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Posts posted by linkdream

  1. On 9/1/2020 at 8:21 AM, Lola Kinkoid said:

    Durant ce sondage, vous pourrez nous expliquer pourquoi 5 événements en un mois, cela vous semble beaucoup trop :)

    Désolé mais pas besoin de sondage pour vous rendre compte de l'ampleur des dégâts. Il suffit de lire le forum, des gens l'ont expliqué en long, en large et en travers tout ce qui ne va pas avec les derniers ajouts/modifs.

    Je pensais que tu adorais écouter et interagir avec les joueurs. Voilà l'occasion idéale. Tu ne te rends peut être pas compte mais beaucoup de joueurs sont actuellement dans une situation désespérée. J'en connais plein qui ont quitté le jeu à cause du fait que la plupart des derniers ajouts sont bâclés et Kinkoid qui fait la sourde oreille.

    Merci !

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  2. The game is becoming less and less enjoyable as far as I'm concerned.

    Nowadays you need to go through a lot of trash to find the good stuff. The production value is getting lower and lower. I would pretty much prefer 1 event per month with 6 quality girls over an avalanche of stuff with only a little I care about.

    Badly drawn girls, unbalanced gameplay, stressful tasks that require a lot of effort to complete and the list goes on and on.

    One of the things I used to like about the game besides the good artwork is its simplicity. I used to be able to login 2-3 times a day to perform a few tasks and not be penalized. Now that's no longer an option. The game became a slog and I come back to it not to have fun but because the game is making me do this otherwise I will loose xyz.

    Like in real life, excess does spoil value. The rare and precious becomes mundane because it's now everywhere. Events are no longer events because we now have events every day. Even Legendary girls are loosing their value. One guy in my club said the other day that they had more legendary girls than epic which are more than the rare ones which are more than normal. Ridiculous and this is only one aspect of what is going wrong here.

    Designing a game requires finesse and balance. You need to find the right pacing and mixture to make it look and feel right.

    What has been done of late is unhealthy and exploitative and I'm really sad to see the game come to this.

    Anyway, don't mind this old sad fool rambling.

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  3. En fait, vous mettez n place des sondages, un forum de communauté et un discord sur lesquels des joueurs fidèles qui vous ont expliqué maintes fois pourquoi ce que vous faites ne va pas dans la bonne direction et qu'est ce que je vois ? Vous continuez à faire exactement le contraire de ce qui a été demandé.

    Soit vous lisez pas les retours, soit, pire vous êtes tellement stupides que vous ne pigez pas ce qu'on vous dit. Dans tous les cas c'est du pur foutage de gueule. Perso j'en ai vraiment ras le bol d'être pris pour un con et je vais bientôt arrêter comme plein d'autres si ça continue ainsi.


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  4. Impossible to access the market to sell items on my phone. This bug has always been there BTW.

    Butchered event with art made by incompetent people + buggy implementation made by incompetent developers.
    That’s the final straw. It was fun while it lasted I guess. I don’t have access to a PC before next week so it’s the end for me. Not a big loss seeing the amount of amateurish work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Sad 4
  5. Finished this awful awful event. I will come back to why it's awful in a minute.

    I got the girl no problem, 25 shards every day. Last day I could finish 1st easily but I deemed it wasn't worth it to get 3 epic orbs and 75 flowers and more importantly prevent someone who's struggling to get the girl. The event is toxic enough as it is already. It won't do to frustrate more people.

    And that's the awful part, the fact that anyone can just like that prevent someone else from getting the girl because of greed or whatever. There are also time zones to take into consideration because of the reset time. Not everyone can be available at that time and may fall victim to sniping and laggy server. We already discussed this matter but this event introduces competition compared to other events. That's not good for this kind of game because of what I said above but also:

    On 7/4/2020 at 3:10 PM, linkdream said:

    This event has 2 problems IMO:

    1/ Limited resources in competitive high level which may lead to starvation. Everyone can't get the girl.

    2/ Resource abundance in low level where the few active players get the girls with little to no effort.

    Here is an idea to fix that. Why not set a fixed objective to get the girl and the better your rank, you get better bonus reward. The bonus part is important to make this more interesting and not just another standard event.

    Every player who reach the objectives can get the girl and those who are competitive are rewarded with bonus stuff.

    I am a very active player who uses the resources available to me in an optimal way. I sell every excess items, I always use the tickets to fight champions and enjoy the 3 daily bonus tickets. As for the orbs I use them every time I see a girl in the Mythic/Event pachinko who tickles my fancy. I struggled the first 3 days because of that.

    To give you a contrast, I have another account on nutaku where I'm not very active and I don't take care of that account. As a result I have hundreds of champions tickets, hundreds of orbs and literally thousands of useless items. Without any effort I could afford to come first very day.

    How is that fair Kinkoid? Why do you give advantage to inactive/lazy players in addition to all the problems I stated above? We already have a damn broken pvp system, why make things worse by adding an unnecessary frustration element to a cool game to begin with?

    And no, disqualifying people who have old contests does not disqualify inactive players. It disqualifies strategic players who stockpile contests to use the rewards when the time is right. The whole thing is stupid to begin with.

    • Like 7
  6. Il y a plusieurs dessinateurs.

    Même au niveau de l'histoire, plusieurs mains ont pris le relais. La différence est qu'au niveau de l'histoire ces artistes ont conservé la cohérence et charte graphique du jeu.

    Les nouveaux stagiaires (enfin ils ne sont plus nouveaux mais restent des stagiaires quand-même) par contre ont clairement foutu la merde. Soit car personne ne les supervise, soit car ils sont mal payés, soit parce que les échéances sont devenues difficiles à respecter sans sacrifier la qualité, soit la personne qui est censée les superviser s'en fiche, soit une combinaison de tout ça.

    Kinkoid veut clairement accélérer le rythme pour forcer les joueurs à prendre les bundles-arnaque (il suffit de voir que maintenant il y a 5 events par mois !). Ils ont doublé, voire triplé le nombre de filles par mois, sans pour autant augmenter le budget pour garantir un certain niveau de qualité.

    • Like 3
  7. 24 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

    I'm referring you to the very last part of my post only, with the link to the MP thread. If you can't see the girl previews on mobile (which I didn't know about, as I play on PC) or even if you're unsure which girls are there, I'm posting the list with direct links to each girl's wiki page every rotation. As long as you have access to the forum, of course. Obviously, I'd rather Kinkoid added names or even links to the girls in the MP itself, but until then, I thought this might help.

    I thought you were referring to a solution to the weird selection bug that's why I was confused.

    I don't go very often to the forum and even less when I'm on mobile because I usually find myself not able to login. On PC I found a workaround by emptying the cookies but it's silly and becomes annoying after the 13th time so I usually give up.

    Thanks anyway.

    • Like 1
  8. 58 minutes ago, Fiel said:

    not being able to recognize the girls in the tiny pachinko bubbles, which is exasperated by the fact they they don't have name tags as well.

    I know what you’re saying. It’s so frustrating when I’m on mobile and the Mythic Pachinko is updated because I can’t for the life of me make the game show the girls. Every time I touch the screen it’s alway the word “turn” in Bunny’s  bubble that is selected.


    Fuck that shit...

    And no, turning the device makes the game worse. Please stop telling me that >_>

    • Sad 2
  9. Le confinement a fait des dégâts sur la pauvre Shina.

    Plus sérieusement, cette version a plusieurs problèmes :

    - Elle a changé de tête, on dirait plus la même fille

    - Elle a la tête trop grosse et en général des proportions bizarres, limite SD (super deformed)

    - Elle a des problèmes au niveau des doigts, les pieds, partout en fait.

    Je veux bien comprendre qu'ils voulaient créer une version cartoon mais ça colle pas avec le style du jeu. Qu'est ce qu'elle a fait la pauvre pour mériter ceci ?

    Ceci dit pour moi la pire dans cet event reste la fée qui a été dessinée par le stagiaire-asperge responsable du cirque A.K.A. l'artiste à la finition et couleurs dégueulasses. J'ai envie de vomir à chaque fois que je vois une de ses créations.

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    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, mooreslife said:

    I can't get over this group picture. I looks like a copycat game trying to rip off HH. 


    These eyes man, look at these eyes. The pencil strokes and the finishing touch are all over the place.

    Everything about that picture is wrong.

    Even some of the oldest pictures look tremendously better. Look at this one from the revival of august 2017:


    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, Sygfried94 said:

    event 1. event epique anniversaire. ici une seule erreur mais de taille. mettre un taux 1-4 au lieu du taux 1-5 d'un event epique classique. En plus d'etre le point de depart de l,anniversaire, il a donner une image negative des le depart qui aurait franchement pu etre evitée simplement en gardant un taux epique.

    Ce n'est pas un event épique mais un préliminaire.

    D'ailleurs tu peux le voir si tu sélectionnes une des filles que t'as pas eu durant l'event:


  12. 21 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

    I mean, why do you even want to redraw her in the first place? Just look at her face expression. She is happy. So you should be happy for her as well. 😉 And be proud that girls in your harem are happy 😉

    I dunno, she looks agonizing to me. Perhaps that deformed body of hers has something to do with it.

  13. En 2 mots : Anniversaire Enculade, bien approprié pour un jeu de ce type remarque.

    Bref, merci Kinkoid d'avoir pris en compte les retours des joueurs l'année dernière et fait exactement l'opposé de ce qui a été demandé 👍

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  14. This event has 2 problems IMO:

    1/ Limited resources in competitive high level which may lead to starvation. Everyone can't get the girl.

    2/ Resource abundance in low level where the few active players get the girls with little to no effort.

    Here is an idea to fix that. Why not set a fixed objective to get the girl and the better your rank, you get better bonus reward. The bonus part is important to make this more interesting and not just another standard event.

    Every player who reach the objectives can get the girl and those who are competitive are rewarded with bonus stuff.

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