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Everything posted by DREW77

  1. me too. OMG do they even read the bug thread? Or just roll out new things like gay harem.
  2. Me too, counter keeps resetting! I have all these books saved up for next contest!
  3. I have the same problem in my missions - invaded Kingdom. Win 10, Chrome
  4. Also it's not like anything u can have done could have a serious debilitating effect on ur acct. Why bother?
  5. Sorry Goku, I have swayed this convo off topic. If you go back to my original post, basically the other stuff hardly matters in comparison to endurance and crit level. IMHO Or no so HO according to others. [This is call cheating]
  6. In fact if you do that and get some good gear, u can start winning 95% of the hardest battles. [Scripts are bad]
  7. Biggest way to increase your ego is by increasing endurance, which you can do at the market. Equipment can directly increase ur enurance if it goes in the top right slot. Otherwise, just pick gear that maximises what you are an specialist in. By doing this, you can easily double ur endurance which really boosts ur ego. my stats normally are now hc c kh = endurance = ego 206 169 442 = 4629 = 7060 (specialist in KnowHow) If I maximise for other specialties then... hc c kh = endurance = ego 142 364 230 = 1979 = 4410 293 278 209 = 1717 = 4148 You can increase critical damage too with equipment, and it seems to have a big effect. Boosters are also quit effective.
  8. Ugh, this stage sux. I have battled him like 8 times now. It would help and cause less confusion if it said in the quest you have to beat him multiple times. At multiple stages in the quest. I am sure there are many other people who thought the game had a bug, and rage quit.
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