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Everything posted by wtfok

  1. wtfok


    fellow finalmecia lucksack 😄
  2. wtfok


    Jesus christ, this is getting silly. Serious lack of logic and empathy in here. I know this a forum for a hentai clicker, but there really are people dumb enough to choke on their own spit. The people having problems with the minimum forge level is an example of one consequence of the bug. I got the bug too, and I have no problem reaching my minimum level, for two reasons: 1) my account is strong and 2) I recognized something was wrong when I was instant clearing levels I had problems with the week before and stopped it before I got to something stupid like level 14000. By "not refreshing," you're saying you left the game on all day, all night, never closed the tab, never let your computer sleep, never turned off your computer, through the end of the event until now? Which still doesn't work because the game will force refresh when there's an update lol Your logic of "I can reach my minimum forge level, therefore I never got the bug" is flawed. In the first place, getting Felicia already makes you stronger than you were before, so focusing on "minimum forge level" detail, frankly, is illogical. Your account is strong, probably strong enough to do the event normally. But bragging about the event being easy and doing it in eight minutes, therefore everyone else should stop complaining? Foolish. As a final note, could you drop the "just because you lost" and "my strategy was better" tone? The idea that you're trying to be competitive and superior in a hentai clicker makes me want to puke. Getting high and mighty over the most simple clicker strategy... what a world we live in. For the record, our strategies are identical: upgrading idle (Felicia). Wow, aren't we sooooo smart? Crazy. (/sarcasm) I completed the event. Several times, to see if there was an order to the artifacts. My minimum reset level for the event ended up being a little over 2000. Difference is, I'm not a small enough person to hold it over other people. In the end, it comes back to: who is allowed to enjoy the Halloween holiday event? Why is Felicia the common denominator for everyone who cleared it? If a player is stuck in the 5000s, are they "too new" and shouldn't deserve Abrael? I think it's silly how the event was balanced.
  3. wtfok


    "My dad loaned me a billion dollars and I made five billion from it. Why are you guys poor it's so easy LOL"
  4. wtfok


    That picture was from when I was testing how long the event would take without having Felicia's idle. Obviously I still had her and Finalmecia's perks, but more or less I was trying to show how hard it is for people who don't have lots and lots of progress or bugs. Normally, I prioritize Felicia.
  5. wtfok


    Not a game developer so I can't really imagine what you would do. I'm just some idiot on the internet trying to pass time before his next shift. I said this earlier I think Kinkoid already said they don't plan to do rollbacks after the game came out of beta, which is a good idea. You already pissed off one end of your playerbase, don't need to piss them all off. Since the event already ended, I don't know if they can really extend it... guess rerun it next year, if it doesn't flop. About the minimum forge level... I have no idea what this game looks like on their end. It would be amazing if they just reset the minimum forge level for everyone (it doesn't affect strong players at all), that would be great, but if that's actually possible from their side is a whole different matter. Best they can do now, honestly, is give affections/kobans and say "Sorry, we'll do better for the Thanksgiving/Christmas event."
  6. wtfok


    I'm having a hard time understanding, but to be clear: the bug helped people. A lot. It made you unbelievably strong. Strong enough for people stuck in 4000 to suddenly be in 10,000 in the main office. If you didn't refresh, you were a god. That's why there are a lot of posts in the Bug reporting & Feedback forum saying that they aren't strong enough to reach their forge reset level. Because they went to 10,000 and refreshed later. It's not their fault, how could they know? All they did was use their skills, which is supposed to make you stronger after all. And for the people who somehow never got this bug? Well, you can see from anyone who said they couldn't complete the event. If you played normally, the event would seem too hard if your account wasn't strong
  7. wtfok


    In this thread: people who unwittingly benefited from Manly Sweat/Exciting Flirt bug say the event was fair On a related note, what do people think the ideal cut-off should be for a holiday event? Obviously super new players shouldn't expect to clear the event, it is a clicker after all. But do you think it's a good idea to make Clara the minimum requirement to beat events? Who even knows if Clara is enough, for all we know, Clara 3+6 might not be good enough. No one can tell because practically everyone who cleared the event probably unknowingly activated the multiplier bug. Then consider the minimum could be Felicia. So floor 7000 or too bad? Considering that there's only girls rewarded up to floor 8000.. so much for holiday fun. Balancing around 7000 is not a good look if you want new players to continue playing.
  8. The explicit decision to use "+" probably means you get +10/+20 more Mojo (what you use to buy and upgrade artifacts) every time you reset. Yes, that is bad if it's true. I don't know if anyone actually knows for sure because the perk sounds so bad and is too expensive to get, people are too busy getting literally any other perk in the game.
  9. wtfok


    They better not do another rollback. I don't want to spend all those affection points (including the event rewards), especially since they probably won't get the exact amount back. Nor do I want to redo an entire event, or roll the gacha again. Would kill all motivation to lose any legitimate progress you make on a clicker. But they really should try to figure out what to do about the people who can't reset anymore because they rode the bug all the way to 10,000+ and their minimum forge level is too high for their normal power. These people have higher minimum forge levels than I do 😂 Wonder if they can reset just the minimum forge level so these guys aren't stuck anymore. And I think an event extension + adjusted event level values is in order. Maybe an affection/koban compensation too, please? 😎
  10. Small update: I finished bunny-only-to-2000 earlier today; took pretty long because I wasn't leaving my computer running overnight. Still, it was harder than I expected and I would probably guess the game ran somewhere between a 18 and 36 hours. Spent at least 3-4 hours looping 1995-2000. No skills/bugs, super-lucky-person perks, high level event artifacts (scroll up): I also took the liberty of clocking Felicia-only; no skills/bugs, same perks as the one above. Cleared 2000 in 27 minutes: lost only once (to level 2000 boss). Probably wouldn't have lost at all with Megumi 3. tl;dr Felicia is OP, I don't want to think how many artifact levels and resets you need to complete this event without her. That boss multiplier is fairly important in determining what your bottlenecks will be. Right now, the maximum boss multipliers are x10 Know-How (Felicia 3), x15 Hardcore (Megumi 3 + Vanessa 3), x50 Charm (Clara 6 + Abrael 6). If you don't have Abrael, Charm becomes a real bottleneck (only x5 Charm). But if you have Abrael 6, Charm bosses will be free passes forever. Then again, she won't be the last girl with a Charm boss multiplier. But RIP to people who really like Abrael.
  11. I did not intend to brag, and did not hope to come off that way... it is simply fact that Finalmecia's 9 Perk (x10 idle multiplier) is stronger than the boost from Mojo Energizer + Idle Sweat. There's nothing new players can do about it. I'm trying to show why players should be upset about this event because it's really hard to do without Felicia, who is the reward for floor 7000, and Clara's 6 perk. Or the multiplier bug. Why bother going to floor 10,000 on this buggy and bad clicker? If you're going to quit, you're not really doing anything but wasting your own time. Well, I don't really care what the answer is, have fun! Click on the latest heart (3, 6, or 9)
  12. If you don't give up on the event, the only thing you can really do is continue resetting and upgrading your Idles. I don't think SID10's strategy will work; he probably unknowingly benefited from the multiplier bug. If you look at his screenshots, his Idle multiplier from girls is just x2, from Bunny. Compare this to my account: I have Clara and Finalmecia perks on top of Bunny-- my base Idle multiplier is x80. This is way higher than what SID10 should be ever able to get-- since he doesn't own Mojo Energizer, the best he can ever get is x6 for 3 minutes. Anyone with Mojo Energizer can expect to get x9 for 3 minutes. For testing, I reset 12 hours ago and got this far by ONLY upgrading Bunny. I did not level Felicia and did not use any skills (to avoid the multiplier bug from stacking and to handicap myself since my Idle is way higher than any new player). I am definitely not "stuck," and I could probably make it to level 2000 with little effort. But my progress started slowing around 1700 (the first time my raw idle barely lost against a boss), and my account is obviously way stronger than anyone who doesn't have Finalmecia could possibly dream of, even after using all the skills in the game. I am very doubtful that any player with a base x2 can "easily" get to 2000 "only having reset twice"... unless they unknowingly stacked the multiplier bug (which can get as outrageous as x3200, judging from the screenshots in this forum). Case in point, this event looks badly scaled and is hard. Either reset as much as possible to get "Seconds on Boss" and pour a ton of levels into that artifact + the Idle/Reward Artifacts and pray that it's enough or rely on the multiplier bug. In the first place, it is a bad idea to spread your amulet/girl levels evenly. You should only upgrade Idle/Reward (and seconds on boss, for events) amulets and girls that give Idle damage. Don't bother with anything that does Click damage unless you've specifically built your perks that way first (for whatever reason).
  13. Yes. If you get Idle Sweat for your daily bonus, you can stack this with your own for x9. 13.5 if you use Mojo Energizer, x40.5 if you buy an Idle Booster for kobans.
  14. Hardcore Click, Charm Click, Know-How Click, Boss Money Reward, Hardcore Idle and Charm Idle In no particular order (don't remember), these should be your next 6 artifacts, based on what I have. My next charm costs 28M event mojo, so realistically these might be the only six you get before Abrael. I think you will have to do both leveling and getting the reward/idle artifacts.
  15. You don't have to be on the event page, it will progress as long as you're logged into the game. The only time you need to go to it is to use your skills and level up girls
  16. wtfok


    The 13th/14th artifacts cost more than what you get for resetting on Abrael's level. I don't have the seconds on boss artifact either, which would be very good for this event seeing that it's only short-term. There's a lot of days to keep resetting, but the rescaling of the event forge seems very questionable...
  17. Since Angela is relatively early, let's say the only bonuses you've gotten are the easy idle multipliers (I might be off-base with everyone else for this, but this is what I did: prioritize only cheap idles to speed up my daily.): you have Bunny 6 (hc idle), Megane 3 (kh idle), Vanessa 3 (hc boss), and you just reached Angela 6 (ch idle). Angela's affection cost from 6 to 9 is 250*(6+7+8) = 5250. This is a little over 12 days of commitment at base rates (200 daily + 200 forge + 30 bonus). Then breaking down other gameplay relevant bonuses: Let's assume you got one girl from gacha: Finalmencia 9 is 350*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)=12600. 12600/1.1 = 11454.54. Affection saved is 1145.45. Clara 6 is 325*(1+2+3+4+5)=4875. 4875/1.1 = 4431.81. Affection saved is 443.19. Lyrsa 9 is 150*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)=5400/1.1 = 4909.09. Affection saved is 490.91. Bunny 6 to 9 is 50*(6+7+8)=1050. 1050/1.1 = 954.55. Affection saved is 95.45. Estelle 9 is 100*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)= 3600. 3600/1.1 = 3272.72. Affection saved is 327.27. Vanessa 3 to 6 is 300*(3+4+5)= 3600. 3600/1.1= 3272.72. Affection saved is 327.27. Megane 3 to 9 is 200*(3+4+5+6+7+8)= 6600/1.1 = 6000. Affection saved is 600. I don't have Spring, but I'm going to guess that her cost is above Clara, so 350*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)=12600. 12600/1.1 = 11454.54. Affection saved is 1145.45. In total, this saves 1145.45+443.19+490.91+95.46+327.27+327.27+600+1145.45= 4575 affection saved. If you pulled someone else that isn't Finalmecia, maybe you'll wait and level other perks before getting their level 9, but every gacha girl's level 9 is worthwhile so you need them in the end. Considering that you'll always be adding girls-- Felicia and maybe a 2nd or 3rd gacha girl and whoever else they continue to add-- all of these girls Angela will save you at least 1000+ affection on, so she more than pays back what you spent on her for less than 2 weeks. Angela is a long-term investment. Would not recommend for people who don't think they'll stick to a clicker for more than a month. It takes roughly 4 months to pay herself off strictly on the extra affection revenue you get (43-44 daily). But it'll save you if you plan on getting a lot of the gameplay perks, and gives you good return if you end up with a affection item from gacha. And if they add more girls that increase daily reset limit or more affection click multiplier means you might end up saving even more.
  18. Contacts' bonuses are added automatically as a passive (like artifacts are). Click on the yellow exclamation mark in the top right to view your bonuses. Here I have +200 starting level from a Contact and +800 from artifact. My bonuses show that my girls get 800+200=1000 levels
  19. Uhhh.... you click to use a heart in the "Harem" menu. How else would you use them? There has to be a limit for how low the bar has to be set for a description to be understood... 1 point of heart/affection is now 1.1 points of heart/affection. Your maximum heart gain per day increases by a little over 40.
  20. Estelle is only good for her affection reward multiplier passives I think you forgot the detail where resetting from lvl 4000 will also bring Estelle to her starting level, bringing her flat reward increase from C8 down to A1. So Estelle is complete garbage until the year 2050 when it is finally worth having +5000 starting level from artifacts because our idle/reward artifact upgrades are just so impossibly expensive. As it stands, "Seconds for boss" is a beginner trap and is counterproductive to get. It seems good when you try to go for a high score, but a huge waste of time when you should just be farming mojo. And it's a trap because every second you add can't be reverted or toggled off, and not being able to quit a boss early basically means you've trapped yourself.
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