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Posts posted by Sharkbite

  1. On 11/8/2023 at 4:29 PM, Yamiray said:

    Its hentai not anime there is a difference. hentai is a type of anime aka adult anime of which there is a market. Adult Superhero is not really a thing

    Axel Braun's Superhero Porn Parody's have swept the Adult Film Awards for over a decade.

    Across all new porn being made, Adult Superhero is consistently claiming a majority of the accolates.

    If you're claiming that Adult Superhero isn't a thing, or that there isn't an audience for Adult Superhero, then you haven't been watching porn.  Adult Superhero has been a top selling genre of porn, literally winning the awards in the field, for over a decade.

    • Thanks 1
    • Surprised :O 2
  2. Suggestions:

    First and foremost, I am willing to pay more.  I am willing to accept certain art downgrades.  I believe it is unlikely that I am willing to pay more AND accept certain art downgrades.  I understand these are two different ideas you are entertaining; I encourage you to settle on one or the other, instead of trying to do both.

    Second, I'm going to give an honest bit of feedback.  Your initial belief seemed to be that Harem Heroes had no shortage of Hentai websites to advertise on, while Comix Harem has far fewer XXX Comics websites to work with.  This seems to stem from some idea that you believe you're trying to draw in new customers who haven't heard of the other game.  However, you also recognize that your own game is actively competing for your largest customer base.

    Think of it like a menu.  McDonalds goal in offering the McChicken is not to defeat the Big Mac.  Instead, it is to provide an alternative to the Big Mac so that customers who know about the product and who are not interested enough to buy the Big Mac may still continue to be customers through a different menu option.  Offering Harem Heroes and Comix Heroes should be like an ice cream company offering both Chocolate and Vanilla.  The target audience is essentially the same, and you're playing to interests.

    Point blank, I do not believe that there are more Anime fans than there are Superhero fans in the world.  Look at the money those Marvel movies are making.  Compare the subscription boost that the Marvel shows did to Disney Plus, versus the entire subscription base of anime's Crunchyroll.  Superheroes are more popular in the pop culture zeitgeist.  And it's not like none of those superhero/comic book fans are interested in sex.  Axel Braun's superhero porn parodies basically swept the Adult Film Awards for decades.  Superhero Porn is insanely popular.

    I think you're missing the pulse on Comix Harem.

    Too high a percentage of the girls look like they are basically just Anime girls.  Too much High Fantasy.  And while yes, I realize that Amazons are a thing and Wonder Woman is a pillar of a character, we get a disproportionate number of characters that seem to appeal to these nitches, and not enough that actually focus on what the comic book fans want:  COMIC BOOK STUFF.  Do more direct parody of relevant comic book stuff at the time when it's relevant.

    I remain baffled why, when huge blockbusters like Spiderverse were releasing in theatres, the Comix Harem events for the month was not characters meant to capitalize on Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Jessica Drew, Spider-Punk, etc.  Nope.  We got a Summer Beach event, where we were given heroes in swimsuits... so they didn't even really look like superheroes.

    Those are some of the biggest problems.  When a huge superhero event happens, you're frequently not releasing a tie-in.  Instead, a lot of the time it feels like we're just getting some generic anime stuff.  The Comix Harem fans are here for Comics related content; the retention of Comix Harem players won't be solid if it isn't actually embracing their interest.  Mechanically the game is basically identical to Harem Heroes, so the difference maker has to be the content.  And that's one of the bigger places where you drop the ball.

    Listen, I'm an 80s kid as well, so I love Terminator and Aliens and all those great 80s action movies.  But when you make an event a release a month's worth of girls following that theme, you know what it functionally becomes?  A bunch of generic army looking girls.  It's a girl with a gun, and there is no comic book relevance.  And that's where you're not holding the attention of your players.

    I spend probably $100 a month on Comix Harem.  Not a ton, but enough that I get anything I'm interested in.  And yet I find that there are SEVEN of the MYTHIC girls who I didn't bother to get, because even though statistically they are the most powerful, at an immediate glance I saw they had no comic book relevance and I decided I didn't care enough to spend a bunch of money to get them, and then a bunch of money/time to level them, so that I could be stuck using a girl on my team who doesn't even look like she belongs in a comic book.  That is just missed money.

    For heaven's sake, I would have bought the cosmetics to re-outfit Wildman years ago if I had the option to, but you don't have any unlockable costume stuff for him.


    A subtle change that you can do that I think could accomplish in part your hopes regarding the recycled pose base with outfit changes... Do that as the standard for seasonal outfits.  If you're going to make Bikini versions for Summer, and Halloween Costume versions for Halloween, and Christmas outfits and Back To School outfits and all sorts of holiday outfits for the girls... put THOSE outfits onto the models that are already drawn.  You know, too often those seasonal outfits are attached to a different art job so that even if we like the outfit, the girl wearing it is almost unrecognizeable.  If you manage to win me over with a character and make me really like Darkling, then make sure that when you do some silly outfit for her, it still looks recognizably like her.


    Lastly, I'd reach out to various Adult Comics and see if an arrangement can be made for "content sharing".  I've seen it very popular in the adult comics I follow on Patreon and Kickstarter.  You shoot an email to Brad Guigar and say "Here's our XXX superhero game.  Can we include a few of your characters?  We'll add a link to your Patreon in the characters' character bio.  Fans of our game check out your comic; fans of your comic check out our game."  Evil Inc, Nothing-Man, Fox & Hound, Blue Bombshell, basically everything Avatar Press makes, etc.  You could actually get licensed characters into your game from these indy books that embrace mature content.

    It feels like you look at the success of Harem Heroes, and you try your hardest to make Comix Harem into Harem Heroes.  But the fans who are paying you money for Comix Harem are not the people who just want to play more Harem Heroes.  They are the people who love comic books and superheroes, and don't necessarily give a crap about the anime stuff.  Embrace your fanbase and give them what they want, instead of trying to repeat what works for a different audience.

    People aren't playing your game because the mechanics and gameplay is so awesome and engaging.  They're playing it for the girls.  If you drop the ball on the girls, nothing else is going to make up for that.

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  3. In HH, there are costumes that we can unlock/purchase to change the appearance of our avatar.  It's just hat, outfit, and held item, but it's something.

    In CxH, those costume slots are present, but there is nothing else that can be unlocked there.

    In PSH, there isn't even the default costume available in CxH, and instead it's all blacked out.

    I understand not wanting to devote resources and assets into pursuing this part of the game at the cost of advancing other more popular or more used options.  I know that resources are finite, and there is only so much staff, so much art, etc.

    My idea is pretty simple.

    The MYTHIC level gear, you have to draw a picture of it that appears on the icon anyways.  Just orientate it in such a way that it could be layered onto our Avatar.  Then we can unlock those Mythic outfits as components to make our own appearance.

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  4. Getting Space Lady from the Sexy Visitors, we have to complete the Cobalt Crawler Champions Battle.  The event runs 9 days.  We get 9 chances.  It can only drop on stages 1-4, not stage 5, so you actually only get 7-8 chances.  It gives the 35 shards per drop, so you only need 3 drops to occur out of the 7-8 chances.

    I am currently on my 9th attempt, and I've got zero.  And I'll keep on doing the resets and trying until I get it, but that's not the point.

    It was the same last month.  Took over 15 tries (three full rotations through the boss).

    You can say RNG or whatever, this isn't my first online game.  But it's bad design.  If the drop rates are not going to be in line with what is actually reasonable, then just fix it in general.  Instead of 35 shards as a random drop 40% of the time, just give us 12 shards every time, in addition to the non-event reward.  Complete the Champion fight 9 times and it's a done deal.

  5. I am very glad that we got the Venom/Carnage parody character during the same month as the Venom 2 film.  That is a good example of doing a tie-in, without officially doing a tie-in.

    I hope in the future we see similar parody characters drop at times when they feel culturally relevant.  Especially for events where we will get only a single girl, those events feel very disappointing if the single girl available isn't even recognizable as anything from comic books.  Obscure indy characters are great for multi-girl events, but things like Legendary Days and Legendary Contests should try to do something a bit mainstream so that they don't end up feeling like a letdown.

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