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Posts posted by difrad

  1. Good afternoon all,

    Over the past week and a bit I find that the quest girls you battle for through respective bosses drops very very rarely now. I have done a lot of battles in hamelin town and am approaching the second tier for it quickly but I haven't collected a single girl from the first tier. I know before they were relatively easy to get but now shards drop once in a blue moon. Does anybody else have this experience?

  2. I like the idea. I think if they give each girl a unique perk/ability that could change battling entirely and make team combos more interesting than straight mythic x7. To make some girls viable you could give them stronger abilities like "take 50% less damage for the first 5 rounds" or "when hit by crit, counter 20% of it back to opponent" or "your know-how girls heal 10% more" etc. These are just ideas but depending on the team combos you could still beat mythics if you build a team that compliments one another (with obviously a mythic(s) being part of the core). I think there is a ton of potential in this. This could also make one star girls viable depending on the abilities they give them and make teams without mythics still very competitive.

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  3. So after playing for a few weeks a couple of things have to be done for CH to be worth a penny. As somebody who's fine with spending money in HH there is literally zero reason to be spend any real money in CH. The game itself has next to no content, with no new events spicing things up like in HH, villians suck cause they only have one tier and once you get their main girls they're useless, I could be wrong but I have over 15 girls and no clubs or TOF available. Also no champions or POA and world 2 art for the girls is just down right awful. This game is just a worse version of HH.

    Really want this game to succeed but there's zero reason to play it right now.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, jelom said:

    All top players are using the 50 battles button, in my case 27 times, and of course that means spending a lot of saved kobans. but if you wait until the last day you can do your battles with more time.

    I'm out of town unfortunately so today is my only day to try and get her, but isn't max combat 20 fists?

  5. I think this is a good starter event in general. I really like the challenges, I think this can be incorporated as permanent feature in the game. However, I'm not keen on the paywall behind some of the girls. As a paying player for HH I have no interest in paying extra in comix harem as its still very new, lots of bugs, and lots of improvements required. What really bugs me is that there is no way to get all the girls for free. In HH you could at least save up for events over a period of time but this is not possible for CH. As well as a small a chance to get both free ones due to the time constraint. Maybe it's just me but I'm no where near as invested in CH mostly because Body Hack goes only up to tier 1 so the only thing I'm getting is orbs and money. Girl shards are next to none (1 drop of shards over 100+ combats which is ridiculous and he only has 1 tier). Nothing to really do early game as some scenes take over 20+ energy. The game needs a lot more work before I consider putting a dollar in it. This event at least motivates me to play it more so that's a big plus.

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  6. Ok thanks for this. So I decided to go with it and the koban count was easily above 5000 for me. (I had 4k but bought some more cause I won't stop three quarters of the way through lol). Didn't expect it to be that high but I guess I know to have at least 5k for next time.

  7. Hi everybody,

    I've gone over the forums quite a lot to learn about the do's and don'ts about how to spend koban. I have one question about it though. I just got to July sea and noticed that the special event legend is there. Is it worth it for me to spend kobans (I have over 4000+) on trying to get the girl when the other girls have no attraction yet as well? Or should I wait for a different event/ just do epic pachinkox10 for 5400 kobans. I know that in other posts it says it takes between 3-4000 kobans but is that with or without any other girls in the pool?

    Thanks in advance

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