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Posts posted by trunks2585

  1. 2 hours ago, SpinelesS said:

    Yeah I have gotten terrible Crafts so far, not sure if I should save up and attempt to get a decent craft or just dump everything in idle...

    So far I have:

    Shamanic Finger Tingler: Click +%

    Mojo Amulettes: Idle +%

    Maneki Chinpo: Reward +%

    Mojo Runic Wallpaper: Girls level after reset

    Mojo Hotstones: idle boss +%

    Titcoin: % chance to increase rewards by 3

    Mojo Shcker: +% chance to do crit on click (expensive to upgrade)

    Powerful Aura +% chance to do crit on idle (expensive to upgrade)

    New craft Currently Costs: 192.06k

    So what's everyone think? Should I go for another craft, or should I upgrade some of the ones I have, and if so which ones?


    EDIT: Went for another craft and got +Seconds on Boss :(. and next craft is 422.54k So I gotta say I screwed up and prob should have just upgraded idle...

    I wouldn't say they are terrible.  Honestly I'd dump into idle/click, what ever you prefer for your playstyle, but likely idle.  Also titcoin isn't a bad one to upgrade to at least like a 20 percent chance if that doesn't get too expensive to upgrade.  Besides that, upgrade the crit ability, even base crit level should help without the craft to increase the crit value.  But yeah it's the add idle to click damage/click to idle damage crafts that would break the game in your favor.  For right now though, just focus on your idle or click crafts.  What level are they at right now?

  2. So my memory is rusty, but did they give an additional Koban reward for this event?  Also did they reduce the number of stages to get the girl?  I can't remember if it was 1800 or 2000 last time.


    Edit: It was 2000 previously so never mind.  Looks like the devs took feedback from others into consideration to make it easier for new players.  I had hit the 1800 mark I think 2 days before 2000, running the minimum setup (couldn't get lucky with the crafts) and I think I saw a few others that got stuck at around 1800 so hopefully this works better for them if they still don't have felicia or sa lee

  3. The only time I'd forgo resetting and missing out on the daily 200 (or 210 if you got that +10 perk) affection is if I was close to the next main girl.  I got lucky today and snagged megumi with two hours to go before reset time.  Took a few attempts but got her now.  I probably won't hit that stage again though for some time, even with all the mojo I gained on the reset, it's just not fast enough to be worth it right now.

  4. Kinda depends on how far into the game you are.  If you can make it into the late 5000s close to 6000 then reset at least once a day to get max daily affection, those perks are going to start helping you more than the mojo crafts in many cases, they help tide you over between the contacts and improved girls.  Otherwise, reset as many times as it takes to max out daily affection before the reset hits.  It's best to just figure out if you'll be be on the game for  while or not.  If you can, power through with skills to milk the affection as high on the stages as you can, otherwise do a lot of quick resets.

    Besides that, like George, I try and see how far I can get before I hit the reset button, and based on what I have going on that day.  I usually try to make sure I at least get back up to the 6000 range right now right after a reset so even if I can't make much progress I'm at least set up for the next daily reset.

    When I can devote some time to it, I just pop skills every 40 minutes and see if it's worth pushing for the next contact or if I need to call it a night.  Again, the usefulness of resetting for the mojo crafts will become less useful over time compared to how much they start to cost, but that's a discussion for a whole other thread.

  5. A full list of your crafts would be helpful, also show us what perks you've gained on the girls so far.  I don't think there was any major secret for me reaching stage 5000.  I made sure to get the idle multiplier perks on all the girls to speed things along.  Get all of estelle's perks for money multiplier rewards.  Other than that, really depends on what crafts you've got to work with so far.

  6. I do think the devs might have pushed this out the door too fast.  It was apparent from the first event that they hadn't done calculations correctly, plus there was the bug that is still screwing over a few players that can't reset yet.  I get the need to give them time to fine tune things.  It's better than the first event, and I expect the third will continue to improve.  Hopefully we have a few users that either by choice or not, run the next event with the lowest girls and crafts and report completing the event with a comfortable amount of time remaining.  If it doesn't improve anymore, then feel free to complain even more.

  7. Figured I'd drop in my two cents as I'm one of the ones that beat the event with just bunny and estelle.  For full reference here's my post on the event thread.


    Honestly not sure if that number on the rewards craft is right or not, I'm pretty sure it was close to 80 as well.  Anyways those are more or less what my stats were by the end of the event.  A little further down I clarify my playstyle was basically run the event for a few hours before/after work, hit the boosts every half hour or so, and by the time I hit level 1900 I wasn't even resetting anymore and just powering through.  I also reset and boosted the crafts hard on my days off.


    Having said that and proved that the event can be beaten with the lowest possible team and crafts, here's some thoughts in general.

    For one thing, the game in general needs an offline money earning mode.  Most clicker/idle games have this in some fashion.  Most game devs know it's a bit unrealistic to expect players to keep their game open and running 24/7.  Add onto the fact that HC is a strain for many machines to run.  Even on my good PC it takes a few minutes to boot up on.  In general HC needs more optimization to take the load off machines.  Making it so the animations can be toggled on and off would be a good idea, don't have to load animations should make the game run faster.  But this isn't what we want to talk about.  We want to talk about how to improve events and what's expected of players.

    Even if the devs don't add an offline earnings feature to the game and expect players to leave it up and running while they sleep or at work, I feel the event does need to be tweeked more in the players favor still.  Not by a lot, but enough to give someone that beat the event with 2 days to spare, say an extra 1 or 2 days using the same playstyle.  Just a bit more of a buffer while still having to play actively for over half the event time if they have none of the best girls or crafts.

    Another thing to consider, and this has been brought up a few times, is what to do for long term players as the game goes on.  You want to keep the event accessible to new players, but keep the veterans from complaining how easy every event has become as they gather girls.  So the common suggestion is put the girl at level 2000 (with a bit of difficulty balance on how difficult it is to get her)  and then have rewards that you get after the girl as well.  Kobans would be what everyone would want, but I think everyone at this point still needs hearts for their harem girls as well.


    Side note, didn't know Abrael is so good for a click build, kinda wish I'd done that now, but it's probably just as well I didn't.  Thanks for the info george.

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  8. 17 hours ago, jyepie said:

    Ive played all day until i go to sleep. I played at work. I used all my kobans for getting the idle 3x booster, the 10 time per second auto clicker booster and the boss !x3 booster. I reset cobstantly. Upgraded the idle craft after resets. 

    Cant get passed 1800. It just impossible. 

    I played constantly as long as i was awake.  

    Played all day, every day. 

    The game dies to a stop at 1800. Didnt even matter to get the boosters


    What were your girls's levels and your crafts levels at?

  9. I second what pepe suggested, being able to spend kobans on permanent auto clickers (especially if with the new charms your clicks are better than your idle) would be nice, and offer a reason to be a click build over idle build and balance it out.  There could also be a new craft to get added that ups the number of clicks done a second or whatever. (I'd make the mojo cost to level it scale very quickly to keep it from being totally broke, like starting level for 5 clicks a second to level 2 for 10 clicks could be 500 billion mojo points.)  Just a few suggestions.

  10. One thing I've noticed is whenever you level up girls, you see that girl's ! raise but not the one that the other perk effects till the next girl.  So if you have both converters, and you level idle, you'll see idle increase but not click till the next girl, and vice versa.  Similar to how it takes a girl to show the increase on hardcore, know how, charm if you level one of those girls.  Don't know if that helps ya any.

  11. 10 hours ago, jyepie said:

    Im trying hard but it feels impossible.


    I get to 1799 and the battles get super super slow. Impossible. 

    These events are for people that have gathered all the girls or spend kobans on power ups 

    It is impossible for anyone without everything 


    8 hours ago, Chthugha said:

    Literally two posts above you, you'll see someone who had just Bunny and the idle+reward crafts leveled and got Sa-Lee.
    I feel like you are doing something wrong if you aren't able to get there.


    8 hours ago, Mihai said:

    It quite depends, the poster above grinded a lot, maybe he is using some clicker while he's at work, to auto upgrade bunny.

    Well since I'm being mentioned let me clarify that no, I don't have an auto clicker on, but I did leave the game up and running.  If you can't leave the game up and running, then yes, you're probably screwed.  I did do a lot of resets, I listed what my final levels were, and I finished the event monday night when I got home.  I also regularly made use of the skills when progress was going slow to give myself an extra push.  I didn't get any of the really good charms.  I put a few points into boss money, girl skip, and time on boss at the very end when I was at Sa Lee.

    There's sadly no great advice for this.  You have to babysit this game.  It doesn't take long for your progress to slow to a stop, even when you have your crafts leveled up a lot, you all should know you're gonna be clicking that level up button steady for a few minutes.  I had two days off work to spend a lot of time doing resets to get my charms where they were, and then I asked if I should even bother resetting anymore or just push through, when Chthugha gave their advice.  If I was getting ready to go AFK I tried to make sure I was going as fast as I could through girls, without clearing the boss, like be a second away from beating the current boss so I would max how much money I would earn while I was away.  I'd get home after a full day of work, and have like 40 levels or so to spend on bunny, that pushed me another 10 or so levels.  I'd hit the skills, that would push me another 20 or whatever.  Wait half an hour, hit the skills again.

    That's all I did, be very active.  If anything, make sure you're hitting those skills every half hour.  Always mojo energy on mainly sweat.  If you don't have those either, then yeah, you're probably screwed.  Otherwise, if anyone has to do the next event, if nothing gets changed, just expect to dedicate like a week to this game very hard.  I do wish it was a bit easier for new players, but it IS beatable as it is.

    Side note I did a test, running the event again, no extra levels on crafts, just using Sa Lee, she beats her own even within hours at the current craft level I had idle at.

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  12. It should be working.  When I tested it, I waited till I was on phase 1 of a girl of their style (fully clothed) and then leveled the girl.  The number of ! didn't change on idle till it went to the next stage (phase 2) and stayed at that for phase 3 if I didn't increase the girl's level anymore.  Make sure you've tested it like that first, but I'll be honest, I don't think the type idles help much anyways.  What you really want are the multipliers from their perks.

  13. What's your basic click craft at?  I feel like I have a similar issue.  I've gained both converters just a bit ago, and even though Idle to click is lower, my click is stronger than my Idle, and all I can figure is it's because I put so many points into idle, but nothing into click crafts.  I feel like there's something we're not understanding or missing when we try to figure out these converter crafts

  14. Not sure about the bug, Pretty sure I tried getting it to trigger and never seemed like it did, my values always dropped back down, and I remembered to tab out of the event to the office and switch back after the skills had defiantly expired.  No resets either.

    Bugs triggering or not, I cleared the event with basically Bunny, estelle, idle craft and rewards craft (also a bit in boss rewards craft but let's be honest, that wasn't very helpful when you get stuck ON the bosses).  This is with me working full time, and basically letting the game run for 9 hours before boosting bunny when I got home.  I did a bunch of resets thrusday and saturday to get the crafts up.

    Final levels of the important factors:
    Bunny: 5356
    Estelle: 4869 (Yeah I know, she doesn't benifit much past like 1500 or so, but it's not like spending on her really slowed down what I was getting)
    Idle Craft: 81
    Rewards Craft: 28
    And for what it's worth, Boss Rewards Craft: 24

    2 Days and 8 hours left.


    That being said, Sa Lee is going to be a nice booster to get to Felicia much quicker, and make the next event easier as well.

    Final Thoughts:  I think the event could be just a tad bit easier.  I'm not saying new players should clear the event fast, just a bit easier.  Maybe make it so the mojo boost craft is the 4th to drop so players can farm for better crafts faster if they get unlucky like I did, but I understand that could end up breaking the balance of things and should be left up to luck.  Anyways the event is beatable as is, and that's the important thing.


  15. 11 hours ago, Cursed666 said:

    May I ask if anything else works for the Event?

    I mean I just realized Contacts do nothing in Event, so thats kinda weird. 

    Is it just Girls from main game + Boosters for Events + Mojo Crafts for Events?

    Part of me thinks they should adjust this so contacts work for events (you have to get the contacts anyways along the way to the girls you are using), but the other part of me knows they'll just adjust the event accordingly, so it won't matter.

  16. Thanks for the answer, Chthugha, I'm glad you're running tests like that.  I had a feeling idle craft level becomes less useful as it goes on.  Another thread talked about that, how it's really the multiplier perks that make a differences (Well and having late game girls/gacha girls).  I'm at 1830 at the moment, just gonna be popping the skills every half hour when I can.  I got enough kobans to snag a 12 idle multiplier, and I'm off from work wednesday if I need a last minute burst.

  17. So I struck out on any good crafts, it'd cost over 200K for the next one and probably not worth it at that point.  Should I just focus on leveling the idle craft or money craft at this point?  I can get into the 1800s, I got idle up to 81 and money up to 76.  And I don't have felicia.  Any suggestions?  Kinda thinking it might be worth it to not bother with any more resets at this point and just tank through slowly on the last 200 levels.

  18. In an effort to make the event more fair, they locked the perks.  This was probably done in part to help the devs test the progress of the event and set the difficulty accordingly.  As we get more girls from main game and events though, I feel keeping perks locked in terms of 'fairness' won't mean much, as we'll get upgraded outputs for just the raw skill of the girls (Like felicia being a better idle girl than bunny)

  19. I bought a few more crafts, but out of the 7 I got only maybe three will be useful for my build.  flat idle, flat rewards, boss rewards.  Sadly I didn't get any of the new really nice crafts this event, and It's probably a better use of mojo to just focus on the three I listed.  Still I can get up to like 1750 or so by now, It's in the bag, even if it takes me another day or so.  I've had to be afk a lot because of work, but got the next day off, so I can reset and craft level hard a lot.

  20. The problem with the autosave, is autosave only works as long as nothing has been updated, and there's no 'offline' earnings in this game currently (a huge flaw in my opinion, as almost every other clicker game has this feature).  You have to be running the game to earn anything, and if they update the server and you don't refresh to the new server update, it's not actually counting anything you did.  At the very least everyone should be auto booted when the servers are updated so players don't think they are making progress, only to find out they were playing on an old version that wasn't counted towards the new version.  A better course of action would be for the devs to find a way to do updates, that allow players to keep earning, even if they are a version or 2 behind.

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