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Hentai Clicker closed beta survey results


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Hello, dear hero!

It's amazing to see you clicking so hard on these nasty girls! You remember taking a survey...


What Survey?
The survey’s purpose was to collect your feedback and know more about your desires concerning our newest project - Hentai Clicker. The survey was answered by more than 130 players. We’d like to share the most important questions and answers with you, but we’re going to keep the “Personalized section” unshared, since we have received personal messages that we’d like to answer directly.

And The Results Are…

Our first question was about your time spent on Hentai Clicker, this way we can evaluate your progression in-game and manage to see the different issues on the different levels of the game.



Forms response chart. Question title: How long are you testing the game?. Number of responses: 138 responses.


All of you were invited from Hentai Heroes, so it’s interesting for us to know what type of a player you are and what are your other interests.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you play this type of game?. Number of responses: 144 responses.


Connected to the previous question, we’d like to compare the percentage of you that don’t usually play clickers by the percentage of players that don’t enjoy playing Hentai Clicker. Our main goal is to create such a cool clicker game that would eventually hook up even the ones that are not into clickers. We will work on that.

Forms response chart. Question title: Does Hentai Clicker make you wet? (does it engage you?). Number of responses: 144 responses.


With the next two questions, we also want to know if the features we’re releasing are accepted well. Here your answers are really positive and we can only see more room for improvement.

Forms response chart. Question title: How about the sexual powers?. Number of responses: 144 responses.


There is a rebalance of the boosters going on right now.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you like the boosters?. Number of responses: 144 responses.


We were expecting more of “I want to play more” answers :( Nevertheless, this is only showing that what we have is already good, but we need to aim higher.

Forms response chart. Question title: Your feeling when playing?. Number of responses: 144 responses.


We’re actually satisfied to see that most of you rate the game with 4, this is already really high.


Forms response chart. Question title: From 1 to 5 your experience was?. Number of responses: 144 responses.


We know that coming from Hentai Heroes you’d expect more content than what’s available in Hentai Clicker. Seeing your ratings helped us and we’re now working on adding more visual content to the game. Meaning more kinky images and dirty girls texts. We know what you like ;) We will serve it to you, my dear!


Forms response chart. Question title: Rate the storytelling aspect.. Number of responses: 138 responses.


We’re currently working on bringing new balance to what we already have, such as: the sexual powers - their timing, their strength, artefacts - their strength. Next to that we’re drafting new features, for now we can share the next big release: there will be a gacha minigame added to Hentai Clicker.

Forms response chart. Question title: Rate the features.. Number of responses: 144 responses.


We aim at design that will be recognized and loved by you. The ratings here are showing that we’re on the right path.

Forms response chart. Question title: Rate the design of the game.. Number of responses: 144 responses.


Really appreciated.

Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to recommend it to a friend?. Number of responses: 142 responses.


We recognize your needs and we will work on bringing the best experience to you. That will happen by first, adding more and more content to the game. More scenes and more dirty talkings. Our art team is already producing them, I want to say that I’ve seen some of the new texts and they’re f...ing hot!!!!!! They’re going to make a big difference in the overall experience. But we also know that you’re gamers… you need great gaming aspects as well. The new balance that we’re drafting will be interesting for you. Hopefully, when all the changes are applied to the game, you will enjoy destroying your mouses in excitement! Hehe!!
*We’re not thinking about opening a mouse producing company for now… but there’s always the talk for that!! ;)

Our first priority will be to work on your feedback and improve the game, and here’s where I need to share a few words. Your support and continuing tests are shaping the game and helping us a lot. And a small company like ours needs players’ support. 

Thank you for your time, your efforts and your feedback.

Stay tuned for more updates,
Jessie Kinkoid



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