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Posts posted by Chrystoph

  1. 3 hours ago, Liliat said:

    Not necessarily: you often have similar goals of different rarities, which you can complete in parallel. For example, I need to win Seasons 10, 15 and 20 times, for a total of 60 Potions. So, 6 times the potions for 4 times the difficulty, compared to a single common "5 wins in seasons".

    Apples and oranges comparison. Your comparison is a (potential, not guaranteed) summary of effort, not an evaluation of individual rewards.

    If a "5 wins challenge" rewards 10 potions, then why would I think it was a good value for a "15 wins challenge" to produce 20 potions?

    The Return on Investment (my time) has deprecated from 2 potions per win to 1 1/3 for an increased effort.

    • Thinking 1
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  2. On 1/21/2022 at 7:05 AM, Liliat said:

    It seems that rewards directly depend on rarity: Common = 10 points, Rare = 15, Epic = 20, Legendary = 25

    I feel that this system is broken. Three or four times the effort should generate more than 2 to 2.5 times the reward.

    I realize that the system generates more than enough reward to complete the requirements if you complete the daily assignments, but a decreasing reward in relation to the amount of investment is sort of a theme with this game's development, and it can be rather discouraging.

    • Hug 1
    • Surprised :O 1
  3. So, in the last 12 hours of the event...

    I haven't kept track of how many times I've run a 10 pack, but most of them haven't given even a single shard. I have a total of 07 shards for all of my efforts. I am not whinging, I am merely stating facts.


    When I look at the event, at no time in the last day has the shard count zeroed out. It is currently sitting at 42405.


    This means one of two things:

    • Either the odds of success are sufficiently low that the game is not running out of resources
    • The players aren't willing to expend assets (Kobans/money) to mine the game because they don't feel a reasonable return on investment

    In either case, I think it might reasonably be considered feedback on a poorly designed event.

    For me, it is simply another uncompleted acquisition, probably without future opportunity.

  4. Logged in this morning, went through all of the usual tasks, got on the Pachinko and found that my cache of Epics had vanished.

    I have one that I got as part of clearing the Places of Power this morning; I haven't used them in a while, and, suddenly they are gone.

    If they have become perishable, I guess I missed the note. Otherwise, I'd kind of like to get them back.

  5. 2 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

    @Chrystoph Please use the suggestion form to make a suggestion, or post in the Ideas Main big brainstorm thread under Suggestions. Don't make dupe threads. I've merged the few posts from your dupe thread into this one, which already elaborated on the points you made.

    Sorry, I was running without caffeine this morning. I thought I hit the Suggestions, must have mis-clicked.

    • Like 1
  6. In the current system, the upper limit on shards progresses, but the lower limit stays at 1.

    I would like to suggest that the system be modified so that every other progression raises the lower limit by one.

    Ex: starting value is 1 to 3, first progression - 1 to 5, second progression 2 to 5, etc

    This gives a definitive progress that rewards participation without making it a gimme. The effort would still be required, but the payout better justifies the expenditure.

    • Like 1
  7. Untouchable Virgo, just rubbish. I get it, we're talking sex as opposed to relationships, but after the third time someone compares me to someone else, it's time to bail.

    Even if you haven't gone off on side missions, or done the back trail grind, you have a harem in excess of 20 girls. You are not some random horny teen that jumps at every offer of sex, you are a confident young man that has bedded goddesses, demons, and other Powers.

    There's a joke on the other side of this, If you think your woman is being too passive, call out her best friend's name and hang on while she tries to buck you off.

    The woman in the story keeps calling someone else's name, time to buck off!

  8. Thank you for your response. I am aware of the leveling mechanism. The fallacy in your statement, though, is that, if you are not getting a shard result in the first place, leveling is not getting you any more shards.

    I went an entire month on the second and third girl without getting a single shard, getting an average of two cycles per day; they are both L7, and spending 3,600 on each of them did nothing to change that situation.

    My OP numbers were a random throw out, but I meant what I said about improving chances. The cost could always be tweaked.

  9. Multiple Purple Hard Core and Romance girls, one Gold Know How.

    The event isn't even worth wasting time on except as a possible revenue mining, and I can just continue to grind the unclaimed Adventure girls to the same result; to wit, another trivial girl in the harem providing money.

    Oh, and spare me writing about the fact that only 5 star girls matter. The argument is fallacious because it ignores anyone that isn't already at that level, meaning you are ignoring a statistically significant portion of the player base to make it.

    • Haha 1
    • Thinking 3
  10. In the Spend Energy (VII) contest, I was using the Great Ball 10 packs to make progress. After spending 6 of them, I went to ensure that they were showing up in the contest. I have 60 out of 110.

    Unfortunately, the contest is now not accepting ANY of the ball spend, meaning that the remaining 3x 10 packs were not counted, nor were singles from Epic and Mythic.

    As a result, I won't be able to complete VII and continue on.

    • Haha 2
  11. The point you appear to be missing is that I can grind for revenue generators without an Event.

    As to Effort != Quality, it isn't meant as a defense, which implies that I feel vulnerable, but rather that I feel affronted with the casual dismissal of my effort by someone that is a representative of the company in the forums, volunteer or otherwise.

    Additionally, if you want to be taken seriously, mayhaps you should leave the ad hominem attacks out of your "advice". After all, being off putting while you are also being condescending more or less guarantees that you won't be taken seriously.

    Oh, look, I used every one of your trite methods against you. If you want to be insulting, do try for something a bit better than out of hand dismissals. After all, while you made volume, your Appeals to your own Authority, restructuring of the argument to address issues I didn't bring up, and Appeals to Ridicule are classic low hanging fruit for forum trolls, although (my turn for a fallacy, specifically, Damning with Faint Praise) your grammar is better than most trolls I have encountered.

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  12. Why would a decent moderator do nothing but belittle someone that took the time to write?

    I expect harassment from munchkins, but having a designated moderator write something that is nothing but negativity AND projects a DILLIGAF attitude on behalf of the developers lacks professionalism. I should also point out that your commentary, in addition to being offensive, doesn't address the issue I wrote about in the first place.

    To refrain, I am not talking about the number of girls in the game that are five star legendary, I am talking about excluding elements of your player base from the game play by only offering Villain grinds for certain classes of girls in an Event. Specifically, while Hardcore has two girls and Romance has one, Know-How has no Legendary girls available for grinding.

    • Thanks 1
    • Thinking 2
    • Sad 1
  13. For several of the last Special Events, the Legendary level Girls have been discriminatory in that the Know-How focused girls are only available in Pachinko while the other two categories can be acquired through Villain grinds. In the current Event, Hardcore has two Villain grinds while Know-How has none.

    I understand that the RNG is a large part of your methodology, but at least make certain you aren't completely excluding entire elements of you player base from the competition.

    • Thinking 2
  14. In the last League, the Tower of Fame allowed me to purchase a 15 Challenge Refill when I only had one person left. As a result, I had 12 Challenge tokens that I Could Not spend.

    I am believe that the system needs to perform a check against remaining Challenges, and, if there are not 15 left, it should offer a prorated refill of what is available. The logic is at least partially already there in the fact that the 15 Challenge button disappears if there are not 15 Challenges to perform.

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