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Posts posted by Penguin

  1. Princess Noemy doesn't seem to be the popular choice, but she's by far my favorite of the story girls. Just so damn sexy and her personality is very regal and manipulative. Fairy comes in second because I love faries and her trapped under glass pose is my jam >:D

    Princess Agate would probably be my favorite (purely for looks and stuff), but her anti-lesbian behavior is a turn off.

    • Like 1
  2. Event almost over...relentless plays...no girl drops. This is the third event in a row where the event girls won't drop for me even if I play like, 12 to 15 times a day (x20 battles is like 240 to 300 fights a day D: ).  I just want Leia  Fae and not a repeat of the Mala situation.

    In other news, if they do a Star Trek world I need a lady Spock. <3

    • Like 1
  3. @Varnart Thanks and yeah, I imagine gayharem is actually long-term going to be more popular with women and gay men (as yaoi often is), but I'm sure there are a few straight guys that don't mind changing it up a bit. xD I think the real issue is that the game is still new and as mentioned by others, basically a clone of this one. 

    And oh for sure! I've mentioned being female once before and didn't get any flack for it. I think the majority of guys on here are great or at least decent fellas. But a sour apple can spoil the bunch as they say and that's probably keeping the headcount low. I'm sure there are a few women floating around here in disguise. :ph34r:


  4. Hi, also female. I wouldn't go so far to say the game respects women (it's still porn made by men with men in mind and that shows), but I've never hit a point where I've been annoyed by this game outright (for content anyway, drop rates are a different thing) and I must say that's hella impressive for hentai. It's mostly fun and it's got enough fan service to appease people of wide tastes. I'd say it's a really good game overall, partially why I keep playing it.

    Also unpopular opinion here, but I really like gayharem. I just wish they'd update it more often, I get stuck really quick because it's still so new and sloooowly updated that I often forget to check it. 

    I've seen a lot of male arrogance and assumptions in the forum, but that's not the game's fault. Overall, yeah hentai heroes is good stuff. I'm surprised actually by the lack of women checking in. I have to imagine most of them don't use the forum or don't want to admit to being female for fear of harassment, because I straight up know there are more than 3 of us.  

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  5. Gwenaelle. >> She was my first event drop and I'm happy to have all my girls, but she's easily my least favorite. Her design is just blah and all her upgrade art is equally blah. (even occasionally downright ugly). I'd also be 200% happy if the devs would lay off the One Piece reference girls. How many are in this game already? 8 or 9? That's a ton and I'm not a fan and generally the closer they get to matching the art style the more I dislike the girl.

    • Like 2
  6. I've battled for her far and beyond 100 since this event started. Everyday, multiple times a day, as soon as my bar is full. Doesn't look like she's going to drop for me and I haven't even tried for the Ogre chick yet because, you know, Mala. So don't feel too bad. The RNG is cruel. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Asherandai said:

    can anyone playing gay harem confirm for me if they have managed to get any of the guys to drop from grunt? without using epic pachinko please.

    i've been at it since invaded kingdom opened up, 11? 12? days ago, and i can't seem to get any drops. just wanna know if maybe they're blocked for some reason or if my luck really is that bad. i use all possible 72 fights every day, so i think i've long since passed ridiculous....

    I just started fighting him but all other guys dropped relatively quickly (with in a week or two) for me and he has dropped no one yet.

  8. I'm thrilled. My husband and I said they should add a feature/character for a gay option, but a new game variation works fine too. I'll be playing both my normal harem and my gay harem. >:D

    I'm a bi lady, by the by, but you don't have to be gay to enjoy a gay game. 

    Would be nice if they had a lesbian addition too.

    • Like 6
  9. On July 25, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Necromancer said:

    Nightmare on Elm Street 6

    Yeaaaah, I agree. The worst movie of the whole franchise and that includes the weird 7th one.

    Also the notorious The Room, Drop Dead Fred, The Care-bears Movie 

    And while it's not actually a bad film, per se, I've never understood the cult appeal of Star Wars, it's honestly so boring.

  10. Easy choice. Femme!Sebastian from Black Butler. I know they could do it too, because Femme!Kakashi is an in-story thing (I wish she would join my harem T.T).


     That or Winry Rockbell from FMA. Sorry did you say one.

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