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Posts posted by sentinel003

  1. 1 hour ago, Cantrix said:

    I've got no problems with low drop rates(quite used to farming regular boss girls and stuff in other games) my problems come with the false/misleading information we had on her drop rate. Supposedly it was ADJUSTED (to match the chance of 7days event time)NOT HIGHER NOR LOWER. Which wasn't the case because regular event girls have quite higher chance of drop (always get them with maximum of 180 fights and i have never missed a girl). 
    I repeat i don't have a problem with the lower drop chance, but with misleading information. I want to know what i'm going to get myself in before i invest a lot of effort or money.
    With the ADJUSTMENT stated by the devs i(and presumably a lot of other players) had the mindset of going for a regular event girl(even if her chance was halved it still would have dropped once in 642 tries(in my case) or in 1000(in other people's cases). Either her drop rate was quite lower(which again  points to the false/misleading info we had) or that there was something else preventing a lot of people to get her despite the horrendous amount of tries(in some cases more than a month worth of boss battles).
    RNG may be bad, but it's not bad as a misleading info putting the players in the wrong mindset(oh it's going to be just like another event) while the odds are completely different-in this case completely off charts. I suggest all fellow players to take further info(especially concerning "legenday" girls) with a grain of salt. And even if i didn't everyone who had lost money on this one will think twice before commiting to something simillar in the future. Which in the long term will hurt the game's economic support. Even if the new events are well designed with more reasonable drop rates, people will refuse to spend any money - despite good the advertisement or the promise of ADJUSTED drop rates. 
    All this sh*t storm could have been avoided if they had said upfront "Well she's a legendary so she will be hard to get" instead of saying we adjusted her drop rate, it's not higher or lower. Then i wouldn't have complained, because i was going to be able to make an informed decision and know what i'm getting myself into.


    This is what I was also saying... Just for making math easier let's take this example...

    If 14-day event has a drop chance of 5%,

    5-day event has a drop rate of around 10%

    then a 3-day event should have a drop rate of 15%,

    but adjust it since it's legendary and say it's 13%.

    Again, numbers are just an example of what the players have understood would happen.

    1. Number of stars
    2. Amount of money given
    3. Duration of generating money

    This is a suggestion not to change how much the upgrade cost, but to make upgrading them and collecting money easier. They can still keep their position in the harem in the sense of upgrade cost, just make it easier to get to some of them.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Bokoi said:

    I foult like some basic fixes first. Yeah, the 'look up'- thing is great, but plenty of players still get that error 503 - servers don't respond message popping up while 1) collecting money, 2) completing daily missions, 3) fighting bosses and 4) completing the story.

    Not to mention the thousands of players that didn't get that legendary girl (I myself haven't been able to gather a girl in weeks. since mary (the pirate) got to all players, there's emptiness. Donatien is lvl 90 now and still has all three girls, i wasn't able to collect a single girl during the spring break revival thing and that legendary girl also didn't drop). 
    And while this is personal complaining, I think it would be greatly welcomed by everyone playing if the dropping-girls system would 1) be transparent, because right now we're all arguing on how it works and 2) would be changed into something not luck based. 

    A little bit off topic, but I found Donatien and Ninja Spy to have the worst drop rates.

  3. 6 hours ago, Chthugha said:

    Not a depressing way at all.
    I'm realistic that in a RNG driven system, you won't get everything.
    Whereas everyone else in here seems to be driven by emotion and first instinct.
    And see where it leads you; straight into the saltmine where everybody is frustrated.
    You got to learn to relax over this, because it's just a game.
    I want the girls just as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to make a big fuzz about it if I happen to not get one.
    You have your favourites, and you will do whatever it takes to get her, but don't go bananas because you failed to get her.
    Heck, I was salty when I didn't get Virginia again, but I am too laid back, so I was very aware that in the current system that was the most likely outcome.

    tldr; emotions are fine, but don't let them take control over your mind. It never leads to proper feedback. It only leads to a few (yes a few, just count the number of different players that replied) players driving eachother to great heights in frustration.
    What did they gain from doing that? Absolutely nothing.

    I don't think it was purely about not getting the girl, but how it was presented. If you remember, it was said that the drop rate would be according to the number of days it lasted. I think people take issue with this. Because people are getting girls easier in a 14-day event than a 3-day one. 

  4. 1 hour ago, brassygirl said:

    Capped at 19 per level.  True.

    @ about 13,500 per point atm.  This increases with every point.

    NOTE:  Each point increase ego/life by 7/8 points.  (15 for every two points).

    Defense to KH is also capped.  It caps when price per point for KH =  price per point for Charm.   The price is also well over 13K per point.

    KH points do NOT increase ego/life.  (pouts just to prove the point and see who reads this!)


    If there is ever a "buy stats holiday"?  Take a full luxury vacation and buy all you can.


    stats checkup.JPG

    Nice, thank you for that. I'm at 9189 price for main stat at lvl 206, so quite far to go.

  5. @JessieChan @Kinkoid


    It is really frustrating to be on the 19th page instead of on the first. Or possibly second when everyone unfreezes.

    The girls aren't the only aspect of running this game and I am competitive in more than one way and like to see my progress.

    Now, I appreciate that you post that you are working on this, but it would do much good if you could give us occasional updates on what you found and what you are working on, our feedback might be better because of it too.

    I hope that the bugs aren't getting ignored for the updates. I think a game should first work as intended and then get updates.

  6. 8 hours ago, CharlesFrancis said:

    Also, they didn't mention that the chance will be higher for her to drop, they said it was adjusted to the duration of the event.

    Thought process being:

    >the duration of the event is shorter

    >more players desperate to get her within smaller chance of opportunity

    >more willingness to spend kobans

    >therefore lower the drop rate

    >greater short term profit 


    That is exactly what I said. Probably bold because of copy/paste anyway. :D 

    8 hours ago, sentinel003 said:

    It's insane that some of us had to spend this insane amount of Kobans to get a drop after they have been saying that her drop rate will be adjusted to the duration of the event - shorter event, higher chance of the drop.


    What that should mean is that the girls from events that last a shorter duration of time are possible to get in that duration of time. And since you have 14 days on some, it's not an issue if you don't get her in 5.

    I hate that they did this for two reasons... Drop rate, of course. They have been promising that having more girls won't impact the drop rate that much and that every boss will have its own drop rate and that it will become higher every time we don't get a girl. Yet I am fighting Bremen for his last drop for who knows how long. And the second is that they have issues with bugs that could interfere with some things in the game, but are rolling out new updates out anyway.

    I love to see that the game is alive and not neglected, but I prefer to see the quality of life updates and removal of bugs before they go with something as major as this. And while I was glad to see 2 more charm girls go to 5 stars, I wasn't impressed that it was as soon as we got Lenaelle. Should have made her 5 star drop from the start then.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, CharlesFrancis said:

    i feel similar frustration as I have yet to drop the legendary girl (gone through ~250 pulls, around half the pulls that you have) but

    don't give up yet, the event is still on for 23 more hours or so, and you can get more kobans by finishing the missions to refill combativity

    perhaps fate will smile upon us once more

    It's not about the event or getting her or not, but the chances they are screwing you with. It's insane that some of us had to spend this insane amount of Kobans to get a drop after they have been saying that her drop rate will be adjusted to the duration of the event - shorter event, higher chance of the drop.

    Couple this with the number of bugs in the recent days, at least one still not fixed and going on forever, changes not found in patch notes, etc. It becomes easier to understand why people aren't happy.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Might be a good thing to pose this question here too. Does ToF registering ou Villain fights have anything to do with obtaining the girl?! Since all the stats are frozen, just like mojo.

    If that is the case then we can't do that because that is also frozen and possibly not recognized. And if that is the case that means that we will not be getting our points after the bug is removed.

    So, I spend 4000 Kobans on her, at least, and nothing. Some got her in 20-40 fights, some in 1. I can be unlucky, but not that unlucky. Especially when she is a 3-day event and drop rate should have been according to the duration.

    If the answer is yes, I think we need to get some compensation (like the Kobans spent + inconvenience) and the girl if it's not fixed in time for the event and the event lasts longer.

    Hopefully we hear something new about the leaderboard bug and some other bugs.

    @JessieChan @Kinkoid


  9. Just now, Tenou said:

    That may be the reason I don't get any of the two girls I have missing in the magic forest. No matter how many days I spend, even after I leveled up Silvanus to the max.

    I have the dark thought that this especial girl is just a bait, and when the event ends we'll only be able to get her by donating a nice sum to their patreon

    If this is a bug I expect them to donate me my Kobans back and grant the girl if they don't fix it in time.

  10. So, spent around 4k Kobans now and nothing. In regards to her only being there for 3 days, I should have gotten her by now. Could this have anything to do with the rest of the bugs we are experiencing? In ToF our mojo and Villain fights don't go up, so do we even register as fighting for her?!

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