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Posts posted by spacedragon64

  1. Il y a 7 heures, quasary a dit :

    There are to many missions. you earn some kobans but you lose the daily 150 kobans

    yes, i don't know if i will take the time to redo them all, it take too much time.

    And doing them fast isn't an option, they give 6 kobans, and cost 12-15 if you do them fast.

  2. J'étais en train de faire des combats de "BANG" pour gagner la demoiselle sur Hentai Heroes (environ 25 de gagné), quand l'épreuve a disparue.

    Je suppose que l'équipe Kinkoid l'a enlevé pour soulager le serveur.


    pendant que je tapais ce message, l'épreuve est revenue, après quelques minutes et actualisations de la page.

    et ça semble mieux aller (sur HH), mais pas sur PsH ou CH.


    ça semble mieux aller (BANG) sur PsH et CH aussi.

    je suppose qu'ils ont implémenté la même solution.


  3. Les serveurs de Hentai heroes sont encore plus lent que d'habitude, oui.

    Même ceux de pornstar harem et Comix harem, d'habitude beaucoup plus rapides et réactifs, ont le même lag, rendant chaque click un exercice de patience.

  4. Before the change, sometime i was lucky to be in the top 15th (finishing between 12th-18th usually), last league (D3), but this won't happen anymore. In my league, right now, 4 players have more than 30 levels higher than me, and 16th have more than 20, and 33 have a level higher than me. I'm not even sure to be in the top 30 anymore. I will surely lose more than 2000 kobans each month, in the league (if i decide to stay when my monthly card finish).

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  5. Il y a 3 heures, memyself393 a dit :

    I skimmed through the comments to this point and if someone mentioned this I missed it...

    When you look at the equipment in your inventory the stats are all white/neutral; there is no longer the red/green highlights showing whether the equipment hurts/helps the stats.

    Yes, it's the first thing i've see this morning, when checking my equipment.

    No more comparaison stats.

    I'm more and more tired of this game. Many weekly games require too much management, like the one running now, and there is one even much worst with micromanagement (do 5 mission, win 5 league, in "ramdom" order unnatural to force you to pay to change the mission to earn pts) i really hate it. This take me too much time each morning, it's not fun.  And the pay-to-win formula got even worst this morning. Each month, i'm ready to drop all Kinkoid games (HH, PH, CH, PSH), but i wait.

    Maybe this will be the last...tired of all this, and i will finally did it, and stop completly.

    I'm losing too much energy with all these nonsence (except for their wallet)...

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  6. if you are correct about the defaut contest, you may be right, and i finish too low to earn shards at the others contest.

    i update my support request to suggest that i may be mistaken about the wrong contest.

    thank's for answering.

    2 days left to earn her  ;)

  7. Il y a 2 heures, 430i a dit :

    There is literally 0% chance that those were scores for LC#29. You are confusing it with CumC.

    maybe, since there was 3 competition, but i'm pretty sure it was it.

    BUT, when you open the competition tab, the competition to earn Atina shards is the default one to appear, and i'm sure i was second at that competition. I even check with less than a minute left to see if i neeed to add points, and i was still second.

    Also, even if you check, on that tab, the other competition available, try to refresh the page, and it will always return you to the main competition sheet, to win Atina, every time.  And, even after refresh, a minute after the competition end, i was second (100 shards).


    I will wait after the support answer.

    • Hug 1
  8. il y a 14 minutes, FinderKeeper a dit :

    Ok, there was a refresh before the claim.

    Then it's probably up to support now. Send an in-game support ticket (top-right menu - settings - customer support) and describe your situation, mention that 1) you refreshed the screen and 2) you have 0 shards on her in your harem.

    support send an hour ago, but i will add to it what you say.

    have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  9. il y a 13 minutes, FinderKeeper a dit :

    Another question, were you on contest tab when day ended and climed the reward immediately after that?

    Same question to @dardar.

    yes, and no

    i was at the competition result page when the competition end (finish second), but i wait about a minute and refresh the page (still finish second), to be sure, before claiming all the rewards, since claiming it too fast sometime bug it.

    i begin with the others two contest, and got the rewards.

    i then claim this one, and i didn't see the shards earn, or the girl win (since i should get 100)


    i still have 2 days to win it, but using ressources (like pachinko orbs) i shouldn't

  10. No, i have zero shard from her, in my harem, or on the competition tab.

    it's when i check the competition tab that i see it the first time.

    then, on the daily competition tab sheet, since i still can win shards, and i shoudn't.

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  11. i was second, i'm sure of it.

    maybe the bug happen only for people winning 100 shards (1-4 place).

    but since we can't see past competition result, we also can't send game screenshot proof.

    i send a bug report about it, but can't send proof.

    the first was having 179k points, me it was 53k, third and forth were having about 35k, more or less, from memories.

  12. Depuis une couple de semaine, je crois, il commence à y avoir des récompenses non révélées (cadeau avec point d'interrogation) à gagner, dans certaines compétitions du jour, même pour les premières places. Je sais que ça a parfois existé, pour certaines récompenses de bas de tableau, genre 16+ , mais c'est nouveau, pour le haut du tableau.

    Je ne trouve pas ça très juste de la part des dévelopeurs de nous faire dépenser des ressources pour essayer de gagner, sans même savoir si ça en vaut la peine.



    compétition récompense cachée.PNG

  13. J'ai mis 3 cordyceps, et j'ai acheté un bandeau ( ce que je ne ferai plus), et malgré ça, j'ai passé à peine le 1100 après 5 autres combats, dont 4 que je perdais de justesse.

    J'ai depuis gagné les combats 1001 à 1007 avec facilité, il me restait 300k à 400k d'ego après chaque combat.

    Donc, chaque palier "00" est constitué d'un champion, avec stats impossible, qui gagne malgré des filles non montées au max.

    Je sais donc que je serai bloqué à 1200, et cette fois, j'y resterai bloqué...

    je n'essaierai même pas, il sera trop fort pour moi.

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