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Posts posted by Franka

  1. The more I think about this, the more I hate it. Now, I understand that most game additions are there to drive sales, specifically targeting the top of the Leagues. Therefore, every time a new addition gets close to being maxed out by the top players, you add something new. That's business as usual.

    We had 6* girls that upped the power level and required massive investments, but even f2p players managed to adjust to them, and they're now an accepted part of the game.

    Increase of girl levels, locked behind a new resource (that could obviously be paid for) and huge costs on existing reserves to reach the max. Some grumbling out there, but people adjusted and many have pushed their best team combinations to the max.

    Mythic gear with randomized stats, hard to obtain (unless you pay), 6 unique slots to fill, have to preferably match 3 different stats and have backups for different elements. Oh, and it has to be leveled, at great expense. But, you know, some players are getting pretty optimal builds, apparently even some f2p ones.

    Seasonal events? Not so much a top of the League addition. Still, more options for 5* girl variety will give you a small benefit. Oh, let's lock that one permanently behind a pay wall. After all, people like new girls, they should pay us (more) for the privilege of getting them.

    What can we do next? How about girl equipment that has to be equipped on every girl? Too simple? How about 6 unique slots? With 7 girls in a team, that's a bare minimum of 42 needed gear. Not enough? How about 5 rarities that come as random drops, so people need to chase the only useful one? Oh, and they have to be leveled, obviously, using a new resource as well as an existing one that's already strained (ymen). Still not satisfied? How about "resonance bonus" that give different bonus stats? Now you also need to match icons on each girl, and clearly some bonus stats will be better than others, so people have something more to chase. But let's be nice and let players unequip their gear, so they can swap it around between girls. They will appreciate the extra work, so they can stay relevant in the League.

    Yeah, that's gonna be a big "No, thanks" from me.

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  2. Getting 10 pantheon fights after 10 pantheon fights put a damper on my already close-to-non-existent enthusiasm, but I still raked in 700 points in minor tasks, none of which cost me more than a few energy refill rewards or a few orbs. Getting shards paired nicely with KC, and the current PoV helped a lot too. I guess I can't complain too much, but I still think it's annoying that you have to break up your regular game flow, save your resources and not collect any of your rewards.

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