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Everything posted by Sarkasth

  1. critical dmg is dmg....but critical one. like...more..... and u dont really want it. its capped at 25% and u get it eventually no matter what
  2. guess u didnt read the story very well then.
  3. http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Boosters
  4. That bug was reported at some other point before. will probably be fixed eventually.... I would prefere the term "hollow" kinda like in Dark Souls, but its also Navel in the french original so its more or less an original name that cant be translated.
  5. there are 3 regular drops for each boss. If u didnt get them yet, you can still drop them. Indeed. If you talk about event specific girls: you'll have to wait for another event.
  6. wait.... are you making a complain that the "cooming soon" scroll is not accessible? You do know what "comming soon" means, do you? It will open tomorrow, as far as i know...
  7. wrongly? misleading? every item shown in the pachinko prizelist is in the pool. how is that misleading? Not every of that silver balls contains a girl, so what. Nobody said the opposite. The prizelist below bosses is for questitems (like you already said) and for the girls. Before your first drop it shows you that drops even exist. You know....there was a time when you didnt get the first girls that fast. Later its still kinda usefull, because when you come back to an earlier boss you instantly see if a girl is still available. Otherwise you would have to look for them in the harem list (sorted by the date you got them. so it can be kinda messy) and compare it to the ones shown in the boss team. Could be kinda annoying when you have a high number of girls....
  8. didnt get a single grunt girl in my first playthrough aswell. had to come back way later. its nothing unusual to get no drops for a while.
  9. martial artits win tournaments, tomb raiders find artifacts, builders build things, pirates steal things, princesses get taxes, and there are some pretty obvious jobs like secretary, flight attend, teacher ect. ( ' - ')
  10. there are scenes if you upgrade them by giving them gifts from the market. They usually contain some sex, not animated tho.
  11. thats kinda another topic but no: not everyone had those icons. it was a bug and should already be fixed.
  12. i heavily doubt thats the problem here. the levels are not spread thin enough and this problem already existed when the cap was lv 40
  13. since rebalance some equipements randomly costs kobans. its no bug. its a feature.
  14. ur fault is to believe u could do something wrong/right
  15. its not useless. its just very very very very inefficient and shouldnt be used in the current state....
  16. day 3 of the event is still less than 1 month ago. looks fine to me.
  17. you are just spoiled by the early game. thats all. its normal and "for days" is not even close to be considered as "unlucky". a drop should happen in less than 1 month. everything else is rng
  18. look at your class. take the strongest girls with your class attribute. (best as alpha) done.
  19. numbers for drops were and probably still are 300fights and higher. even after the rebalance there is no guarantee. come back when u r 3weeks of constant battle without a drop. thats the point i would start wondering
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