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Je crée ce topic car j'ai vu que certains/certaines ce demander de quelle manga/jeu les haremettes était elle tiré. En voici les réponses monde par monde, image à l'appuis Monde de Bégin City Notre chère Bunny proviens du personnage Naru Narusegawa du shonen Harem Love Hina ============ Juliette quand à elle est une parodie de Nico Robin du manga One piece ============== Red Battler est la parodie du personnage de Mai Shiranui tiré des jeu king of fighters ============ et pour finir avec ce 1er monde Ankyo est la parodie de Rei Ayanami de l'anime/manga Neon Genesis Evangelion =============
I was just wondering if the girls from previous events will ever come back. Because I saw that Justine was available during the back to school events, but there wasn't a back to school for 2020 and with the path of attraction, is there a way to get the girls from the previous path of attractions. Sorry if this is a dumb question.
Salut, Est ce normal que toutes les filles de l'event en cours "Panthéon de l'amour" aient des stat qui ne correspondent pas à leur catégorie ? Bonne journée.
Après avoir les des envies d'échanges (impossibles) entre Samane et la geekette, je me suis demandé quelle fille de l'événement en cours vous auriez aimé récupéré hors du pachinko événementiel. N'oublions pas non plus notre Leeditt, l'outsider. Ne parlons pas des filles événementielles soit disant prioritaires au pachinko épique. Petit sondage qui ne rapporte aucun koban. C'est juste pour satisfaire ma curiosité.
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After a lot of fights I have finally make all the boss girls join my harem! The last one was the housemaid, which I left behind long ago, but she is mine now! I have 68 girls at this moment, one left for the magical number So keep fighting those bosses guys, the ladies will eventually fall for your manliness
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- haremettes
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At long last, my Charm Hero over on Nutaku (currently lv.205) got his 100th Haremette! (Well, she would be my 101st, but Fanny & Fione only count as one, so...) Also, I find it quite fitting how Oxton just happens to be an Epic Charm-type haremette. That certainly makes for a fitting 100th entry, I reckon.
I thought I'd share some girls' resemblance to anime characters below. Easter Bunny VS Ryofu Housen from the anime Ikkitousen
I'd very much like to know whether the Legendary 5-Star girls will ever come back after the Charm class one's been released. Could it happen all over again next year, if not already this year? I only want my hope stabilized please. Cheers
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- haremettes
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Imagine 2 players, Klink an Klonk. Their accounts are like clones, equal in absolutly all details. Except that Klonk has more 10 girls (all with zero affect and in level 1). How these extra girls can help Klonk?
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- haremettes
- usefull
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Hello guys. A question for 40+ girls' players. How are your drop rates for trolls' girls? I have 45 girls, and when I got to the 40 girl mark, my drop rates became nearly nonexistent. I play a lot, and I mean a lot. I wake up every two hours, on all nights, to play hentai hero... well, my wife is the one who actually wakes me up with her snoring, and playing hentai heroes is just an excuse I use to feel that I'm doing something useful and fun every time I wake up so I don't wake up angry and frustrated and wanting to murder the woman for not letting me sleep... the point is that I use almost all my combativity all the time, and yet, in the last month and a half I have only gotten one trolls' girl. The only reason I got to 45, and didn't stay at 40 (or 41 with the girl I did get), is because of the event girls, those drop nicely, and I keep getting them every 2 event days, and a pachinko one I got while trying to get Vechta and failing miserably (at least I did get a pachinko only girl, so not everything was lost). Now, I calculate that the last month and a half I must have played around 3,000 times, and with only one girl, we're talking about a drop rate of 0.03%. But with only one single success, my experiments aren't close to being statistically accurate, so I wanted to ask, how are the rest of the guys doing? By the way, I don't know if the quantity of the trolls' girls is more important than the overall quantity of girls, but I have 19 trolls' girls, only lacking 2 from Hamelin and the 3 from the new area.
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- haremettes
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Si nos Haremettes devaient développer (ou accentuer) une attirance pour d'autres filles du Harem, quels couples verriez-vous se former, et pour quelles raisons ? Bon jeu à tous !
J'ai une question qui me trotte dans la tête depuis hier c'est peut être con et je m'en excuse. Mais quelqu'un sait t'il si le taux de drops qui augmente à chaque défaite contre un boss, est t'il valable pour le pachinko épique ? Je veux dire par la, après par exemple 100 combats contre un boss sans récupérer des filles, aurais je plus de chance au pachinko d'en avoir une ou pas ? (Bon ca m'étonnerais vu que c'est semblable à un jeux de loterie, mais je cherche quand même une réponse ^^).
- 10 replies
- pachinko
- haremettes
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Cela peut paraitre contraire à l'esprit du jeu, mais je propose l'idée tout de même : Certaines de nos Haremettes peuvent ne pas correspondre à nos attentes : rentabilité faible, mauvaise spécialisation et/ou plus simplement look pas vraiment en rapport avec nos goûts. Alors voilà : si l'on considère que plus nous détenons de Haremettes, plus l'investissement coûte cher (presque 5 millions pour la dernière étoile de Red Battler à mon niveau ), pourquoi ne pourrait-on pas se séparer de certaines de nos Haremettes pour voir baisser le coût de nos conquêtes actuelles et futures ? Nous conserverions ainsi nos filles favorites pour les rendre expertes et les étoiler d'avantage. Je sais, je sais : en plus de manquer de respect pour les Haremettes, j'évoque le rétropédalage du jeu...
so Ive searched around the forums a while and not found anything dorectly addressing my virtent issue. Im on the first new world of missions and have aquired a total of 5 members in my harem. But when I go to “My Harem” ingame, it only shows the original three I teceived in the intro quests that are bringing im miney and such for me. thougb when I go to the upgrade page I can select the other two by clicking wither side arrow. So how do I get then to show on my main harem screen and start helping to contribute and make me monry and such? if there’s already been a thread for this Im sorry I hust couldnt find it and I looked for almost a half hour.