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  1. Today
  2. I'm at floor 1000 and can't proceed any further because I'm going a team made up of nothing but Mystics. Been at this floor for 3 weeks now. I've upgraded. I've used boosters. I keep getting the same team of Mythics for the last 3 weeks. I've had a variety of teams with the win some loose some. Kinda at the point where it's no use to even attempt to proceed.
  3. When I referenced the event several months ago, I actually carried a platinum sub at the time and barely got 2% affection. So not even having a sub made a difference. When it was mentioned it takes about 20k kobans..... lol... that's about $200 in the store to acquire. Not counting any an individual person may have saved up. Since almost everything in the game requires kobans to perform, it all falls back to saving for month's or even a year. Mythic Boosters? I've never seen one. Never seen it in the market either. So it still falls back to break out with the CC and pay $200.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I received it. Started with 0 fragments, received 25 fragments from 10 drops in the League, the remaining 75 fragments for kisses. Have a nice weekend everyone, spend more time in clean, fresh air.
  6. The dev working on seasons needs to know your game ID and what site you're playing on(erogames, nutaku or GH.com) to further investigate your issue. If you don't know where to find your player ID open the game menu then select profile. It's on the lefthand side of the screen just below your in game name/club name.
  7. I got her. I started at 27 shards from her 1st appearance. 40 KC girls left to go...
  8. Not sure what I did exactly, but something went wrong when I wanted to type some ascii letter in another tab, but accidentaly hit Ctrl instead of Alt. 🤔
  9. Nice win. Had to invest some Koban to buy points in PoG and PoV to reach this, but I invested "only" ca. 400 Koban, so 50 less than a LM Booster would cost. 15th needed 1.362 points
  10. Uh... had to forgot to screenshot the last CCbC! I ended in the top15, but don't remember the score. Nevertheless: The two Girl I had obtainable in this Event (Arabelle and Radka) are in my Harem and Girlswise the event is done to me: Now it's only to gain some more Orbs, Gems and hopefully one or two LM-Booster.
  11. Rotation #1330 (07/26/2024 01:00 CEST) Anniversary Matcha 🟡 (August) Xmas Rabbi 🔵 (December) Snowboard Hari 🟢 (January)
  12. Hello, sorry if this isn't the best place for my question, but I am a new member of the forum (and I can say the same for the game as I am only level 243). I tried to look for the guide about elements mentioned in the OP message but couldn't find it. Can you please share the link with me? Thank you so much.
  13. gora

    niveau 50

    salut j'ai atteint le niveau 50 sur le jeu mangarpg pour avoir le perso exclusif sur hh et je ne l'ai toujours pas quelqu'un sait pourquoi ?
  14. Last week
  15. We also have Alluza with transparent hands and other traits that don't seem to make sense. I've highlighted them in green (there are probably others I'm missing. Also sometimes the fire is see through, sometimes it's not. And I don't know why but something feels off on Talia's left hand/fingers.
  16. Magnolia got butchered... if you compair her to the line art(on discord) .. the person that colored her drew over all the details ... that´s why I keep telling KK good coloring is also necessary...
  17. 🤔 You´re lvl 131 and at tier 62 ? tbh that´s not an issue due to match making but you simply getting way ahead of yourself as far as I can see. I´d simply stop and wait for a few more "lower lvl" peps to catch up.
  18. No changes, pls see screenshot made right now.
  19. There was an update to seasons added yesterday which changed the level range. Before we were limited to 25 levels but if there were non within range it just grabbing whoever was within your mojo range. Now you should get opponents 15% higher level and 25% lower, when you're able to play again try it out and see if it's working better and if not let us know, we've been in contact with the devs about all complaints about seasons for a few weeks now while they try and fix it.
  20. 2 Rankings open, 2x1000 crystal not claimed. If my calculation is correct I should reach the Mythic Books at 24k
  21. a) the "colors" are named "elements". It would be nice if you could use this term in the future to avoid confusion. 😉 b) elements and their Bonusses they give haven't changed, so if you only take a look to the plain elemental Bonus, the old list is correct until now. If you only take a look to the plain elemental Bonus, yes, but there is much more you have to consider by creating your Battleteam. Yes, if your opponent have a submissiv team, he would gain the counterbonus. In Season or Villain fights this might be uninteresting, but in League, this can be problematic. From what you described as your situation in game, you had done what's absolutely ok to gain a not bad Battleteam so far. You've reached the realms of the 5ht Skill with Girls-lvl650, so now you have to consider all parts of the Battlesystem to build a Team if you want to be competitiv in Leagues. That means that you should have a Girl with a good 5th skill at 1st place in the Team (Girls with 5th skill at other places in the Team can't use the Skill). A good 5th Skill is different for your situation. Shield is best with opponents who are weaker than you, up to opponents who are a bit stronger than you. Reflect is nice against stronger opponents. Stun is the strongest skill, but has the problem that Stun has only a chance to trigger, so it's a thing for gambler. Execute sounds much better than it is. In all cases Execute would give you a benefit, Shield or Stun are better. The next one that you should consider is the trait synergy. If you can build a team where all girls benefit from the other girls trait (example: a submissive/exhibitionist Team where all Girls have black hair) you gain a really good boost. If the blessings are weak it's better in most case to add unblessed girls to the Team if they increase the trait synergie. So it's more important which trait an element is related than the plain elemental Bonus. Thanks to Girl-skills there is no simple answer anymore. In generall: The best booster setting is in most cases 4x Cordyceps, but a) if you found an opponent with Reflect, the 4 Cordyceps will turn against you, because your opponent reflect the damage he got back to you, so you hurt yourself. b) if you use Shield, it's often good to increase the ego with Chlorella Booster to increase the shield A good compromiss is to use a 2 Chlorella, 2 Cordyceps default booster setting and only change to more Cordyceps when you're sure that you don't have to deal with Reflect opponents or if you're sure that you have to deal with a lot of Reflect Teams from your opponents to choose 4 Chlorellas. I add the oversight for the skills: Skill 3 Skill 5 Dark: Eye Color Stun Red: Eye Color Execute Blue: (CH/KH/HC) Pose XXX Execute Yellow: (CH/KH/HC) Pose XXX Stun Orange: Zodiac Sign Shield Purple: Zodiac Sign Reflect Green: Hair Color Reflect White: Hair Color Shield
  22. status update 2 ranking brackets to go, each ~1k, so should be easy to get the 4th girl here
  23. Hello, First question: How important are colors for girls? I've seen in a post about 2 years ago that the best colors for girls were: dark > blue <> red/orange > green > white/purple/yellow. Nowadays, is it still true? And how much more powerful is a blue girl vs a purple one for example, on equal stats + blessings. Since dark is supposedly the best, wouldn't it be best to make a full dark team? But then, wouldn't that be heavily countered by full white team? And same for a blue team vs a yellow team? This ties into the second question. Second question: How to make the best team possible? I'm currently level 418, and when the blessings are refreshed, I just create a new team with auto-fill. Since my max level for girls is 650, usually my top 7 girls in terms of Attack Power make the roster, and sometimes some of them are tied, and I try to prioritize the dark/blue girls. However, as is this week, my team is an amalgamation of colors, like in the screenshot attached. All girls visible are at 650, so do I just use the auto-fill team which gives me the top 7, or should I replace some of the bad colors girls with the first dark color girls available? Third question: Which is the best combo of boosters for Leagues? I'm a recently (last month) new Dicktator 1 player, and I've achieved bracket 5-15 every week (even though then I advance to Dicktator 2 and lose almost all matches and then demote, lol), following the strategy in question 2, and using x2 cordyceps + x2 ginseng roots only. I feel like a x4 cordyceps would be best but also more expensive, so, is there another combination that uses only 2 (or less) cordyceps that would give better results? Thank you for reading!
  24. battle:) When I saw this basket I thought Top15 would be good:) Mу gratulation all;) I almost catched Cryo's very fast reboosted -25/25/5.
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