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Posts posted by Yopos

  1. 18 hours ago, preceptor said:

    Regarding paths of attraction, the way it is designed it inadvertantly puts players who have been active at a disadvantage. I will give 2 examples.

    Example 1: Sell items. Players who actually use their items as they win them have a mich harder time with this than players who stockpile.

    Example 2: win pvp in arena or leagues. Players who have competed actively in leagues and are now in a very advanced league have a much harder time than players who ignore leagues when there is no path of attraction event. I, for example, am extremely active in leagues all the tume amd as such am in a more advanced league than almost anyone with my stats. Last week, i challenged every single member of my league the maximum 3 times and won a total of 8 contests all week. I finished 72nd and did not get demoted. This kind of activity is being penalized by paths of attraction.

    All in all, i think paths of attraction has potential but needs some major overhaul to reward activity.

    well, knowing about path of attraction, you can change your strategy for the next time... e.g. I sell my +3 affection flowers which I do not use for upgrading the girls immediately, but safe them for the last 10 attraction points or path of attraction events, as it appears now... and the path of attraction allows planning, too. if you do not attack beatable players in the first run, but only later when you need the pvp wins, the job gets much easier... 

    • Like 1
  2. I like the feedback option!

    I'm not entirely sure about the contest info, I think it's a bit waste of time (I was pretty well aware about the contest points, before),
    but I like the Path of Attraction info.

    actually, I'd like to comment on a previous update: Arena fights are IMHO pretty worthless now - after I levelled my 3 combat team girls (which I do not change much), it's just Mojo, which is not very important ... there should at least be some player XP for arena fighting...

    • Like 12
  3. I'm a bit dissappointed about the "information" provided in the case of a loss.

    I don't care much about the probability of girl's drops, I'm pretty fine with the status quo - it's a bit hard, but if it's too easy, it's boring, too...

    but the information in case of a loss is not really helpful - after a short while everybody knows how to improve his stats,
    this way it's just annoying, every time the same old info... and it's also about the size - the "hints" are covering more space than the results...

    What would help is giving a hint why a specific battle was lost - e.g. "improve your harmony", or "improve your charme", or whatever...


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