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Posts posted by 01.0

  1. 2 hours ago, NobodyPrime said:

    Really? Interesting, cause so far, I always got exacly the girls I was aiming, and I already got 3 girls (the ones I wanted) since the upgrade... is hard to belive that all this was just luck and coincidence...

    try to confirm that by starting battle at the moment when 2 girls icons occupy the same space in a slot and getting both;)

  2. Considering the need for affection points atm one should just buy all the gifts out of every stock regardless the price per point, why bother? as for books i'd choose the change on how excess points after maxing the lvl stack over $/xp.

  3. You are overlooking, yes: http://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/1101-patch-note-update-23082017/

    Quote Kinkoid


    • Maximum level moved from 40 to 400;
    • To reflect this massive change in, the level up refills every level from level 1 to 10 and then every 10 levels (so, 20, 30, 40, etc.).
    • The maximum energy is now of 100 and the maximum combativity is now 20.
    • You gain experience by adventuring, completing missions and fighting in PvP;
    • You no longer gain experience from fighting trolls;


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