 1980s style of drawing girls in my earlier post on this thread before the event launched. I felt really sad missing out for several reasons - 1. Although I played for the entire event and even had the boss maxed out before the event started, it didn't make a difference in drop chance.  2. I foolishly didn't realize you CAN pay kobans to actually refill your combat bar - I thought you could only do that with your mojo bar for storyline.  3 . I'm a quickly dwindling hardcore player in a game that seems like most everyone switched to charm since charm has some really awesome girls, and an unusual amount of 5 star girl choices. The legendary girl would have really helped improve my team.  4. Missing out was bad enough, but now I'm constantly losing fights in arena to what seems like a whole lot of players who did manage to get her, and I didn't want to miss out on such a rare girl, regardless of the style she was drawn in.  5. Who the heck knows if they will ever let us try to get her again.   If the HH devs do bring a remedy back around, I think it would be fair if they said we could pay money for her outright, or pay to participate in another 5 days of the legendary event, although admittedly flawed the event was.  In this way, it doesn't make the players who got her the first time around bitter for already getting her for free, and now having nothing to really do for x amount of days for a repeated event - and for the rest of the player population like myself who missed out, it is a chance to still obtain her from a missed opportunity we feel bad about for various reasons. I hope the devs will strongly consider this possible remedy. This legendary girl can still be rare, even if an increased amount of players will have her from the second time around because - 1. people always quit games or go through long hiatus periods.  2. They wont have to do this event again if they don't want after a second attempt, or at least consider a rare repeated chance again in another year later on, etc. etc. 3. Not everyone will choose to participate in the event a second time, some just simply wont want to try to obtain her at all and don't care as was demonstrated from an earlier player on the prior page who was insistent on only playing for a few choice girls as his best play style.

  3. 1 hour ago, Montana said:

    He wants her to keep the tights on for every affection level with a hole at her vagina


    Never could stand the 1980s high boots look that a lot of these chars have - why cant the development team get more creative with variety? Like Nami's sandals look from One Piece is quite sexy. Nobody wears the high boots style anymore - leather or not. Also if this char isn't a hardcore type, why would she wear the black leather boots style in the first place? Just something to think about if this image style ends up being similar to the end product. Its just after some 40+ girls I see a trend - even on those parodies that we know who the char was modeled after, like the sci-fi event for example, and those women were all super hot actresses. Please take better advantage of the beauty that is the female form! Go watch some hentai maybe?> lol .

  4. I hope down the road we will also get legendary events as well as more legendary girls. Perhaps a legendary event to obtain prized girls from monthly past themes you pick from, and can even do a special legendary boss for the event that requires the legendary girls to battle with, or also win as a prize. I spent 200 dollars in the last event and I still couldn't get the tower guard who I suggested be added to the game in the first place. I admit I will be really sad if I end up playing through this March event every day and not obtaining this one as well. At least it is not dependent on the broken Pachinko system with no girl packages to buy.

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