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[CNO] BananaJoy

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Posts posted by [CNO] BananaJoy

  1. 1 hour ago, DHarry said:

    Yes, but also yes to the compensation thing. I think they were pushed forward because nobody was buying their pack. They started thinking, why doesn't anyone want to spend money on 333 combativity? Oh, wait they have all the girls already. What can we do?


    Push 2 of the new girls meant for epic days forward. Then give out 200 fights to compensate for doing it midway the event. Not enough to win one, so there, go buy our pack now?


    The good news is, they actually listen to us as they did think about what we would think or say of they dumped 2 new girls in halfway through. That was only heeded of course because we kept our wallets shut. But it's a start. 😋


    If I can manage this one from Ninja spy, the event redeemed itself a bit. Also because I was gaining much needed tickets from the compensation combativity. That I consider a gift. So thanks for that, happy anniversary Kinkoid.

    i won one of them after 130 attempts, so its possible but very hard too. the 2nd was really expensive. anyways, so actual they r running 2 events at the same time. i would not buy that bundle anyways. with or without the girls. its still a bad offer.

  2. 4 hours ago, Eman said:

    Well, now that you've mentioned him, it's only a matter of waiting for him to come and, if he wants, answer the question ;).

    whats the question?

    4 hours ago, Helix said:

    No confirmation from the devs, but people think they added the girls because the players complained a lot about the event. 

    i disagree. i think they r just the normal 2 perm girls we get each month. nothing to do with the anniversery.


  3. 13 minutes ago, Sefiroth said:

    I am yet to see and enjoy a game that can be played without putting in any time. 🙄 And my approach is precisely about saving time and nerves, because you don't have to babysit timer to "make it through a champion in one day" or stress out about it. I'm saying that you can get in, collect, do you arena / bosses, spend a ticket - done till next visit. It's a lot more relaxing than "must finish 50 fights with a champion today! That's 13 hours straight of not missing the timer!" Yeah, even my life is too short for that. I am yet to hear a convincing argument that this is noticeably inferior to stocking up on tickets and then going through a stage in one go.

    actual i only mean one boss not the complete stage ^^

  4. 8 minutes ago, blaa said:

    well, in my script gruntt and edwarda were also colored, so i didnt think so - also there is none of the the new girls in the overview, so I guess it was not planned and a rush decision, but anyways, like I said, at least something to do - and I only got 32 shards out of it, so there is still a lot to go for ... 😃

    1121 said yesterday that the colored name is a bug

  5. 10 hours ago, Sefiroth said:

    Why? What are the upsides as opposed to losing free daily tickets while stockpiling?

    ego of champions refills 10% each day. so if u do it on the same day u can avoid this. and as i mentioned for the more difficult champs u need some stock of tickets. so its kind of useless trying with only 10 tickets or sth like that. and the 3 free tickets arent that much anyways. by farming and doing contests u get enough

  6. 41 minutes ago, jelom said:

    ... And one day later I got my first girl: Dameda in the 5th try with Romero. The best part of the anniversary.


    but in the bad side, I have depleted my ticket reserve, I won't be able to fight all champions all days ... [...] it was a matter of patience, and I have regained it again 🙂

    later thats normal. u need sometimes a few days timeout to restock ur tickets. but its better do it in one go. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/18/2019 at 7:22 PM, Observer_X said:

    Not to discourage you, but it is probably better you prepare yourself to feel again that sensation, probably up to another 200 times, more or less.

    girls drop chance is pretty low. and i dont think all rewards have the same chance. already had 2 bosses where i need to get all other rewards till i get the girl. atm i am at visor and it looks like there i will be along time too

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/14/2019 at 5:02 AM, trunks2585 said:

    Congrats on getting most the girls.  Do you remember how many tries it took to get them?

    u can see on my screenshot. the number at the champ is the number of stages i needed to beat. for example 5 means that i habe beaten 5 stages (it starts at stage 0)


    12 hours ago, linkdream said:

    I reached the 6th boss but he is impossible to beat at my level right now. And so far I only got random shit and not a single girl.

    IIRC the very first reward was a background...

    then do the easier champs ^^

  9. using monostat at champions is stupid. this is not a fast pvp battle where u dont need anything except dmg because fights r over after 3-4 rounds. here u need to fight a boss for a long periode. sometimes even over 100 rounds. so if u die too fast its pretty useless cause u dont do enough dmg. so multistat gear is for champions muc better

    • Like 1
  10. the girls from champions should be sth special. its not like legendary girls where everybody who started an account a few days ago can get her. so higher difficultys should be a good thing. and yes they get later pretty tough but for that u just need to save some more tickets and u still can do it for free. so i dont see any problem with that. champions dont run anwhere, so there is no rush for it

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/13/2019 at 11:23 AM, jaybee said:

    I think only the first levels seem broken for strong players.
    This is inevitable when you have champions with the same strength for Level 20 and Level 380 players.

    As a non-serious test server player of less than Level 100, I have not been able to clear all phases of the first champion yet. Last phases require 20-30 battles and I achieve this number of logins in about a week. And even in the normal server I am approaching the stage when I will lose against all champions and will collect those too good rewards just a couple of times a week.

    Big amounts of money is normal - instead of upgrading the arena or villain payouts, they opted for this new feature that will give money to players.


    yeah its a nice extra income, but u must see that u can do it only once a day while arena and villians u can do more often.

  12. 1 hour ago, Kuradur said:

    Perhaps a touch off-topic, but it's to funny to not share. 😀 For those of us who do NOT speak French and use Google or Bing Translate to read what we hope to find...

    Both Google and Bing translate, "Si la position demandée est la position préférée de votre fille, cela doublera la quantité de respect gagné par le Champion.
    Après votre performance pour gagner du respect, le Champion baisera sa fille pour se moquer de vous, blessant votre ego." into the (hopefully) unintentional, "If the requested position is your daughter's preferred position, it will double the amount of respect earned by the Champion. After your performance to earn respect, the Champion will fuck his daughter to make fun of you, hurting your ego." 🤣

    I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. That there comes out to some Red-Neck Hill-Billy shit y'all. LMAO! 🤣

    ofc online translater is not the best, but with abit thinking u can figure out whats the meaning is. otherwise there is always a way to contact kozaku or jacky choun who speak english as well.

  13. 2 minutes ago, casey said:

    Tough beat especially when GerogeMTO. beats you out for 4th.............just remember snooze you lose for what it's worth, i was in against Max Fart last season and                                          he was booster less for the last 5-6 hours of the season


    george not realy strong, if u wanna have save place put a more defensive setup. like 2-3 multistats and some ego boosters, which u mostly dont needs anyways. 

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